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Everything posted by AngusThermopyle

  1. Actually what I find funniest is the fact that people have pointed out that it is satire yet apparently Oleg still thinks that its for real.
  2. Well I hate to disapoint you Oleg but this situation really doesn;t have anything to do with government corruption, other than the possibility of stupid non-sentences that may be handed out. This is organized crime and I don't think they learned it from some shadowy group of old white guys controlling everyones destiny, sorry. You may be happy to know however that our gov is already dealing weed. PPS have been growing it under government license and selling to registered medical marijuana users for years. Apparently the stuff is overpriced crap with practically no medicinal value. Typical of most gov ventures actually. Now they wish to expand their scope of operations. Until now it has been possible to obtain a license to grow for medicinal purposes, not many have been granted,but some have. Now they are looking at eliminating these licenses and instead letting big pharma concerns grow it instead. They cite quality control as one of the principle reasons for this change. A concern they list is that they don't know what is used to grow this stuff currently. Just a little research will show this concern to be a total red herring as medicinal growers pride themselves on being 100% organic, no chemicals or artificial hormones. It would appear that this is just another example of gov interference and tightening of control over citizens. What I find reprehensible is the cynical manner in which sick people are being used as pawns in a pretty apparent agenda.
  3. Just my opinion but from what I see on a pretty regular basis it would appear that sentencing is pretty lax in many cases. My post about the big bust on the reserves in Quebec would appear to bear this point of view out. As you can see this guy has a long and distinguished criminal career, yet the last time he was busted he recieved what amounts to a slap on the wrist. Hopefully this time his sentence will amount to more than just a sad joke at Canadians expense, such as his last one was.
  4. Although I do not support Marijuanna prohibition or the government directing the choices of informed adults regarding choices that affect themselves I do think this is great news. Organized crime must be fought where and when it is found, from what is presented in this story it sounds like this is a good example of organized crime. After reading about the ring leader and his very lengthy list of previous convictions I have to wonder how severe his sentence will be, given that last time he was caught he only recieved a two year suspended sentence. Big Bust
  5. I wouldn't be too sure of that, haven't you seen that commercial where they show a Canadian car chase in winter?
  6. My question is why do we need yet another thread about this when we already have one in the sports section of the forum where it actually belongs?
  7. And I think you just hit the nail right on the head with that post. Facebook
  8. This is of particular interest to me as my GF likes to change the air freshener in our vehicle regularly. Sometimes when we are on lengthy trips we also grab a bite to eat and don't always dispose of the containers right away. Dubious Decision Quite simply it never occured to me that having a fresh smelling vehicle and some fast food wrappers would automatically label me as a drug trafficker. Personally I do not believe this constitutes just cause, perhaps this judge should rethink her decision on this matter.
  9. Exactly, in other words this story is pretty much a non starter given that he most likely will not be in any position to revisit this subject anyway. Still, it is a truly stupid idea in the first place.
  10. What a concept! Not for mail or gas. Beer, how can I get beer delivered to my place through a pipeline? That would be awesome.
  11. Very true, I'm sure most people have seen examples of ancient statues devoted to the god or gods of fertility. You know the ones, big belly, humongous breasts. Some of the examples found date back to mankinds earliest days. Too bad those ancients wearn't smart enough to realize that on top of instructing people in the construction of large floating zoo's everything was in fact because goddiditall. That includes porn.
  12. Where did I say this is why I don't watch team sports Shady? So are you saying that its okay since it doesn't happen all the time? The occasional riot is fine, just don't make a habit of it?
  13. Thats true, the point I suppose I was making is that porn is almost as old as that oldest of professions, if not as old.
  14. And what exactly does this rant have to do with the topic at hand?
  15. Lets not forget this one either. So Naughty
  16. Darn it GH, you beat me to the punch! This is a topic I was going to post about but first I had to go out and mix up some of my "super soil" and get the cucumbers and spaghetti squash planted. When I got back in I found you'd already posted this. Frankly I find organized sports to be about as exciting as watching paint dry thats why I don't waste any time at all on them. This sort of moronic behaviour merely serves to affirm my dislike for sports. Granted this sort of thing doesn't happen all the time, but it does happen. Once is one too many times for this sort of crap.
