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Everything posted by godzilla

  1. i don't do like i'm asked like you do by your rich masters. youtube is not a research tool! i see you cannot cite alternate research that refutes crime rates among immigrants. thats all that matters.
  2. indeed, richer people will benefit from cheaper labor... but regular Americans should be richer! they shouldn't have to compete with immigrants for jobs! thats messed up! like everything its not a black and white issue. new immigrants tend to vote DNC because they know the autocratic rhetoric from where they come from. and immigrants are necessary for the US since US native population is declining. declining population means NEGATIVE ECONOMIC GROWTH. again, anytime you want to cite major policy where the GOP that targets the working poor... still listening!
  3. go to the YouTube and type "crime by citizens". New Research on Illegal Immigration and Crime "The results are similar to our other work on illegal immigration and crime in Texas. In 2018, the illegal immigrant criminal conviction rate was 782 per 100,000 illegal immigrants, 535 per 100,000 legal immigrants, and 1,422 per 100,000 native‐born Americans. The illegal immigrant criminal conviction rate was 45 percent below that of native‐born Americans in Texas." feel free to cite research claiming that immigrants are more criminal in nature that native Americans. i'm waiting...
  4. um. i'm Canadian. i said that. i do B2B IT consulting work.
  5. i didn't know much about immigration until i looked into it... and it would appear, again, that most of the idiocy is on the GOP. House GOP fails to impeach Mayorkas over border handling Legal experts counter GOP claims that Mayorkas broke the law "The bulk of the GOP argument fixates on language in the law that says migrants “shall” be detained while they await removal from the country. It’s a standard that has never been met — the U.S. didn’t have enough beds to do so even in 1996, when the statute was updated." Chip Roy knocks Trump over border claim: ‘That didn’t happen’ “No, we’re not just going to pass the buck and say that, ‘Oh, any president can walk in and secure the border,’” Roy said, referring to Trump’s post. “All a president has to do is declare the border’s closed, and it’s closed. Well, with all due respect, that didn’t happen in 2017, 2018, 2019 and 2020. There were millions of people that came in the United States during those four years.” what is suspect is that neither the DNC or the GOP are enlightened enough to talk about the reasons why there are so many people willing to flee their homes down south. addressing the problem at its root is probably just as problematic for the US.
  6. i wasn't arguing that. but since pretty well all the feds do is take care of the border then... duh! yeah! the article goes on to try and convince numbnuts that this translates into domestic crime... without evidence.
  7. does it matter? what about all the other points i make? YOU GOT NOTHING except your illogical belief systems. and thats the rub, isn't it... that you believe that you are logical, when you are not.
  8. is my a$$ getting kicked? i'm in the top 5% wealth earners. or do you mean in the debate? because i don't see anybody debating this. i mean, unless everybody thinks that the growing wealth inequality gap is a good thing? i'm listening...
  9. its an age old gag for "conservatism" in the US... that "conservatives" aren't conservative at all. they are just another vehicle for the richest of the population to get richer and a lot of it directly from tax payers. the gag goes like this... get people all riled up about some imaginary enemy ("social conservatism")... gays, "wokeness", immigrants, abortion. the issue doesn't really matter, it used to be something else, the actual issue can be switched on a dime. this works mostly with uneducated rural types. just keep repeating that they are in danger and they will believe it. now the center of the GOP support, the uneducated rural types are already pissed that they've missed the "american dream" economically because GOP policies mean they've been getting more poor for 40 years. they need someone to blame. get them to blame gays and immigrants! studies show that people who suffer more from black and white thinking lean "conservative". and so these people are targeted by the business status quo. Political Ideology and Black-and-White Thinking and then have a god like cult figure like Trump to push these people over the edge. a cult like figure that will attack the faceless evil. save the country from "wokeness". while only making them more and more... poor! Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (no Jobs there!) "under the Act individuals and pass-through entities like partnerships and S corporations would receive about $1.125 trillion in net benefits (i.e. net tax cuts offset by reduced healthcare subsidies) over 10 years, while corporations would receive around $320 billion in benefits. The CBO estimated that implementing the Act would add an estimated $2.289 trillion to the national debt over ten years" "Bloomberg News reported in January 2020 that the top six American banks saved more than $32 billion in taxes during the two years after enactment of the tax cut, while they reduced lending, cut jobs and increased distributions to shareholders." meanwhile, Democrats continue as always to support unions and working people. no one can point to ANY policy evidence that the GOP support working people. they only support business and promise "economic trickle down" except that that hasn't been working for 40 years. as a business owner here in Canada... Trudeau has not made it easy for me. because i control the corporation from which i make money, my effective tax rate went up from 8% to 11%. poor working stiffs have to pay a minimum of 17%! but i'm aware that the happiest societies are those where the wealth gap is smallest. Income Inequality Makes Whole Countries Less Happy and with that wealth inequality destroys democracies... because it leads to concentration of power.
