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Everything posted by AngusThermopyle

  1. Uh yeah...last time I checked I don't think thats what "the laws" were there to do. Now do you mind if I ask a question? Have you had a bad personal experience with the CAS? In all honesty only a fool would deny that there is a problem with the CAS. I believe that there are good and well intentioned people who work for the CAS, but I also believe that there are some who's intentions are not so well meaning.
  2. An excellent article, well reasoned and actually adresses many of the issues that make this whole debate so hotly contested. It restores my faith in FN people when I can read something like this as opposed to the blindly partisan opinions so often expressed.
  3. At the end of the day this is ultimately what it comes down to. These chiefs are doing what they can get away with, it may be immoral and disgusting but the people of Canada through their own apathy have empowered them to do so. Although the cause may be easily apparent it still however does not in any way justify excusing, rationalizing or condoning such behaviour. Those who would do so are in their own way just as moraly corrupt as those comitting the abuse.
  4. Do you actually have anything of worth to contribute? Or would you rather this topic just be dropped as it causes you some very apparent discomfort. Or is it possible that you are merely very angry because I've shown repeatedly that your friend is a blatant liar?
  5. Come on now. Thats quite a stereotype to toss out. I work with educated and intelligent people who regularly ask me how my project car is coming along. As such we quite often end up talking about my plans for the engine rebuild. It may come as a surprise to you but very intelligent people can actually enjoy mechanical devices and working on them. Take for instance Jay Leno, I mention him as he is very rich, very high profile and not at all stupid. As for the town itself, I don't know, never been there. The company I worked for when I was in Alberta did have a job once in Dawson Creek, not a bad place, pretty typical anyway.
  6. Well I have to agree with you. Why should one person with fetal alcohol syndrome be favoured over another with the same syndrome. That is given that FASD is the determining factor.
  7. An interesting take on the situation from someone actually involved with the situation. I suppose as an outspoken critic she's just another racist whiner though.
  8. And what exactly is wrong with Ethnic cleansing? So you give em all a good bath or shower, comb their hair, maybe nice clean new shoes and clothes. It really probably would be quite nice. They'd look all spiffy.
  9. I mentioned the seal hunt earlier in this thread. As for Aboriginal rights, well I don't know. So far I haven't been able to find anything specific after looking and as mentioned earlier the aquaintance I have at DU couldn't shed any light on it either.
  10. While I certainly do realise this for me it isn't really just about the money. Its almost like a game, and since this station is right on my way home it doesn't impose any undue detours or delays on me. I also let the tank run low before I fill up. Just part of the strategy of the game.
  11. Well from the tenor of your last post it certainly is good to see that you too are living down to my expectations of you. In short your post can be summed up as, wah wah, suck, wah, suck sucky suck suck. Nice, but not at all unexpected. Keep up the good work, you only serve to impress all with your maturity and reason. Now back on topic. How do you know how I feel about Senators? In actual fact that is another subject that pisses me off. Because one shows an erroneous statement to in fact be erroneous does not in any way confir approval of any part of the relevant data. In this supposition your logic is quite simply not just faulty but actually non-existant.
  12. Well lets look at this shall we. How do you know how much she works? Where are your stats? As for 300+ nonesense. I just finished reading a post last night by an actual member of this particular band who stated that the other members (outside of the 87) are spread out across NS, all of Canada and even the US. So how much does this despicable woman actually do. I can tell you exactly where this reserve is having spent 13 years in NS, I can also tell you of what it consists. It is no 234,000 a years worth of administration thats for sure. Further to that the Chiefs own cousin has publicly announced her resignation from a position granted her by this same Chief, I wonder why? Your vehement response and apologist stance simply paint you as yet another zealot. Why is it that outrage is permissible when a white person abuses tax payer funding, but not when a Native does? Oh, thats right, any criticism or condemnation is actually racist, right? What I find most alarming though is the way you guys jump to the defense of these crooks. You who advocate for Natives actually attempt to defend those who are screwing them royally. Or do you only advocate for wealthy dishonest Natives? Bullshit. I work and I pay taxes, I have every right to complain as to how that money is used. It would appear to me that you come off sounding like just another person with an overblown sense of entitlement to other peoples money. So now you can respond with some flacid comment about jamming Iron rings in my face if you wish. This after all is what I've come to expect of you. Birds of a feather as they say.
  13. Based on my own experiences and involvement with Ducks Unlimited I have to agree with you Saipan. Further to that after researching the subject I have found zero evidence to support the concept of commercial hunting of any kind. I may have missed something but I don't think I have. I even went so far as to phone an aquaintance involved in the management of Ducks Unlimited in Winnipeg and ask him about this and he simply reinforced my findings, or lack thereoff.
  14. Thank you smallc, I didn't realise I'd screwed up the link. Cerainly puts another ignored members assertions as to pay to the lie. Edited to add. Just for fun I did a few quick calculations. If we were to pay leaders on a per capita basis this is pretty much how it would break down. Stephen Harper governing approx 35 million people paid approx $317,574 = $.09 per person per annum Chief Clark governing approx 87 people paid approx $243,000 per annum = $2793 per person per annum. If Harper were paid at this rate he would take home approx 36 billion per annum. As I said, just for fun, though it does provide some food for thought.
