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Status Updates posted by waldo

  1. guys, guys... liberally mixing federal Liberal and provincial Liberal is a most liberal use of attachment, association, comparison, correlation, causation, etc.. Please adjust accordingly.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Boges


      Because many of the same people are involved in both parties. I guess you're not in Ontario so you don't give a flip. All I did was compare instances of political controversy. I didn't imply they were the same party. I think you protest too much.

    3. drummindiver


      Waldo, you have indeed not been following Ontario politics if you didn't notice Wynne campaigning on your boy's behalf.

    4. waldo


      no - you're out of proportion; there was concern on how close ties with Wynne would be perceived... so the campaign chose to limit her direct involvement.

  2. oh my! Harper Conservatives spent $420 thousand on niqab ban legal pursuits... how many nannies would that pay for?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. overthere


      Canada owes Laureen Harper at least $500k in back pay. I am using the Liberal metrics to calculate that.

    3. The_Squid


      Harper owes Canada back pay for his shitty job...

    4. Smoke


      Can you imagine how much McGuinty and Wynne would owe Ontario.

  3. the waldo would like to make a genuine offer of conciliation towards CPC supporters - we have hard work ahead and continued acrimony is self-defeating... please embrace the natural governing party of Canada in re-shaping our Canada - sunny ways!

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. overthere


      No, Turdeau will dick about for a couple years then decide what has already been decided: ranked ballots. That absolutely ensures that the Liberals will reign many generations.

    3. overthere
  4. the first of Harper's "legacy" legislation to be amended or repealed: http://tinyurl.com/GetErDoneJT

    1. The_Squid


      good riddance to bad rubbish

  5. I trust all you chuckleheads making light of the sunken whale boat... are certain it isn't MLW member eyeball's boat, hey!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. -1=e^ipi


      No I'm serious, I would find you emailing Burke super amusing. And it's just an email. Worst case is you might learn something.

    3. On Guard for Thee

      On Guard for Thee

      I doubt jerks who make asshole comments about dead people have the brains to think ahead much. Anybody heard from eyeball?

    4. Canada_First


      I don't care if it is. If it is then we have one less left wing person posting inflammatory comments here. This is bad how?

  6. sour grapes make the best whine!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. waldo


      to hell with sunny ways! Oh wait... I kid, I kid!

    3. poochy


      How does making wine beneath a bridge work out for you?

    4. waldo


      no thanks - you can keep your ongoing whine and stay right there... bridge builder!

  7. sunny ways my friends, sunny ways

    1. On Guard for Thee

      On Guard for Thee

      Nice to have some optimism for a change.

    2. kimmy


      Still pretty sure he was completely baked while giving that speech.

    3. Moonlight Graham

      Moonlight Graham

      "Money pays my friends, money pays" - Duffy

  8. uhhh... apparently... the west wants back in again!

    1. Boges


      Spiking the Football are we?

    2. The_Squid


      Were we ever "out"?

    3. waldo


      no Boges... spiking it would be if I offered one of your "BOOMFACEs"

  9. my fellow MLWers, is our long national nightmare almost over?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. The_Squid


      It may be just starting....

    3. Peter F

      Peter F

      Not by a long shot. On the 20th will be Sour Grapes time with will last for about 6 months. After that will be Liberals/NDP are destroying Canada and Conservatives are morans who refuse to just shut up and let government govern.

    4. Canada_First


      The 20-25 year reign of the Trudeau Regime is about to start.

  10. I missed Mulcair's call tonight... but he did leave me a nice positive message - I've got your strategic back Mulcair! --- yes you can, as I did --- strategic voting riding recommendations --- MLW post link: http://tinyurl.com/AnyoneButConservative

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. On Guard for Thee

      On Guard for Thee

      No now that the Ford's have stepped up to help out it's a done deal. I'm piecing together a script for a comedy show that I think could do well.

    3. BubberMiley


      Won't be enough? You think the last ditch racism campaign is going to work?

    4. sharkman


      No doubt you can sell it to the CBC.

  11. yes you can, as I did --- strategic voting riding recommendations --- MLW post link: http://tinyurl.com/AnyoneButConservative

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. The_Squid


      I think for this election the NDP and Liberals should have come to an agreement about running candidates so the vote wasn't split.

      That would have guaranteed the CPC would lose.

    3. Shady


      The NDP will never become a viable federal party if they continue to cede votes to the Liberals out of "necessity". And that's the way the Liberals prefer it.

  12. yes you can, as I did --- strategic voting riding recommendations --- MLW post link: http://tinyurl.com/AnyoneButConservative

  13. oh my! It appears when all appears lost... they trot out the 'adscam' and try to draw Ontario into the mix! "Libranos"!!! Whaaaaa

    1. Show previous comments  18 more
    2. waldo


      and no drummer... the "new ones" don't show a minority for Harper. I quoted from the most recent of your apparent favoured EKOS polls above: would you like to have the quote again?

    3. waldo


      I made no accusation... do you know what the word even means?

    4. On Guard for Thee

      On Guard for Thee

      Apparently you don't understand how Poll Tracker works.

