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Everything posted by rbacon

  1. The CWB doesn't poll all farmers either they only send out ballots to those holding a CWB license.......They are not all farmers.....The CFIB poll is a true random poll of all farmers across Alberta and the Prairies paid for by the Alberta Government......A true random sample.....The Commie Wheat Board is done like dinner....Bury the body....
  2. The fact is the CWB does not publise that all farmers are entitled to vote in their elections...They know what the results would be....Hopefully when Harper's Government polls us the Western Farmers he polls all of us on what to do with the Communist Wheat Board and we will vote overwhelmingly to make it dual marketing or shut it down...If he doesn't shut it down we will go to court and force it upon Ontario and Quebec....In anycase Alberta could be opting out of the Communist Wheat Board under Stelmach...We already have the legislation in place.....
  3. You can find that survey here on the Alberta Government Agriculture site......http://www.choicematters.gov.ab.ca/news_detail.cfm?story_id=184 It is truly amazing how Communists twist the facts to suit their own purpose.....Western farmers want choice in selling their own property.....Goodbye Communist Wheat Board....
  4. An independant survey by CFIB finds that 89% of Alberta farmers want the CWB either gone completely or as a dual sytem, the average over the prairies is 80% want choice and not necessarily the CWB......This survey was commissioned by the Alberta Government by the CFIB.......Goodbye Communist Wheat Board.....CFIB Survey Results - December 6, 2006 The Canadian Federation of Independent Business (CFIB) issued a news release on December 6, 2006 with results from the latest survey regarding wheat and barley marketing and the role of the Canadian Wheat Board (CWB). According to the survey, CFIB agri-business members responded the following way: 80% want the option to market wheat and barley outside the CWB 16% do not want the option of marketing outside the CWB 4% don't know 60% feel that it is important that the CWB remains a marketing option By Province: Alberta: 89% want marketing choice, 8% do not (3% don't know) Saskatchewan: 77% want marketing choice, 21% do not (2% don't know) Manitoba: 70% want marketing choice, 26% do not (4% don't know) For more information on this survey including the news release and survey results, visit CFIB's website and see the December 6, 2006 news release: CFIB Website
  5. This thread should be titled why did the Liberals kill the CWB...Because it was the Liberals that signed onto the WTO and the WTO ruled against the CWB......Anyways it will be good when it is gone.....[he Wheat Growers note that implementing marketing choice will not require any legislative amendments. The federal government simply needs to harmonize the regulations in western Canada with those now in place for farmers in Ontario. This can be achieved by instructing the CWB to provide export permits at no cost to farmers and the private trade, and to allow domestic processors the ability to purchase wheat and barley directly from farmers and grain companies. “The Wheat Growers are prepared to work with the government to ensure there is a smooth transition to marketing choice,” says Jolly-Nagel. “Our objective is to ensure the CWB is reformed in a manner that best serves western farmers.”]
  6. The Liberals already killed the CWB in 2004 when they signed onto the WTO agreement..See deal here.....http://www.wbga.org/10-22-04.pdf..Harper is just burying the stinking Communist Wheat Board's body.....As for Stephane Dion, when that French Poodle stands up and tells all the farmer's in Quebec and Ontario that they will be forced to sell their wheat trough the CWB or go to jail, maybe he will have some credibility....So far he doesn't seem to know whether he is wiping his butt or blowing his nose......
  7. The wheat board is dead meat get over it, it has been ruled against by the WTO.....The Commies are toast....
  8. If the CWB is not made voluntary then it should be challenged in the courts and forced upon all farmers in Canada...Let us see how Dion will spoon feed that one to Quebec.......Time has Come for Flexibility Rolf Penner for the Calgary Herald The outdated monopoly power of the Canadian Wheat Board (CWB) sits like a wet blanket over the entire Prairie economy. From plant breeders through to the farm gate and on to our rural communities, into our cities and right to our ports, the dampening effect is widespread, pervasive and tangible. By keeping their election promise to give farmers marketing choice, the federal Conservatives could give that blanket a well-deserved airing. A monopoly might have been appropriate in the days when the CWB negotiated five-year contracts for millions of tonnes sold to the Soviet Union - for many of which, incidentally, we ware still waiting to be paid. It is not a necessary tool for negotiating small, single-lot sales into individual flour mills in niche markets. Yet that is what the Board's own sales records show is the trend: selling more of less, that is, smaller amounts to more customers. Equally important in this fast-moving environment is the fact we are no longer the lowest-cost producer of grain in the world. We must compete instead on the basis of identify preservation of specific traits, tractability programs and precise quality standards for each shipment. The current CWB model was built for large bulk exports. It is not able to compete as successfully in these new, specialty, high-end world markets. Some fear that tinkering with the board's monopoly power would result in the loss of jobs. The truth is that under the current arrangement, we have been bleeding jobs for decades. The grain industry is steadily consolidating because of the lack of access to these opportunities. We continue to lose farmers because they cannot pursue new markets, at home or abroad. Value-added processing - including flour mills, pasta plants, malting facilities or a wide range of specialty products - is currently being stifled. We should be exporting meat pies, not bulk wheat and live animals. And the development of new wheat and barley varieties, especially high-yielding ones for feeding livestock and new uses such as nutraceuticals and bio-energy