  15. Well I was right. On the way to work this morning I noticed that prices are now around $1.13 to $1.14 dependinding on which station you use. I'll gas up at the Pioneer just down the road from here since they're still below $1.11, for some reason they're always cheaper than other stations in the area.
  16. Cool, I have my first person ever on ignore. How novel.

  17. Actually, you know what? Don't even bother. I already know you wont be honest, you'll just rationalize as you always do to try to justify your lies. Save everyone the tedium of having to read anymore of your garbage. I shall do as so many others already have and ignore you. Life is too short to waste on the worthless, dishonest and fools. All three of which you appear to embody.
  18. Incapable of backing up. Now that truly is ironic considering you are replying to a post in which I provide a Government site that refutes your previously stated "Charter fact" relating to senatorial pay. As for representing most people. Just go over past threads and note how many times people have told you you are full of it. I don't represent most, they do that in ample numbers for themselves. So after posting your usual crap you then oh so predictably launch into your usual insults. As I've said before, dance little puppet dance. You really are so easy to guide any way I wish. The best part though is the fact that you don't even see what I do to you, even after all this time. How does it feel to constantly make a public fool of yourself? Oh yes, back to the topic. Would you care to comment further on your statement regarding Senatorial pay levels? Perhaps you would like to retract it publicly and let everyone here know it was just another of your lies?
  19. The phones I use with my system are Sennhiesers, about $250.00, very good phones but still not in the same league as a properly set up audio system of good quality. My vinyl is half speed mastered and played on a $1200 Lynn deck with a $1500 Itok arm and a $345 Shure cartridge. The MP3 player and headphones that can match this sound quality simply do not exist. In fact it can be argued that the CD/DVD/BD player that can match this sound do not exist. As anyone who is into audio can tell you digital is inferior to analogue when it comes to sound quality. Having said that I can see how one portable device would be prefferable to carrying two, if you're into that sort of ghetto sound, or for the portability I suppose. Since today is Friday when I go home after work I'm going to grab a few beers and listen to my new album I just bought last weekend. The Eagles Hotel California on half speed mastered. I'm really anticipating that with pleasure. Especially since the girlfriend won't be home until later so I can listen at levels I enjoy without complaint.
  20. Well, I'm sure most of you realize that my first post was rather tongue in cheek. So lets get down to business shall we. Where to start, I know, how about this. Now Charter, I know you won't like this as its actual fact as opposed to your lovely fantasy that you so regularly peddle on these forums but I think we should establish a baseline here based on truth. GOC Senatorial Pay Rates As was mentioned earlier it is absolutely disgusting that you should attempt to justify this theft. You are so intrinsically dishonest that you can't even put aside your partisanship long enough to acknowledge an injustice done to the people who's cause you espouse by some of their own people. Further to that you then attempt to mitigate it by implying that its actually Whiteis fault. You truly are not worth the time of day. Have you ever asked yourself why most here consider you to be a joke not worth listening to? Edited to add. In an amazing coincidence all three mentioned in the story travelled the exact same amount as all three claimed 34,000 in travel expenses. I wonder where they went? Around the world several times?
  21. Well if you guys are tossing the bucks around at a nice low rate then why not?
  22. Lets see if I can answer your questions. As stated earlier I personally dislike phones, hate using them, when I do use them it is for communication in brief concise form. I'm not a cell addict as so many today are. As for the MP3 player, well, believe it or not when I'm out I actually enjoy hearing whats going on around me. Next I really can't stand crap sound, when I listen to music I like it played by a good system, not some little piece of crap with piece of crap earbuds. Thats why I listen at home. Sure my Klipsch Reference Series IV speakers aren't the best money can buy but they certainly blow any phone or I Pod to hell and back without even trying. Does that shed some light on your questions?
  23. Yeah, so whats wrong with what she gets paid? If you read the article you can see she works hard for her money (that might make a good song lyric) she even says so herself. Not only that but its unfair to single out Natives this way. So there.
  24. Actually this is what you posted earlier, nothing about commercial trapping. Having had quite a few friends who have trapped over the years I can assure you that this is not a Native only commercial license but open to any who qualify. Further to that the regulations governing trapping apply equaly to both Native and non Native trappers. Would you like me to post the Government regs for you? Actually what you did was post a few links to lodges in response to my request for an example of a commercial hunting licence. The implication being that these constituted proof of commercial hunting licences. If you wish we can go back even further to the specific request I made for a Native only commercial hunting licence. So far you have failed on all counts and your floundering around serves only to dig the hole deeper. So, your turn, dance little puppet dance. Oh, and by the way,
  25. So I am supporting a bigot by objecting to insults used in lieu of debate? Okay, if you say so. Licensed lodges and commercial hunting licenses are two entirely different things. A commercial license for example is one required for the seal hunt. A licensed lodge does not constitute a commercial hunting license. For instance, both Native and non Natives can apply for and obtain a license to run a lodge or camp. This is not exclusive to Natives only. From your non answer and inabillity to find that which does not exist I take it that once again, as many times before you were simply fabricating "facts". Really Charter, for one who claims to be so intelligent I would think you would have learned by now and decided that honesty is the best policy. You constantly shoot yourself in the foot and never seem to learn from the experience.
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