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Argus last won the day on November 2 2021

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    Peace, Order and Good Government

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  1. If you're a 17 year old girl willingly hanging around with rich guys and having sex for money you're not a victim of abuse, you're a prostitute.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Shady


      If they were forced into I’d agree.  If they chose it, I’d say they made a bad decision.

    3. dialamah


      Let's not blame men for their sexual behavior; after all, 17-year-old girls (not old enough to vote or drink: not even out of high school) are certainly more than capable of handling adults who have had years to hone their manipulative and predatory tactics.  These girls chose to be used/abused; it's on them.

      Next stop: burkas for women, because men cannot be held responsible for their criminal sexual behavior.

    4. Argus


      A 17 year old knows what she's doing when she has sex with some old guy for money. If she's not being threatened then it's just prostitution.

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