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Status Updates posted by Argus

  1. French government caught lying about number of Muslim arson attacks on New Years eve. Apparently they tried to downplay the numbers, much like Canadian progressives.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. DogOnPorch


      NP Dhimmied-up quite some time ago now...when they switched from Disqus to Facebook.


    3. ?Impact


      This stupidity has been going on in France for over 25 years. Yes, I am sure that many Muslims were among the perpetrators but the most common thing is that it is disaffected youths. Are you saying the anarchists are all Muslims, where do you get that from?

    4. DogOnPorch


      Apparently the 'rioters' did manage to set fire to the Medieval cathedral's roof in Dortmund on NYE.

  2. Get ready for drug shortages as 80% of our medicine is from China. And much of it from the very centre of the coronavirus.

    1. OftenWrong


      Why are 80% of drugs even coming from China? Because the pharmaceuticals have outsourced production to the very lowest bidder. Globalism was promised to bring diversity and inherently better safety in production but here we see, rather than spreading out production facilities it concentrates on just the very lowest bidder, creating a kind of production supermarket. This is much like when memory chips were being made by one factory in China, and one alone, and then one day they had a fire.


  3. Get that bloody dog off the damned porch!

  4. Girl wins spelling bee. No one cares. Black girl wins spelling bee = national news across the world.

    1. Aristides


      The Scripps winner is national news in the US every year. In recent years usually won by an Asian.

    2. Aristides


      If you watch Kelly and Ryan in the morning the Scripps winner is always on their show, and others.

  5. Give a man a fire and he will have warmth for a few hours, but set the man on fire and he will be warm for the rest of his life. - Terry Pratchett

  6. Good riddance again.

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. Shady
    3. Shady


      No president hasn’t been harder on China than Trump.  You get fooled by fake news constantly.  Try harder Mr. Diebold.

    4. Argus


      Oh yeah, Mr "trade wars are easy to win" who lost the trade war with China. Then again, he got his payoff, didn't he. I wonder how many payments went into his secret bank accounts.

  7. Good riddance.

    1. Shady


      China state run media said the exact same thing via Twitter.   You're in good company.  I think Iran is on board with you as well.

    2. Boges


      Saudi Arabia and Russia OTOH. 

    3. Hal 9000

      Hal 9000

      You must know that it's not a good thing when China is elated that Trump is gone and Biden is the president...right?

  8. Governor general screws up.

  9. Guy arrested for calling in bomb threats against Muslims at Concordia turns out to be Lebanese immigrant. I'm sure the progressives are relieved there was no 'conservative citizens' group out there.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. betsy





    3. betsy


      There.  I gave you a like. :)

    4. Queenmandy85


      The first rule of bomb threats in Canada, never evacuate.

  10. Had no idea the mayor of Ottawa was gay, nor ever heard of waffle sex before...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. betsy


      What's waffle sex?  Is that some kinda "creativity" in the bedroom?

    3. Argus


      Yes, and you don't want to know, Betsy.

  11. Half the plastic in the ocean is made up of... fishing nets.

  12. Hamas greets new Israeli government with fire bombs, restarts bombing of Gaza. Genius.

  13. Happiness is a warm fire and a comfortable chair when it's -25 out.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. betsy



      You forgot: cigar, scotch and hounds.

      ...okay...the cat, too.

      ....and best of all, your comfort food!    For the pets ,too!

    3. scribblet


      Still haven't dug out yet, I'm feeling like a hermit...     brrrrrr

    4. Argus


      The wind blew a ton of snow up against the back door. But the front door is fine. And my guy did the driveway, so alls fine here.

  14. Happy Dominion Day!

  15. Happy New Year.

    1. ?Impact


      Happy belated New Year to you and yours.

  16. Has anyone noticed that a lot of what Amazon is selling now offers next MONTH delivery, rather than next day?

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Argus


      I don't believe this is true. It's only on that one site, one I've never heard of before. Just last week they announced they were hiring 10,000 more workers, and just yesterday they announced bonuses for their workers in light of the pandemic danger. Walmart's web site has a 'covid-19 update' page and it says nothing about closing down.

