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Status Updates posted by Argus

  1. Old people should get their shopping done before the rest of us get out of work!

  2. One of the California shooters posted a public declaration of allegiance to ISIS on the internet before her death. But don't worry this is has nothing to do with Muslim terrorism.

    1. Show previous comments  20 more
    2. scribblet


      Wonder how long it will be before we hear that the real victims of the San Bernadino jihad are...US Muslims?

    3. BubberMiley


      The real victims might be any of your bearded neighbours who might up late in their garages. Don't let political correctness getcha. Where's a barbaric cultural practices hotline when you need one?

  3. Ontario government to introduce new 5% fuel tax on gasoline and home heating oil. Money to be spent not on balancing their enormous deficit, but on 'new spending initiatives'.

    1. Show previous comments  17 more
    2. Shady


      You wanted him to raise taxes constantly. Even during a global recession. You're a tax n spender.

    3. Smallc


      I wanted him to leave the GST alone. The GST is what allowed the Liberals to leave him a balanced budget.

    4. On Guard for Thee

      On Guard for Thee

      It actually helped them to leave a #13B surplus, which they turned into a deficit by their second budget.

  4. Ontario Liberal incompetence and green energy zealotry costs the average Ontario family $1,188 in extra energy costs every single year.

    1. Boges


      Yeah but Hudak!

    2. drummindiver


      ....and that's just the start. Can I get an oye vei?

  5. Ontario Liberals paid tens of millions in kickbacks to Teachers union in exchange for pro-Liberal advertising, donations and help during elections.

    1. overthere


      Adscam 2016? Was Coderre the bagman?

    2. Boges


      Oh that's more of the same from this party.

  6. Ontario Liberals vow to protect residens of nursing homes better - then cancel yearly inspections to save money.

  7. Ontario rate payers have already spent $37 billion more on electricity than they ought to have due to incompetence and corruption of the Liberal government, and will waste another $100 billion more in the next 15 years

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Argus


      Only a dedicated Liberal could blame Conservatives because the Liberal Party accepted big money from banks and then hired them to sell off Ontario Hydro.

    3. ?Impact


      Sorry Argus, the last major party I voted for in Ontario was the Harris PCs. I was part of the problem for believing his common nonsense.

    4. Ash74



      A Harris deflect 13 years later?

      God I miss him!!!

  8. Ontario Smart Meter program a complete waste of time and money says Auditor General. $2,000,000,000 flushed down the toilet so far and counting.

  9. Ontario taxpayers have spent over $100 BILLION in the last ten years just on paying the interest charges on the provincial debt. A debt which continues to grow larger every year.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Smallc


      Ontario is on track to balance its budget next year - the debt should stop rising for a while.

    3. Smoke


      Smallc now the voice of the Provincial Liberals too!

    4. poochy


      Yes, he's getting better at providing answers to questions no one has asked in an attempt to ignore the point. It's very liberal.

  10. Ottawa police hire incompetent, lying, rejected Somali applicant as police officer to appease Somali community. http://ottawacitizen.com/news/local-news/ottawa-police-background-investigator-resigns-says-somali-canadian-hired-for-political-reasons

    1. Moonlight Graham

      Moonlight Graham

      Don't worry, the white boys club would keep him behind a desk & probably give him a water-gun.

  11. Paid $328.71 in income tax every single day last year.

    1. Show previous comments  21 more
    2. Argus


      I'm not mad at the poor. I'm mad at the government for taxing so much of my money.

    3. Argus


      Yes, CPCFTW, I will eventually accrue money, but not wealth. Oprah Winfrey is rich, but Bill Gates is wealthy. I am not going to be either.

    4. CPCFTW


      You will still have a low effective tax rate when you retire. As you should, unless you feel you haven't paid "your fair share" while working.

  12. Pakistan charges 9 month old baby with attempted murder. What a charming country.

    1. Moonlight Graham

      Moonlight Graham

      You say that now, but have you ever hung out with a Pakistani baby?

  13. Pakistan, one of Canada's main sources of immigrants, with a wonderful culture of tolerance and equality. http://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-36425946

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. overthere


      I know what country of origin means, and I got both the 4% of immigrants stats and the .4% country of origin stats from Statistics Canada.