is currently hampered by a bias towards the grains the CWB sold in the good old days. In Australia, farmer Doug Cush recently fulfilled a dream our producers would love to emulate. He opened his own flour mill, the final link in a chain that takes his farm's durum wheat "from the farm gate to the gourmet dinner plate." Due to his comparative advantage, he is successfully selling pasta into Italy, of all places, a feat likened to taking coal to Newcastle. His Bellata Gold pasta is sold in more than 500 stores across Australia, as well as Italy, US, the UK, Dubai and Korea. He is not afraid of the multi-national bogeyman our National Farmers Union is wont to decry. A small farmer, he is not a multi-national. Many claim a dual market in wheat and barley is a metaphysical impossibility, that it won't work, and would be the end of the CWB. They should look at the latest data coming out of the Ontario Wheat Board, whose farmers have been operating in a market-choice environment since 2003. For the 2005-06 crop year, it was back up to handling a third of the total wheat crop, and is expected to make further gains this year. Increased farm confidence in its performance means a record number of acres planted, as well as record yields and record quality. A little choice and a little competition can improve things with amazing speed. Two extreme positions dominate the current CWB debate. One holds that the forced collectivization of wheat and barley growers is for their own good. The other says that the federal government has no business being involved in the marketing of grain in any way whatsoever. To their credit, the Harper Conservatives have found a sensible, middle-of-the-road compromise between these two extremes, one that recognizes a simple fact. There is no "one right way" to sell wheat that works for everyone. They intend to let the farmers who want to sell their own crops do so, and at the same time let those who are more comfortable having a Crown corporation with a shared governance structure do their marketing, remain under the Board's protective wing. Unfortunately, opponents of modernizing the CWB are forcing the board to remove itself from the technical discussions on its future structure. Instead of completely resisting change, its supporters should allow the CWB the freedom to help design its own future. That flexibility would be in the best interest of our farmers and it would promote rural development across the Prairies by declaring to the world that the wet blanket is off and that Western Canada is now open for business.
  9. Is Mulroney still working for the Powercorp Family Compact along with Chretein, Martin and the Rae family.....
  10. It is good to see the Marxist Measner gone.....The Lefties are lying when they say most Western farmers want the CWB...That is a lie......Most farmers in Alberta quit growing wheat just to escape the Marxist Marketing Board that spends farmers funds on their own Leftwing agenda rather than taking care of the farmers interest......Goodbye Old Commie Measner....And Good Riddenance.....
  11. Because 70% of farmers in the west don't want it, we want dual marketing, not Marxist Marketing.....
  12. Canadians alk about Freedom and Liberty, Lefty on Mapleleaf talks about grammar....Yah Pathetic eh!
  13. Figleaf how can you recieve more than you pay and still contribute...You are not a liar, I would never say that, but you are telling the truth to suit your own purpose and the facts don't bare up your claim......
  14. Why would any adult Canadian man or woman reject this modest proposal for a small step towards righting the democratic wrongs in this country....Be they ever so small.....Canada is an International Embarassment....Always chiding and lecturing but when you strip away the facade and pomp, this is what you have......A man elected by an average of 30,000 voters, the PM who appoints our Head of State...He appoints all of the Heads of States of the Provinces....He appoints 50% of the Government system, all the Senators, who serve until 75 years of age or infirm....He appoints every judge both high and low and far and wide....So that if you live 3,000 miles away the correct local tone is set and the correct values from 3,000 miles away are imposed.....He appoints all of the archaic Privy Council....These are the guys who pass Orders in Council to spent taxdollars raise taxes, create instant law on the spot....All of which is beyond the eyes and review of Parliament and even the Senate.....He appoints the Heads of Hundreds of Crown Corporation, the Golden Trough....He is Elected Royalty.....They all serve at his whim....The elected Parliament, our MP's will lie and promise anything to get elected...Once elected they serve another master, the PM....They will be whipped as he desires and they will do as he tells them not as we desire or want.....On democratic rights Canada is medieval..Even the voting system for the elected part is stacked and packed..PEI with a population less than most Canadian mid sized towns has 4 mps and 4 Senators.....Alberta with 4,000,000 souls gets 28 mp's and 6 senators.....It takes 4 Alberta votes to equal one PEI vote.....Finally we have a man who promiss modest reforms, actually a model on Alberta's Senate Election Process...And Canadians are aghast....The sky is falling.....We are not qualified to vote.....The sky is falling.....Canadians who pay more in taxes than they do for food, shelter, clothing and transportation combined reject the right to start controlling the Leviathan that has evolved over the last 100 plus years... All I can say is pathetic....You all deserve "To Serve At The Oars Of The Slave Ship Canada." the rest of your natural lives.....You are pathetic wretched human beings.....No stirring "Give Me Liberty Or Give Me Death"....No master we prefer "The Floggings Will Continue Until Morale Improves." Better men and woman all over the world down through the years and centuries have fought and died to get the boot of big government off their necks.....Canadians tug their forelocks and kneel and assist with their own hands the placing of the boot on their and their families own necks....."A Slave Is A Man That Waits Upon Another To Set Him Free." Slave, Slavish Pining Slaves.....Pining for the boot up the ass from the Master.....That sums up this generation of Canadians......
