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Status Updates posted by DogOnPorch

  1. Russia tests its anti-satellite capability in two separate programs (ground & space based) as Dems mull-over the need for the USSF. 

  2. Science isn't always easy, Morty.


  3. Second attack on the Capitol? What second attack on the Capitol?

  4. Seems a great number of Unbelievers are ready to submit to Islam as Dhimmis.

    1. betsy


      "A dhimmi ([ðimi]; Arabic: ذمي, meaning "protected person") refers to specific individuals living in Muslim lands, who were granted special status and safety in Islamic law in return for paying the capital tax."



      One thing for sure.  The closet will be popular again.

    2. DogOnPorch


      What are extra taxes and fewer rights for non-Muslims compared to the wonders brought to our culture by Islam?


  5. So I'm handed a stack of mail-in ballots...and I don't need a proper signature, ID check...or anything...other than check a box with 'Biden' next to it?

    Give me a pen...I'll get Joe elected.

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. Hal 9000

      Hal 9000

      Are you telling me that you believe that 80M people actually voted for Biden...a full 1/3 of the entire country...more than Obama and nearly 30% more than Clinton, meanwhile Trump gained 10M voters including large increases in the black and hispanic vote?  Really? 

    3. Boges


      I have it even harder to believe 72 million voted for Trump. But I'm not alleging Fraud. 

    4. Boges


      BTW a 6 million vote difference does look a lot like Pre-election polling predicted. 

      Not that it matters with the EC. 

  6. So many hoping to look good in a tight fitting uniform.

    1. Cannucklehead
    2. OftenWrong


      Ja, und a good haircut.

      A nice little Nazi-schnitt. ;) 

  7. So...this Schezwan sauce was for a movie, you say?

    1. DogOnPorch


      No R&M fans?? Incredible.


  8. Sorry, Bart. All the votes are for Martin. All of them. Every last one of them...for Martin.


  9. SpaceX/Dragon on the pad and getting ready...

    Democrats are sure to be pulling the funding for this and the SLS.

    1. DogOnPorch


      Green New Deal money has to come from somewhere.

      NASA suffered for 8 years under Obama/Biden...expect similar results.

  10. Statues of Teddy Roosevelt, Abraham Lincoln & Frederick Douglass apparently torn down during this weekend's leftist riots. 


  11. Sun turning 'round with graceful motion.
    We're setting off with soft explosion.
    Bound for a star with fire oceans...

  12. TDS now the official religion of the political left.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. DogOnPorch


      The poor dears...trying to form words. But all that comes out is...



    3. Omni


      I guess you're saying that the people who voted for Trump aren't particularly articulate. That may be a bit harsh, but if you say so.  

    4. DogOnPorch


      You can do your part by sending your donations to:

      The Unitarian Service Committee: Trump Refugee Division

      56 Sparks St, Ottawa. 

      Tell them Lotta sent you...

  13. Teddy Roosevelt...racist...slave owner...war-monger...colonialist....and a Nazi. You can see why he must be eliminated from history.

  14. Terror attack in Stockholm....

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Boges


      It was clearly a Viking. 


    3. -1=e^ipi


      @Argus - The swedish pm jumped to the conclusion right away without adequate evidence. Pointing to there being sufficient evidence now does not justify jumping to conclusions.

    4. DogOnPorch


      Poor terrorists.

  15. The Blue Caps in the Gulags were great at extracting 'confessions'.

  16. The Alberta Liberal Leadership Race closes. There were no candidates.


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. DogOnPorch


      The same NDP that betrayed the truckers? If you say so, Frodo.

    3. TreeBeard


      Yes, that NDP.  

    4. OftenWrong


      They really love the NDP, in Alberta.

  17. The Arab League refuses to endorse the PLO's condemnation of Israel & the UAE for their peace treaty. A devastating blow. Now only a few posters on Canadian forums actually support them. :lol:

  18. The Biden Admin remains #1 with puppy abusers and rioters. 

  19. The Biden Crime Family


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. DogOnPorch
    3. Infidel Dog

      Infidel Dog

      The evidence is real. The shop owner identified Hunter Biden as the owner of the laptop. Hunter Biden is the star of the multitude of sleazy pics featuring such hits Hunter passed out with a crack-pipe in his mouth and a porn scene with an unknown Ho. After the story broke, Hunter's lawyer demanded the hard drive. Fox, The New York Post and the Daily Mail are all reporting the evidence as real. Nobody's suing. The facts in the emails are consistent with known facts. The FBI has the original. They're not denying it's existence or challenging the veracity of what's in there.

      The laptop is real. The evidence within it is factual. It shows the Presidential nominee for the Democrat party involved in pay for play schemes with Iraq, the Ukraine, Russia and China.

      But if you notice these obvious facts and dare to repeat them, apparently you're a Russian Bot. 

    4. BubberMiley


      Just don't find out what metadata is and the only reason that Giuliani would want to conceal it. You might not be so entertaining if you had real-world facts in your brain.

  20. The defects of great men are the consolation of the dunces.
    --- D'Israeli

    1. DogOnPorch


      A wit with dunces, and a dunce with wits.


  21. The Democrats choose lying to the American people over telling the truth.

    In other-words, a normal day for them.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. OftenWrong


      Just finished reading about the Cuomo thing. I hope he gets impeached. They made decisions that they knew would cost old people their lives, and the reason was to avoid making Donald Trump look good, for the work he did for New York. In other words, they would rather lie, and even let people DIE, before making any political concessions to Trump.

    3. DogOnPorch


      I recall the rejection of the ship at the time. It just sat there...ready to go. But Cuomo said it was no longer needed.

    4. OftenWrong


      Trump also set up a field hospital by sending the army to convert a convention center into covid-19 treatment facility. For his fellow New Yorkers.

  22. The fruits of woke on display.

  23. The future must not belong to those who slander the Prophet of Islam.

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