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Everything posted by AngusThermopyle

  1. Me too, but I also love a good bowl of Lobster chowder as well. Will the soup kitchens have Lobster chowder?
  2. Perhaps I should post the news article about this. Would you guys be interested in reading the actual news account of this? Perhaps a new thread topic?
  3. Oh so funny. I think you know what I meant Guyser. Just in case you didn't though I shall rephrase what I said. What I was wondering about is the legality of this operation. Is it possible for the police to obtain a warrant permitting them to commit a robbery in the course of an investigation in order to conclude the investigation? Personally I don't think it is but then I don't profess to be an expert in such legal niceties. Would you know about this?
  4. What? They must have smoked pot! After all the gubmint and cops are always telling us that weed is "the" gateway drug. The whole gateway drug concept is actually pretty amusing. By the logic used one could also claim that in Canada Tim Hortons coffee is also a gateway drug.
  5. I was going to mention radio but I was too lazy. The G/F and I listen to it when we drive anywhere. I don't listen to it at home though as I really don't like radio too much anymore. it seems like most stations just play a bunch of regurgitated crap. Sometimes if I want a good laugh I'll listen to Coast To Coast in the car.
  6. Never eaten Racoon before and really can't see myself doing so, but if its a valid food source then why not? It has to be better than nothing at all. As for Bear, I have some in the freezer right now along with Venison, Rabbit and a few Ducks. Bear is very good if cooked properly, as is Moose. Actually they all taste good if prepared properly. Some people just don't like the stronger more "gamey" flavour though.
  7. Well Kimmy, your post may be tongue in cheek but when I lived in Fort Macleod the younger brother of my friend was a gang member and these guys did actually view themselves as some sort of warriors. They hated everyone who wasn't the same as them it didn't matter what race. The only thing they hated more were members of a different band from theirs. Upon sighting someone from a different band the war was on.
  8. I think you are missing the point here. It isn't about the cleanliness or lack thereoff of some peoples vehicles but rather the fact that this judge appears to believe that just cause is a mere inconvenience that stands in the way of a desired outcome. As such it appears this judge believes they are justified in re-writing the rules to suit what they want to see happen. As an interesting side note that appears to have some relationship to this concept I heard about a case where the Police actually robbed some people so they could listen in on their phone cals after the robbery in order to gather evidence against them. I'm not sure if this is legal, does anyone else know if it would be?
  9. For me it has to be Patio Lanterns, even Kim Mitchell has said that he despises the song. Now Max Webster were a great group, those guys put on one helluva show, I've seen them about a half dozen times or more and they never failed to get the crowd rockin. Actually to the point where, when they opened for the Cars on their first North American tour, the Cars were boo'ed off the stage when they followed Max. Kimmy, I know you don't like George Thorogood but the man plays one hell of a good steel slide/blues slide guitar. I have his 30th anniversary tour on DVD and when he gets going he puts on a really great show. A lot of the time in blues the guitar is the main vehicle of the song with vocals being more of a secondary component.
  10. Sorry jbg, sometimes its hard to know who is being facetious and who is not on these forums with some of the outlandish claims that are made. On a side note when I was a kid I lived in South Africa before we moved to Australia so I've always had more than just a passing interest in this continent.
  11. Pretty much an even mix, except for the e-mail/other people option.
  12. You made an absolute statement that in itself is false. In Canada we do indeed have property rights. Your statement directly implies that in Canada we have NO property rights, this is a false statement. Whether by design or error, the statement is false. Or do you honestly not understand that property encompasses far more than land?
  13. I'm pretty sure that the Jews and others oppressed and murdered by the Nazi's would disagree with you regarding the Germans. As for your next assertation, well, what a pile of revisionist and fantastical crap. Learn a little more about the causes of the Japanese agression towards the US and their subsequent entry into WWII before saying anything about it. Obviously you don't have the faintest idea as to the cause of this agression. By the way, could you provide the names and locations of these internment camps for us?
  14. Interesting link, thanks. However it does refute the previously made statement that Jefferson engaged in biological warfare against Natives as it states in the footnote that Jefferson attempted to actually innoculate Natives against Smallpox. Quite a divergence from the original assertation. It is understandable that attempts that were failures could be misconstrued as deliberate attempts to do the exact opposite though.
  15. Not how it works sunshine. You made the claim, now you back it up. Otherwise your claim has no merit and is just so much fantasy. So, step up and show credible proof, or admit that it is false.
  16. Yeah sure. Zimbabwe, once known as the breadbasket of Africa is a hell hole. Mugabe has driven it to the brink and only now is it starting to show signs of recovery, mostly through foreign investment in resources, however that may change as Mugabe has threatened to expropriate any where from 51% to (in his words) over 100% of these investments. Further to that he has also displaced large segments of the population making them homeless and continues to fracture and divide the political climate of the country. This country has also been repeatedly cited for human rights abuses and received many international sanctions as a result. Now that Mugabe is finally out the international community is still watching and waiting to see if any real change will actually happen in this country as it has only been a few years so far. If this is your idea of doing splendidly then I'd hate to see what you consider doing poorly. Regarding Nigeria I should add that although they are making lots of oil money they are still plagued by ethnic violence and systematic political corruption. This encompasses voter intimidation, vote rigging and other such splendid practices. They've progressed somewhat but still have a very far way to go in order to obtain what most would consider a condition of doing splendidly.