  17. I have this movie in my collection but have never watched it. My collection contains somewhere over 1,000 movies so I think I just forgot that I have it. Maybe this weekend will be a good time to give it a go.
  18. Oh, I don't know. Perhaps its because you have a tendency to try and blame Harper for just about everything you can think of. Oleg, I wouldn't go so far as to say they are up to no good, it could just be a case of incompetence. Whatever the reason it is costing them, I know of several people in my immediate circle who have switched from CIBC because of similar reasons.
  19. Not too often I agree with you Oleg but this time for the most part I do. There was a show about this very subject on History or Discovery (can't remember which) about a week ago. It is truly barbaric, a lot of the time they do exactly what you stated. They cut the dorsal fin off and dump the fish back into the water to die. The practise is driven both by status and primitive ignorant superstion. Even though its considered to be a delicacy it is indeed almost tasteless, however it is also very expensive, hence the status part. The superstition part stems from the unfounded belief that sharks do not suffer from sickness or disease. Actual research has shown that sharks do indeed suffer from sickness and disease. That doesn't matter though, this is a practise that has a cultural basis, as such facts will have very little impact on it. On a related note the illegal poaching of Canadian bears has skyrocketed as the Asian market will pay big bucks for the gall bladders. Once more they believe that they impart health and sexual prowess to the user.
  20. Topaz, you forgot the part where you tell us its all Harper and the Conservatives fault. Actually my girlfriend just closed her accounts at CIBC last week after they froze her account three times in one month. They said they suspected illegal transactions, in each instance nothing untoward was discovered, she had enough and took her buisness to another bank. She had a chip card as well.
  21. They should ban it everywhere. Sharks are an apex predator and play an important role in the oceans ecosystem. To drive them into extinction for what amounts to a status symbol is criminal.
  22. Strikes have happened before with other parties in power, you do know that don't you Topaz? You just end up looking ridiculous and desperate when you try to lay the blame for every thing in existance at Harpers door.
  23. Economic viability is not tied inseperably to Agriculture. As for these areas being barren, well thats simply not true. In fact a great many farms exist in these areas, agriculture also encompasses animal husbandry, not just crop farming. Relatives of mine live up in the Lindsay area and even though its rocky they run a very successful beef concern raising Black Angus cattle. Agriculture is not the only route that can be taken to prosperity though. Point in case is the Rama reserve. Even though they don't farm they are a highly successful community, as I said earlier the area is a very beautifull place to live as well. And no, the Casino is not the only form of income for the community, there are also many small buisnesses and many work as fishing guides, run campgrounds and other such occupations. The way you put it makes it sound as though the reserves are all located on the surface of the moon or some such place. This is simply not true and is, in quite a few instances an extreme exageration. What really is puzzling though is that you refuse to acknowledge the successes that have been achieved by some reserves and thier occupants. One would think that these would be a source of pride and an example of what can be achieved,not marginalized and dismissed out of hand.
  24. The Chippewas of Rama reserve is another really nice one. I frequently go up there as thats where Leadbetters butcher shop is located, just outside the reserve actually, I love the Cowboy steaks and burgers. The reserve comprises of about 2500 acres located on the eastern shore of lake Couchiching, There are about 1500 members with about half of them living off reserve. This is a beautifull location that many would give anything to live in. Its always a pleasure to visit this area. Another really nice one is in the Fenelon Falls area, I forget the name of it now but it is also located on a lake shore. I'll have to call my friend who lives up there and ask him what its name is. Really really nice place though.
  25. Whenever I stop in during the summer to gas up I usually run into Natives at the station. Quite a few of them are usually driving their work vehicles, that is tractors, combines, you know, that kind of thing. Southwold is heavily cleared for farming, it's some of the best land in Ontario. Very few woods remain and as for rocky land, nope, its London area. Anyone who has ever been to London knows what that part of Ontario is like. It consists of some of the best farm land in the world. This is a fact that cannot be disputed by any amount of mental gymnastics. You do know the reserve is located in Southwold county, right?
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