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Everything posted by Rick

  1. Oh please...Look it's rather obvious some of you rabid right wingers are desperate to help defend a known terrorist supporter in order to further your cause.. But spare us the bs intimidation threats mmkay? They don't work.
  2. Resorting to personal attacks now? Right in line with what one expects of the Harper bandwagon.As for starting idiotic topics....I'll leave that for the moonbat right wing wackos here. It's their forte.
  3. So you're saying that multiple media outlets are reporting it wrong then? LOL, ok then. Btw, when you have a Con organizer actively encouraging a group of trained seals to drown out an important question being asked about a Conservative candidate’s endorsement by a man directly tied to financing the Air India terrorist attack.... You could easily consider it mob like tactics.
  4. Your partisan delusions are duly noted And dismissed as one more example of how you Conservatives can't move past being held accountable for your own disgraceful record.
  5. I know of at least 25 votes myself who have said they're ready to give the NDP a shot now after watching their lifestyles diminish greatly under Harper's watch.Jack cares about the working man unlike Harper who has done nothing to help keep jobs here in Canada. Look no further than his complete capitulation to the U.S. on the soft wood lumber issue.
  6. I hate to break it to you Scotty but Chretien's not running for public office.Really, you Conservatives should try and move past the worn out "but the Liberals did so and so when they were in power" excuse for your party's disgraceful record of their own. Remember, Harper promised to be better than they were..and he has failed Canadians miserably. (Btw...don't mistake my loathing for what Harper's fascist thugs stand for as being supportive of Iggy's Liberals. Jack's got my vote so you're barking up the wrong tree there pal)
  7. Well if there was nothing to hide, then why were the Conservatives so deathly afraid to allow a CBC reporter to ask the question of Harper that they once again resorted to mob tactics... Source
  8. See Rob, that's what the Harper Conservatives do. They play fast and loose with the rules and when caught plead ignorance while casting blame for their being caught at the media who were simply doing their job.See: Bruce Carson, Maxime Bernier, Gavan Paranchothy, Rahim Jaffer etc.....
  9. ...Keep making excuses in a weak attempt to deflect the truth away from them knowing full well that it's no secret that the Harper Conservatives are behind these intimdation tactics.Just look at the way the Conservatives have tried to use intimdation tactics throughout Harper's reign of terror...
  10. Typical thug mentality that you'd expect from that of a party filled with racist, fascist supporters.Violence isn't too far off sad to say. All one has to do is look to the right wing wackos down south to see where Harper's goons are taking this...
  11. I remember Conservatives villifying Martin and the Liberals for this.Which makes this all the more hypocritical of the Harper Conservative faithful to now be supportive of their own party actually running a candidate with clear ties to the terrorist organization which the Harper government themselves put on the list of banned organizations in this country. As I said previously, apparently terrorism support is acceptable as long as you're doing it in support of team Harper.
  12. King? We don't need no stinking king...Abolish that rediculous pomp and tax dollar waste. And while we're at it, the bloated conservative pork barrel'd senate too.
  13. I'm saying that the Conservative party of Canada is supporting a candidate who is known to have supported a terrorist organization.Sure says a lot that they would turn a blind eye to his terrorism supporting activities in order to garner some ethnic votes. In other words...supporting terrorism is acceptable as long as you're on team Harper's side.
  14. So that makes it acceptable and honourable for the Conservatives to support this guy as their candidate then?
  15. You're not wrong. Well unless you would make the same mistake and vote for him again.That whole fool me once shame on you...fool me twice thing...
  16. No arguements here Toad. Time to bring in a fresh face and not the same worn out 1950's Leave it to Beaver, mommy stays home pregnant and cooking dinner for family crowd.We need a progressive approach, not more regression back to an outdated failed conservative ideology.
  17. Something about pot/kettle here... So by your Conservative math/logic... Harper must have had a majority then lol. Perhaps that explains the sheer arrogance/ignorance they had towards such things like democracy, the way parliament works and our constitution.
  18. |Ah yes the common twisting of facts which Conservatives are known for and love to use..Ok, let me explain it in a way that even Conservatives cannot dispute it. The majority of Canadians chose not to vote for Harper and what he stands for.
  19. It's looking much like any other country in history where a zealot rose to power and wiped out dissenters through one means or the other...Gulags and concentration camps come to mind...
  20. Anything else like our constitution for which Harper has shown nothing but contempt for.
  21. Apparently August you don't understand about 60% of your fellow Canadians who represent a majority. I guess that explains what is wrong with the 'intolerant Right'. They are unwilling to accept that a clear cut majority of intelligent people DO disagree with their outdated ideology.
  22. And those same social conserative supporters is the same wing from which Harper gained control of the party. It's his very base and those with whom he identifies most with.
  23. Read the rest of the truth that the Conservative party has a terrorism supporting candidate running for them here
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