  15. Surely this is a joke....Why would he need the notwithstanding clause....The PM is elected by on average 30,000 voters....He already appoints your Head of State the GG..Who he controls and uses to control all of the military power...........He appoints 100% of the Senate which is 30% of the Government....He appoints all of the Judges across the whole land both high and low....He appoints the SCOC Judges.....He appoints all of the Privy Council which make law and spend taxdollars via Orders in Council.....He appoints all of the Heads of States of all of the Provinces.....He appoints the Heads of Hundreds of Crown Corps.....Did I miss anyone....Oh Yah he whips the elected MP's until they do exactly as he says, not what they promised to do for you beofre they were elected.....Surely you jest that he needs the NWC to usurp power......
  16. Jerry go to www.fraserinstitute.ca and click on the link to the full publication pdf file....It is very interesting....Hopefully Harper can push it through before the election.....If Stelmach makes Morton his Intergov Minister, it could easily be forced by Alberta onto the table.....
  17. Equalization payments may not stand up to legal scrutiny Canada News-Wire Thu 07 Dec 2006 Byline: Dateline: VANCOUVER, Dec. 7 Source: Time: 06:00 (Eastern Time) VANCOUVER, Dec. 7 /CNW/ - The long-standing equalization program that sees the federal government provide money to 'have-not' provinces may not be legally enforceable and could contravene Canada's constitution, according to Questioning the Legality of Equalization, a chapter from a forthcoming Fraser Institute book that explores Canada's equalization program. "Many Canadians commonly assume that equalization payments from the federal government to the 'have-not' provinces are required under the constitution. But our research shows this is not the case," said Sylvia LeRoy, co-author of the study and a senior policy analyst with The Fraser Institute. LeRoy and Burton H. Kellock, Q.C., argue that Canada's constitu tional commitment to equalization is a political policy that cannot be enforced by a court of law. This view is shared by prominent legal scholars and supported by the documented intentions of the authorities that debated and ultimately agreed to include equalization in the Constitution Act, 1982. "Although the principle of equalization is included in the Constitution Act, the provincial and federal government representatives that signed the Act believed the details of equalization were open to negotiation. There's absolutely no legally-binding language in the Act that commits the government to fund a certain level of transfers," LeRoy argued. Read whole story at www.fraserinstitute.ca
  18. What Kimmy is suggesting is that we have a civil war.....Legally and constitutionally Albertans own every drop of water every drop of oil not Canadians.......TROC would not go to war over Alberta or anything else.....They couldn't even if they wanted too.....Alberta if we decided to leave already has legal tools at hand if the people decided to go independant....One is by calling a referendum under the Constitution and the other is a UEL which is messy but also legal......
  19. The majority of farmers in Alberta want choice or dual marketing.....The CWB spends farmers money lobbying for their own interests, and not doing their job.....The CWB is doomed by the WTO anyway....Why does the CWB not apply in Quebec and TROC......It is time for change.....Dump the CWB
  20. No to National Daycare, pay for your own daycare......Taxes already consume more of the average Canadian Family budget than food housing, clothing and transportation combined.....Some 850,000 Canadian working poor families each month use foodbanks to stretch their paycheques, because of high taxes and you want to tax them more so you can have National Daycare.....Shame on you.....
  21. Canada is a Confederation of Sovereign Individual Provinces.....Each Province has a Head of State, the LT. Gov...Each Province has an elected Prime Minister, or if you are French Premier.....Each Province has it's own local Parliament.....Each Province has a border.....No Province belongs directlt to Canada.....In fact the people of each Province own that Province......The Parliament at Ottawa doesn't even own the land that the Ottawa Parliament buildings sit on the people of Ontario own that land......And in Alberta the people of Alberta own all the land that the oil sands sit on, not Ft. McMurray... Your argument is childish and immature....No Alberta does not belong to TROC, we are not your chattels, Yes we can leave when we democratically decide to do so......
  22. How would you enforce something like that without Nazi style home invasions?
  23. Actually Trudeau The Great Leader did more to bolster the Tories and Conservative Party support in Alberta when he brought in the Marxist NEP program and destroyed Alberta's economy, than anything the PC's did.....Albertan's hate Liberals to this day for that gross injustice.......
  24. Seeing as they were both owned by Powercorp I think they were both terrible, maybe even crooked.....
  25. Why is Quebec's and Ontario's Hydro-electricity not apart of the equalization calculation? Uh Huh...Alberta should call a binding Referendum under the Clarity Act and begin negotiations to become the Republic of Alberta ASAP....
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