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Everything posted by AngusThermopyle

  1. I see, I must have misunderstood you. It was my belief that you were calling myself and Bill bigots and fools because we object to insults being used in lieu of debate and reason. Which begs the question for the sake of clarity, were you? Anyway, as I said, I have yet to find an example of a commercial license, perhaps you could.
  2. The Barrie area. We have the usual holiday/weekend hikes around here but this one falls outside of those parameters. It appears the price will jump again tomorrow for the weekend as usual, so, two hikes in one week, nice.
  3. So you are in effect stating that recognizing and disdaning a feeble insult makes one a fool and bigot? I would suggest that quite the opposite is the truth and your knee jerk response simply paints you in the light that you wish to cast upon others. By the way, have you come up with an example of a native only commercial hunting license yet? Your reference to licensed hunting and fishing camps is invalid as I'm sure you are aware, so, lets see a valid example. I have continued searching since then and have still not found one instance of such a document.
  4. Oh great, yet another Zealot who prefers feeble insults over reasoned debate and inquiry. Another one to skim over and ignore as they appear to have nothing of substance to say.
  5. Well perhaps you should start noticing Dancer, prices just jumped over .04 cents a liter overnight in this area.
  6. Okay, I know its been mentioned but how does this sync with the mandatory sentences for weed? Or is growing a plant far more serious than human smuggling?
  7. Nope, not really, weed is a whole different proposition from Opium Poppies.
  8. Wow, these guys are upset by one of the biggest piles of dreck ever to come out of Canada, simply amazing. Well...come to think of it I can see how they would be, its a terrible show.
  9. Blah blah blah evil western panty wearing world blah blah blah. Did you ever watch a documentary called the "Dying Rooms"? Perhaps you should, in fact I recomend that anyone who hasn't seen it watch it. Its availlable at least in part on the internet. Once you do, feel free to come on here and tell us evil westerners just how evil we are in comparison to what it shows. It might just give you a different view of CAS, at least compared to the subject shown.
  10. I think I must have misunderstood your earlier post. It appeared that you were saying that Natives can take game commercially and sell it with an appropriate license. What you show here is not the same thing at all. These are camps, guides and outfitters. As such they do not have licenses to hunt commercially. Any who use their services must be in possesion of their own license to take the appropriate game. These outfits are not permitted to go and take,for example, 20 Moose or 30 Deer and then sell the meat. They are however licensed to provide services to legally licensed guests. I've used the services of these types of outfits more than a few times myself. The same applies to fishing camps, I've used some of those in Ontario and a few in BC as well.
  11. Actually Saipan you are incorrect on this point. Numerous studies have shown Marijuana to be far less harmfull than Alcohol on both a personal and societal level.
  12. In truth I find the whole rape aspect to be a bit of a red herring. So far in all the information I've seen relating to these allegations there doesn't appear to be anything very compelling that would lead one to believe rape had actually been committed. Certainly the Swedish authorities appear to be very uncertain as to the validity of these charges.
  13. This is correct. In 20 years of service and six deployments I can't recall one instance of someone losing their weapon. Nor can I recall hearing about the same. Yes it can be a pain but when deployed your weapon goes everywhere with you at all times. Even when taking a dump. In Somalia I slept with my weapon suspended over my head by velcro straps, my 9 mil was under my pillow, and this was in the relative security of our camp. Soldiers don't just lose weapons.
  14. Hey now, the Enfield was one of the best rifles ever built. Now, back to this new toy, very impresive. However there is another even more impressive one. I forget the weapon designation but it was on Future Weapons. Essentially a lightweight .50 machine gun that could be converted to an automatic grenade launcher in about a minute. It too had laser range finding with programmed detonation. Plus of course the huge advantage of that .50 cal wall chopper. If thats not enough they also have a segment on a mobile artillery piece, I believe its called the Longbow or some such thing. This weapon eclipses all other mobile arty pieces. It is astounding the mobility, range, accuracy, capabilities and ease of set up and tear down that this weapon displays. Hold on, its not the Longbow, I just remembered its called the Archer.
  15. That would depend upon ones Religious inclinations and beliefs I suppose. Darwinism vs. ID.
  16. Although I can understand your point I still find it very fortunate that we live in a country where we are allowed freedom of personal choice to a somewhat limited degree. However, this whole thread has overlooked one very germain and important aspect of this law. Medicinale use, much as the "anti" crowd would like to decry it, it simply can not be denied that this plant has a great many beneficial uses. As research continues we are finding that it has some pretty amazing properties that can be of benefit to a great many people. Our government in its infinate wisdom has decided to wholesale demonize both the plant and those who use it in a very blinkered ignorant and short sighted manner.
  17. Not to be facetious but exactly what nationality are Natives? So in effect you are saying that no rights have been removed from Natives? Also, could you point us towards references to these Native commercial hunting licences? As I mentioned before I haven't had any success in finding them.
  18. It almost sounds like the idea turns you on Oleg, gettin a little wood are you? Very little.
  19. Oops, sorry, you and BC are correct. I guess I'm just used to hearing the Harpoon refered to as a cruise missile. A case of disengage brain at its finest.
  20. I've been doing a little research and hunting on line and so far have been unable to find any references to commercial hunting in Canada other than that applicable to the seal hunt. Perhaps someone else might have more success in finding these references to Native commercial hunting licenses?
  21. Actually BC, you are incorrect as to this point. We do indeed have cruise missiles. Our frigates mount the Harpoon block 1c cruise missiles in the standard twin mount four pack launchers.
  22. Whenever I mention this movie to people I just draw a blank stare. It really is a good movie, I've been looking for it for years now. Just last week I found a video store in Barrie where they said they can order it in for me. I'm looking forward to watching it again.
  23. As has already been mentioned, no. Depending on the strain an average would be about 3 to 5 ounces per plant, also the technique used to grow them. For instance, northern lights grown indoors in soil can yeild a half pound or more per plant over about 3 months. You must also keep in mind the time to dry and cure it. About 4 or 5 days to dry it then at least two weeks curing. Of course the longer it cures the better it is, to a certain point. Using hydroponics, ebb and flood, aeroponics, deep water culture it is possible to grow it in 6 weeks to 2 months but yeilds will be correspondingly lower. One must keep in mind that most plants require 8 to 10 weeks just to flower and produce the correct amount of Trichomes, also the correct colour for maximum potency. As the flowers mature the Trichomes will shift from an amber colour to a milky white. So in short, no one is going to get rich off a few plants, they could grow enough for themselves though, or to provide to medical users on a compassionate basis. As to the law, well the law can really be an ass. This is a stupid dark ages law that should be changed. Let people use it if they wish. Hell, make booze illegal if they want something to be illegal;. After all study after study has shown alcohol to be far more harmfull to society than weed.
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