    3. overthere


      "cultural intolerance and inequality doesn't matter" Sure it matters. I don't agree with conflating a small issue into somehting else. The question is: why do you and the OP?

  14. Paying the bills is not a partisan task. The Republicans are acting like corrupt third world bureacrats, in effect saying "Yeah, I could do my job, but if you want yer little government to keep running, better reach into your pocket and find a little gift to inspire me.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Boges


      They were racking up that debt long before Obama showed up.

    3. sharkman


      Not at almost 3 billion a day, do you know how many trillions under Obama vs all other presidents?

    4. Argus


      The bills that need to be paid are all for services Congress previously approved. That's the end of the story. Pay the bills. If you want to change the laws and programs, then pass new bills. If you can't, elect more people.

  15. PBO says public servants take 11.5 paid sick days a year not the 18.2 Tony Clement claimed. No wonder he has such a long nose.

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Shady


      What everyone is missing in this fuss, is that it's ridiculously high.

    3. cybercoma


      You would think a cabinet minister would check his numbers. To be off by an entire week? No. He's just a liar.

    4. Argus


      It's wrong when you don't know the numbers. It's lying when you have them in front of you.

  16. Peak demand exceeded 23,000 MW only one day this summer, despite parts of the province seeing 35 days with temperatures above 30 C. Yet our installed capacity approaches 40,000 MW so of course Ontario is building more expensive wind power farms.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. poochy


      If you're so desperate to be first, even if it's completely pointless for us to do so seeing as our emissions are a tiny fraction of the globe's, why don't you personally volunteer to take the biggest hit. Nah, you social engineers want to decide for all of us to take that hit, no matter how ridiculous it is.

    3. ?Impact


      The fact that a lot of the nuclear resources are soon going to be decommissioned is irrelevant?

    4. overthere


      So some of us think Ontario should be moving slower t force out the last few manufacturers out of the province. And of course, what modern industry business wouldn't want to invest in a place where they rub balloons in their hair to generate power?

  17. Point Zero makes a lot of jackets and coats. The 'zero' stands for how much insulation is in them and how well they hold back the wind.

  18. poll question. Anyone who takes 'microagression' seriously is a politically correct lunatic.

  19. Poll taken for Toronto Star shows 67% want potential immigrants screened for values. This shows just how far to the left Mapleleafweb has moved in recent years.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. The_Squid


      You want to base government policy on polls?

    3. Smoke


      You want to base government policy on the whims of a minority that feels only "they" have the brains to make policy...as dialamah's post indicates?

    4. Big Guy

      Big Guy

      Makes sense. About 33% of Canadians have a University degree.

  20. Prime minister of a country and you don't even get to pull girls' pony tails? What a gyp!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Argus


      Not in New Zealand, apparently.

    3. Mighty AC

      Mighty AC

      Meh, he repeatedly bothered the girl and it only cost him two bottles of wine and a little bad press.

    4. Mighty AC

      Mighty AC

      Meh, he repeatedly bothered the girl and it only cost him two bottles of wine and a little bad press.

  21. Progressives don't believe in any kind of freedom, least of all freedom of speech. Want to know what happens when progressives get to write laws? http://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-36451693

  22. Progressives share with the most regressive fundamentalists, this tendency to mark off the world into good and evil. It is a nasty phenomenon - Rex Murphy

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. ReeferMadness


      I used to have some respect for Rex but he's gotten nutty as he's gotten older.

  23. Put up his Christmas lights today. Merry Christmas season!

  24. Read much about the politics and economies of South and Central America and you start to feel awfully good about how this country is being run.

  25. Remember when all the lefties were up in arms about the Conservatives 'reducing' the annual health care increases to 3%? Turns out it's fine! No problem! Great idea! Now that Trudeau is in power anyway.

    1. Cum Laude

      Cum Laude

      I find the average candians amusing, This forum reinforces that, eh.

    2. Smoke


      I already posted a link to the story a few days ago and.....crickets. You won't hear much from the left on this. #hypocrasy

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