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AngusThermopyle last won the day on March 4 2019

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  1. Some good questions there. It would probably help if the Liberals would actually table a budget. So far 20 months and counting, and still no indication of when we can expect a real budget to be submitted.
  2. After reading your posts I'm not surprised at all that it sounds like a plan to you. So what's next? Ban knives, stored gasoline? Or will you only be happy when we end up with this kind of stupidity?
  3. If you don't like those ones here's another for you. Should I continue? There are plenty more. https://www.pri.org/stories/2011-04-27/indian-reservation-smugglers-playground
  4. Since you appear to be one of the very few people in Canada who are unaware of the reserve smuggling problem here's another one just for you. https://toronto.citynews.ca/2018/07/04/guns-toronto-border/
  5. Pull your head out of your ass and take a look at reality. https://nationalpost.com/health/contraband-capital-the-akwesasne-mohawk-reserve-is-a-smuggling-conduit-police-say
  6. Get real. It's been known for a long time that reserves that straddle the border are major smuggling routes. Your self righteous sarcasm and outrage are completely misplaced in this case.
  7. Plenty of mistakes and errors in this piece of crap legislation. Two Face Book chat groups are included in the ban as well as an American website. Almost all 12 gauge shotguns are now banned. It states that any firearm with a muzzle diameter of 20mm or more are banned. Well folks, a 12 gauge shotgun with interchangeable chokes comes in as being over that limit, so now they're banned. They also included a single shot bolt action rifle in it. Not to mention this kind of sheer utter stupidity, all these weapons pictured are on the banned list. What really pisses me off is that they didn't include main battle tanks, fighter bombers and various warships of different classes too. You don't need a tank to take down a deer after all.
  8. Based on the pile of delusional crap you posted I'm not at all surprised that it makes sense to you.
  9. It's also the most law abiding 1% of the population. Just because it's a small percentage doesn't mean they should be singled out for no good reason.
  10. Well goodness! Never thought I'd ever see something like this from Moore. Apparently Elizabeth May is already demanding that it be banned from Youtube. Just sit back and watch the long knives come out for Moore now.
  11. Exactly, it has nothing to do with public safety as they state. It has everything to do with scoring cheap exploitative political points by appealing to ignorance. They have not presented one single fact to back their position on this ban. That's because the facts would illustrate just how cynical this is. The fact is that statistically Canadian gun owners are three times less likely than non gun owners to commit a crime. The fact is that no one has ever been killed by an AR15 in Canada. The fact is that the only time the Mini 14 was ever used for a mass shooting in Canada was many years ago when a nut bar Aloha Snackbar guy killed a bunch of women at a woman's school in Montreal. It actually makes a lot of sense that licensed owners would be very law abiding. If you know anything about Canadian gun laws you know that license holders are checked for negative police interactions daily. They are also subject to unannounced checks on their property and storage if deemed necessary. Ironically, law abiding Canadian gun owners are monitored far more strictly than convicted criminals who have used guns to commit their crimes. In fact, no such monitoring or checks are instituted on criminals at all. Only in Canada eh.
  12. What the hell does any of that drivel have to do with your statement about politics having barely emerged during this crisis? Did you actually understand what was said? Or are you just looking for any opportunity you can find to post totally unrelated crap?
  13. Really? Politics barely emerged? So you consider Trudeau attempting two major grabs at virtually unlimited power within the span of a few weeks to be an example of politics barely emerging? Now that's what I call a really special perspective.
  14. Just call it the Kung Flu and be done with it.
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