  10. just being clear here... what you site does not provide evidence of increased domestic crime associated with immigration. but attempts to influence the reader into thinking so by identifying specific incidents of domestic crime instigated by immigrants. its the usual propaganda for numbnuts who can't separate the two.
  11. whatever! Russia is an oligarchy! there is no valid elections. Putin jails/kills anyone who threatens his power. the wealth gap in Russia is off the map! Russian soldiers are astonished to find that Ukrainians have indoor toilets! so yeah, when a free thinking people decide whether they want to be part of the Russian empire or the Western empire... they pick the Western empire! and then the economy of the Western empire grows in stead of the wealth of a few Russian oligarchs. so screw Putin! this is a land grab. he wanted the whole thing! his first assault was an attempt on Kiev. soon Putin apologists will be making excuses for the Taliban! Kim Jong Un!
  12. what a BS header by the OP. there is NO increase in domestic crime identified associated with illegal immigration. federal crime is all at the border and mostly crossing at non-sanctioned crossing points.
  13. according to this, Trump has til Monday to appeal to the supreme court. Trump is not immune from prosecution for bid to subvert the 2020 election, appeals court rules
  14. Biden threatens veto of House GOP’s standalone Israel aid bill i guess Biden can also play hardball... Johnson will quickly dismiss the idea because its a naked loser. but the damage to the Jewish vote has already been done. no boarder deal then no Israel money. the GOP will wear this. the GOP wanted the border connected to Israel and Ukraine. and now they don't. and since Israel and Russia are not allies. more GOP clown show. in other news, Mayorkas impeachment is also on life support. House GOP’s Mayorkas impeachment effort on life support
  15. unbelievable the mental hoops that MAGA GOP supporters have to jump through on this one. you can ask over and over "why does Trump want to help Putin?" all day long, and they won't come up with an answer. because Trump has not said why. he doesn't say why. and so, his alias don't say why.
  16. first off, i'm no partisan... i'm anti-Trump. i think he's a huge goof. i would have no issue voting for Haley. you have good points about delaying the transfer of power. but in the past they have been legal avenues of delaying the transfer of power. in this case, we already have electors pleading guilty to creating illegal documents. documents that they created at request of Trump himself (they have him on the phone in Michigan). and more importantly... we have three defendants in Georgia that have plead guilty. admitting that it is illegal.
  17. but you avoid the question, should preventing the transfer of power be illegal for a president? you seem to be implying that even if it is, conspiracy to do so should not be. wonder if you can come up with any other activities in attempting to commit felonies that in US law are not felony conspiracies? there's a fun challenge for you! because i suspect there aren't any. and finally, lets say that its not illegal to try. Biden has electors from all states sent. Harris comes down and recognizes only the Biden electors. all done. now i know what some will say... "but then there would be civil war". is there something wrong with that? is it only ok if Trump does it. because thats where we've been for a long time. it's only ok if Trump does it. as he asserts... he alone is immune.
  18. i'm more interested in the future of the RNC. its been a fascinating transformation.
  19. perfect. but here's the rub... if its legal then Biden can prevent Trump from coming to power. If he can't do that then its illegal. if its illegal then... Trump will be convicted. so actually, whether its legal or illegal... its all bad news for Trump.
  20. its clear now, more than ever what with GOP senators infighting with GOP house, and infighting in the GOP house... that there are now 3 major political parties in the US. the DNC, RNC and MAGA. yes, MAGA was born on funding and structural products of the RNC... co-opted. but i'm calling it now that things only get worse for the RNC. that too many traditional RNC voters are turned off by MAGA (the proof is in their poor showings since 2016). the "red wave" of 2024 will be the same "red wave" of 2022. MAGA only have one script.
  21. all righty then! shall we? because i have lots of questions that MAGA fans can't seem to answer. you're "logic" and "facts" will fail you. 1. what about this plot that Trump cooked up to have illegal slates of electors send illegal documents to the Senate. then have GOP senators argue that the existence of these documents should prevent the transfer of power with Trump pressuring Pence as VP to prevent the transfer of power. is this illegal? if not then will it be ok if Biden does it too?
  22. what was "extreme" about any of my positions? maybe pick the most egregious of them...
  23. hey, you wont' believe anything you read unless it's framed in hate of an invisible enemy. you are extreme. because everyone else, to you, are extreme. only those that support your exact belief system are extreme. its a lens that you may never shake. all issues are conversations. conversations that need to be held by adults that respect each other as people and don't immediately jump to some ideological blueprint. and its about focus. there are school boards in the US now under attack for single pages in books. school boards where people have spent a lifetime in a career doing nothing that was previously controversial... suddenly being forced out of jobs that they were committed to for a lifetime because, out of 50k books in the library making up maybe 5 million pages, a small number of people with extreme beliefs who don't even have children are concerned about 1 of those million pages. thats the end of liberal democracy. yes, LIBERAL. Liberalism "Liberalism is a political and moral philosophy based on the rights of the individual, liberty, consent of the governed, political equality, right to private property and equality before the law."
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