  14. I'm off to exercise my franchise --- strategic voting riding recommendations --- MLW post link: http://tinyurl.com/AnyoneButConservative

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Shady


      Always be closing!

    3. On Guard for Thee

      On Guard for Thee

      I would give that a rest if I were you Shady. Try harder.

    4. Shady


      The NDP will never form a federal government if they're always ceding votes to the Liberals out of "necessity"

  15. strategic voting riding recommendations --- MLW post link: http://tinyurl.com/AnyoneButConservative

    1. Shady


      Subverting democracy.

    2. waldo


      please sir, you are subverting my freedom of expression right!

    3. sharkman


      That's not a freedom on the internet. You serve at the whim of human rights activists.

  16. on my! PMO shown to have directly blocked Syrian refugee processing... one can only surmise Citizenship and Immigration/Minister Chris Alexander were... uhhh... "preoccupied"!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. On Guard for Thee

      On Guard for Thee

      Chris Alexander has made a statement that a number of refugee files were taken into the PMO to be screened for possible "threats". He did however fail to mention that PMO staffers are not qualified or cleared to conduct such screening.

    3. The_Squid


      The boys in short-pants are screening "threats"?

    4. On Guard for Thee

      On Guard for Thee

      So it would seem, but I wouldn't dig any deeper, CSIS might come a knockin'.

  17. baiting, Islamophobia, a snitch line... Stephen Harper has a dog whistle for you!

    1. overthere


      Oh there is a dog all right: Pavlovs dog. His name is Waldo.

      Ding Ding Ding!

  18. TPP signed but waddabout ratification? Pork barrel rules in the U.S., hey U.S. Congress. Bernie Sanders says NO! The next U.S. president, Trump, says it's a bad deal! Clinton on the... uhhh... fence!

    1. kimmy


      She was for it before she was against it.

  19. Harper refuses to sign the UN Arms Trade Treaty... 131 countries have signed the treaty; of those 75 have ratified it internally. Canada remains the only NATO country not to have signed the treaty. During the recent TVA party leaders debate, Harper refused to answer repeated questions as to why he/Canada has not signed the treaty. #anotherHarperFailure

    1. Topaz


      I went online a nd read this and the uSA has signed but not ratified and it could be Harper is not signing because of gun owners liberties, or losing big bucks to selling.

    2. Shady


      We don't need to sign it. It's irrelevant.

    3. waldo


      why so MLW member Shady - why so? Apparently it was of relevance to 131 countries to have signed it. Harper Conservatives felt it relevant enough to vote for it within the UN... vote for it... but not follow through on that vote with an actual signing of the treaty? What caused the Harper "switcheroo", hey Shady?

  20. how slippery is your slope Harper?... in an interview, Harper gives consideration to future options to remove dual citizens Canadian citizenship for other crimes like serial killing, rape or pedophilia.

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. On Guard for Thee

      On Guard for Thee

      Sorry but you should go to the CIC page and study up before you make silly statements.

    3. The_Squid


      Hey Argus....

      The guy who was stripped of his citizenship WAS BORN in Canada....

    4. On Guard for Thee

      On Guard for Thee

      Here's what's really stupid: we will use C 51 to stop you from going to places like Syria to engage in terrorist activities, but if you engage in terrorist activities here, we will send you there, to engage in terrorist activities. You can't get much more contradictory than that.

  21. once again Harper claims provincial climate change related initiatives as his own... while again lying in claiming that Canada's lame-azzed emission reduction efforts have reduced emission levels even to the minimalist levels he presumes to speak to.

  22. smoke & mirrors Harper Conservative surplus! --- Federal departments left $8.7 billion unspent last year --- so much for public announcements and spending promises to Canadians --- http://tinyurl.com/HarperSmokeMirrors

    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. waldo


      yup, great "smoke & mirrors" Harper Conservative management! Care to take a guess on how much Citizenship and Immigration returned... you know, in line with not adequately processing your MuslimMenace™ refugees?

    3. Canada_First


      Real refugees are starving in Africa. Dyi g everyday. These Syrians all look well fed and fat. Not real refugees.

    4. waldo


      on my! --- #notRealRefugees

  23. Heave Steve - Oct 19th - ABC

    1. waldo
    2. Shady


      Wow that's cleaver!

    3. On Guard for Thee

      On Guard for Thee

      He seems to have inspired a few songs so far. Wasn't there a question asked about his legacy?

  24. Harper Conservatives are bringing in a freakin' wizard to reset their campaign... from Oz no less!

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Derek 2.0

      Derek 2.0

      ....look where the Liberals are now...this was a Crosby gambit, much like in the recent British election leaving Scotland to the SNP, salting the earth for new Labour North of Hadrian's fence.....

    3. Derek 2.0

      Derek 2.0

      As to rumblings of Rove, I haven't heard anything to that, but attack dog Crosby makes Rove look like a poodle...I don't know that Rove would bring anything to Westminster politics.

    4. On Guard for Thee

      On Guard for Thee

      Harper is down 3 goals in the last half of the third. In desperation he throws in the third string goalie hoping it might spur on the rest of the team. In the actual political arena, what he doesn't realize, is just how far out of touch with reality he has become. Not hard to call the outcome of the game at this point.

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