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    Turn off the paved road.

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  1. Moderate Islam is akin to moderate National Socialism.

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    2. DogOnPorch


      A website with close ties to Iran's supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei has outlined why it would be acceptable to kill all Jews and annihilate Israel.

      Conservative site Alef has published a doctrine detailing why the destruction of the nation and the slaughter of all its people would be legally and morally justified.


    3. DogOnPorch


      Italy has expelled a Moroccan imam accused of making violent anti-Semitic comments during a sermon at a mosque near Venice.

      Raoudi Albdelbar, an imam from San Dona di Piave near Venice, was accused of creating a serious disturbance to public order, threatening national security and promoting religious discrimination.

      "It is unacceptable for a sermon to be delivered that is clearly anti-Semitic in character, with explicit incitements to violence and religious hatred," Interior Minister Angelino Alfano said in a statement.

      According to Italian daily Libero, the incident occurred at the end of July. It quoted a video published by MEMRI, a Washington-based media monitoring group, in which Albdelbar is reported to have said: "Oh Allah, count them one by one and kill them to the very last one."


    4. DogOnPorch


      Jewish human rights group the Simon Wiesenthal Center has expressed its shock that protests in support of Islamic terrorist group ISIS have gone undeterred by Dutch authorities in the Hague. Two public rallies, expressing support for ISIS have been held this month, with chants advocating the murder of “dirty Jews from the sewers” heard at both.


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