    3. dialamah


      A lot of stores are doing curbside pickup, so that's possible.  By closing, I took that to mean closing to all business.

    4. Argus


      I think if that was the case it would be on their web site and it's not. And I think it would have been covered more widely.

  17. Hate crime against Muslims drops 50% in 2018. Guess all that howling and caterwauling from Dialamah and MH were for nought. They can finally relax and consider their grand and noble mission to protect the world's muslims over.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. scribblet


      There's a piece on this and numbers will post link later

    3. Argus


      These numbers are for last year. For the past six months, since the Liberals invented it as a tactic, the Left have been whining about how conservatives are provoking islamophobia and how Scheer and Bernier are causing all this. But Muslim hate crimes had already dropped 50%.

    4. OftenWrong


      Most likely there never was an increase in hate crimes anyway, as "improvements" in reporting practices caused a false statistical jump.

      As it says on the Statscan website:


      Due to the impact of changes in reporting practices and the variability of hate crime in jurisdictions where numbers are small, changes over time should be interpreted with caution.

      That was the liberal tactic. I guess it blew up in their faces.

  18. He's crying again. Sigh. Trudeau can't get through a simple statement about gays without crying.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. AngusThermopyle


      The Lemmings eat this crap up. He see's virtue (and votes) in false compassion, and so do many of those who worship at his feet.

    3. Boges


      Chicks dig it 


    4. Omni


      Seems like argus is crying again. How droll!

  19. HHS secretary refuses Trump's order to fire Cyber Security head for saying there was no fraud.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. DogOnPorch


      Esper is hired...not elected.

      Big difference.


    3. Argus


      Shady now admitting that there was outside interference in the last election which elected Trump.?

    4. Shady


      No, not really, unless Facebook ads are considered “interference”.

  20. Hospitals routinely at 100% capacity and we're going to spend over a billion dollars digging up century old bones and trying to identify them...

    1. OftenWrong


      We also removed some statues. Give credit where it’s due.

  21. How can it cost a BILLION dollars to renovate the supreme court building?! You can build a ninety story building for less! From scratch!

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Argus


      The palace of Westminster is almost 200 years old and filled with history. The Supreme Court building is 75 years old and is the home of lawyers. It's also far, far, far smaller.

    3. Argus
    4. Argus


      An 80 story condo tower called The One planned for downtown Toronto has a billion dollar price tag. But then, land prices aren't cheap near the CN tower.

  22. How can you have an intelligent conversation with a Trump supporter when there's no intelligence behind their support?

  23. How do people cheer a man whose own sister says he has no principles and cares only for himself?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Argus


      You said that last time. I'm not sure you were right then either.

    3. Shady


      I’m pretty sure.  Personality doesn’t negatively effect my life.  Policy does.

    4. Boges


      US policy shouldn't effect you at all. 

      Except for Aluminum tariffs, perhaps.  

  24. How is the Ontario government different from organized crime? Other than being less organized? They have a protection racket going, sell alcohol, have casinos and run a numbers racket, and are now selling drugs. What's next, prostitution?

    1. Hydraboss


      Do they issue provincial licenses for escorts or is that just a municipal thing?  Do rub n tug locations get provincial inspections?  That might count.

  25. How long till some cop decides to just open fire on these assholes?


    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Argus


      I like how Alyssa Milanno is demanding the LAPD be defunded by 90% - rich Hollywood actress in a big mansion. Then when she sees some guy with an air rifle she's all "Eeek! Police! Save me!"

    3. Shady


      Yep, some teen trying to shoot squirrels with an air rifle.  But she wants others to defund their police departments.  Far from any consequences it will have.  I can’t stand those kind of people. I’ve dubbed them domestic chicken hawks.  They’re the same kind that fund and cheer on riots.

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