  17. As has been clearly pointed out previously in this thread property refers to far more than land and encompasses...well...property. So by your statement am I to believe that my ownership of my computer or European built car or home theater are subject to the resolution of Native land claims! What a total crock of smelly waste matter.
  18. What can I say? This stands as one of the most absurdly false statements ever posted here.
  19. That being the case then you should have no problem providing some sort of proof of this contention.
  20. Actually I mis-worded what I said. They may indeed file a motion regarding this, anyone is entitled to do so regarding just about anything. That does not mean it will be succesfull though. In this case its pretty much guaranteed that it will fail and as such merely be a waste of time and tax payers money, that is if it even gets far enough to warrant any kind of serious hearing or debate.
  21. Really I believe the main point of this article is the manner in which it high lights how authorities are playing fast and loose with just cause. In this case the guilt of the person involved becomes secondary to the issue of erroding rights. While still in the Millitary I served for a time on the base defence force. As a component of this service we recieved basic MP trining, Just cause was covered quite thoroughly in this training. Given what we were taught this case would certainly fail the just cause requirements resoundingly. This is what I find so disturbing about this case, it would appear that this judge decided to ignore the rules that already exist regarding just cause and simply move the goalposts in order to further a personal agenda.
  22. As I said earlier, there will be no charter challenge regarding this. You should look at what you post. In this very post you state it was the chief and band council who did this, then you state there was no BCR about it. After a little more research it appears that the majority of residents were indeed very fed up with the situation and wanted it resolved. These guys have been very bad for the community and, being normal people, the residents wanted it taken care of, so it was. So no, there will be no charter challenge on this, and no, they will not get their drugs and illegal guns back. The only landmark this case will provide is that of a large co-ordinated action against some very bad elements of society. Even given that your preposterous supposition held water, which it doesn't, the simple fact is that the mass trafficking of drugs and illegal weapons would not be tolerated by Canada or especially the U.S. Sorry but no matter how you spin it this was a simple case of the good guys beating the bad guys, and a big Bravo Zulu to all the forces who made it happen. Of course I expect you will disagree, thats fine. as time passes and no charter challenge emerges it will be shown to have been nothing more than unfounded speculation.
  23. Don;t take anything Oleg says too seriously, he exists in a time and place just a little out of sync with reality. Really though, this is too funny, an image problem. LMFAO
  24. There may be a charter challenge but I very much doubt it. Even if there was it really wouldn't matter as far as the return of the drugs. By the time all was said and done all they would get back, if anything, would be useless moldy shwag, the cops aren't known for taking care to store such things properly. A recent case in BC involving a registered MMJ patient shows clearly that they don't care, or have the resources to do so properly. Personally I hope they throw the book at them and it sticks. This is after all organized crime, from the article it appears that it encompasses far more than just the reserves mentioned. As for the ring leader well this bum has gotten away with far too much already. This isn't a case of some guy growing a few plants for himself or his close friends, this is commercial growing for profit, and yes, this sort of enterprise does constitute a threat for the immediate communities in which it occurs. In fact one could say that it is a threat to many communities as quite often weed is exchanged for weapons and hard drugs. We'll just have to wait and see how it plays out I guess, at this point it's too hard to determine what the overall outcome will eventually be. Of course if the Americans get involved then it really won't matter what anyone says about charters and what some consider to be their territory, the Americans will do what they feel they must do to resolve this. How do you know there was no band resolution, nowhere in the article does it mention that in any way. What it does say is that the band leader is very supportive and see's it as a positive step towards making the community safer. There very well may have been a resolution for all we know.
  25. Couldn't agree more. We grow a lot of our own stuff and it tastes so much better than what we can buy. As far as the soil being depleted, that just isn't true. If proper practices are followed and crops rotated the soil will renew its nutrient base, you should let these bozo's know about that. From what I've seen many people follow these trends based more on a fad sort of mentality rather than from a basis founded in fact. We plant in the soil using sheep and cattle manure as an amendment, we also grow in containers. For container growing I like to mix up my "super soil". This consists of Pro Mix HP, worm castings, bat guano, blood meal, bone meal, dolomitic lime, perlite, fulmic acid and a touch of epsom salts. With this mix I get fantastic growth rates and enhanced production while eliminating the need for artificial fertilizers. We also brew organic "tea" in a Rubbermade garbage can. This mostly consists of high grade manure with guano, fish meal and worm castings added to it, makes a great feeding additive to the soil mixes. As an added bonus I also mix desulfated Molassis (sp?) with water as it provides more natural benefits. In the off season we run a mix of DWC (deep water culture) and flood and drain, as well as container growing. We've had great success using T5 Sunblasters for light but also run a couple of 600W digital dimmable ballasts that accept both MH and HPS bulbs while keeping consumption to acceptable levels. Although I can't guarantee that what I grow is better than what is availlable in this store that was recommended to you I'd be willing to bet it is. The added bonus is that it all tastes so darn good, and we have the assurance of knowing that its all 100% organic.
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