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Everything posted by Rue

  1. People say stupid things why repeat it? Don't repeat what I said.
  2. Bah. You should hear us at curling matches or at Tim Horton's g into a speaker. Seriously that is your proof? Lol. You need a couple of hours in a pub with some Newfoundlanders. Seal killers. Then just try go ten minutes with someone from Whitehorse. Absolutely out of control. Do not even get me started about people from Wawa or Medicine Hat. Punk sobs.
  3. Lol you and Shady are BIG..you fill in the blanks but remember Dialamah has a magnifine glass and a tape measure. She likes accuracy. Back to the virus..does it just disappear in the summer? I thought it did not. I am also curious has their been an increase in it in the US since the riots?
  4. Its true. A lunge can happen in seconds with a crazed individual lunging. They can travel quickly. You are right. The training says should when a man comes at you with a knife towards the largest part of his body the chest. Easier said than done. Its human nature to freeze especially for many cops who rarely use their gun.
  5. I still would really love to know who these elitists are because I am convinced many who we think they are, are not, and others we see as oppressed are actually elitists. Some people claim the Rothchilds, Rockefeller, Liz Windsor, the Vanderbilts, Bush, Satanist Mason Shapeshifter Draco Zionist white privileged men are these elitists. I tend to think elitists in one sense are anyone who coerces another for personal benefit which means every person on the planet and then on another level is actually constantly changing alliances of mutual interest groups. Either way it's too vague for me. I want names and addresses. I suspect already Greg the Moderator.
  6. I admit I do that with some intentionally and some unintentionally. Valid criticism. Yes. Doesn't make it right. You haved the right to challenge my pretentious face before I do it. Good point...but on Infidel's arguments I argue against them with classic conservative arguments. I find his positions inherently liberal and fascistic. I do not think he cares about cops or mutual respect, just his own personal ideology. I read Shady and Wes much differently. I see them as openly making partisan arguments and admitting that openly but Infidel's positions far more rigid. That is only my subjective take. I can not see any difference between Infidel Dog positions and Taxme positions. That is me. I do not claim to be superior just totally against Dog's agenda like MH. I like to call Dog's Russian anti American agitation a script designed to incite hatred against Americans. Ultimately to accept Dog's reasoning I opinecthat you end up in an anti democracy, anti individual head space justifying all or nothing might is right do it my way or you are the enemy thinking. Putin piss pus thinking. Thanks I pass. The very issues the Yanks have are what also makes them admirable. They get it out in the open. When Trump asked on June 1 to impose the Insurrection Act his AG, Joint Chiefs of Staff and Defence Secretary said no. He listened. That is the beauty of the checks and balances system. He could not pull a Putin. Nobody saw that. No one talks about that. They bloody well should. Yah the Yanks have issues. They will sort them out. Good soldiers stood up and refused to be used politically. That is the US Infidel doesn't get and I suspect loaths because he supports Iranian theocracy and Putin totalitarianism. The US military is every damn colour today. It's no Russian political tool of a dictator and it's no Chinese political tool crushing Hong Kong citizens. Up the Yanks in all their chaos. They are continuing the development of their expression of fred speech. If it goes too far they know what to do. Yah I support Mitt Romney and Colin Powell. What can I say. Edited for spelling on June10
  7. You just proved my point yet again. You engage in rigid, simplistic all or nothing stereotyping. Its what people do when they can not handle nuance. Use the thesaurus for the word nuance.
  8. I heard your simplistic stereotype the first time. Repeating it doesn't make it any more credible.
  9. Yes. Our issues with police are there for sure but they do not have attached with them the identical black American experiences in the sense we did not have the same Southern history although we most certainly have our ethnic ghettos. Our ghettos are based on a more passive aggressive expression. We are less likely to shoot and burn and more likely to smile and we don't limit ourselves to skin color as much as Americans might. We like to also categorize by religion, language, country of origin as much. I have always contended everyone discriminates but in America you guys are just more in your face direct than us and we do collectively . We are less likely to express emotions based on rebellion but base it instead on conformity even then in a toned down manner. However I generalize for discussions. Obviously it's just an attempt at explaining some differences. I think if you ask our blacks, many will say they came from countries where their oppressors were black not only white. It's a misnomer to think all blacks feel as American blacks from what I have been told by black people. I do not speak for black people. I barely can handle my own feelings. I just agree that we Canadians get caught up trying to be hip Americans.
  10. What does brain training mean? In regards to the allegation of pseudo-intellectual can you explain what verification process you used to decipher I pretended to say what I did or pretended to have scholarly expertise? Does that also mean you are one as well since you clearly have provided no scholarly sources or met anyone in Minnesota? What exceptions are you talking about and how did you determine they only apply to people on the right some of the time? What do you mean by right? Fascists, white supremacists, people who agree with you...who exactly? What do you mean by left? Communists? Socialists? Democrats? People you disagree with? What is if you mean when you call someone a progressive and how does a Progressive "blowout"a projection ? When you analyzed these "blowout projections" what method of frequency measurement did you use? Lol I know you can't answer. Your syntax, codification, attempts at anological referencing suggests you are trying to process a response to me from another language using a translator to provide verbatim translation but are unable to properly understand the variation and change of meanings you need on identical words when their contextual reference changes. Vy sdelali. I prefer Latin script.
  11. Stats on employment are notoriously manipulated. They do not include people who have given up looking for work, unemployed people who were once self employed and lost their jobs,or people who are now under-employed. 2.5 million what? What kinds of jobs? What jobs did they replace? During the month they were obtained do you really know how many lost their jobs? Is replacing a full time job with a part time job at much less pay reflected in your stats? Anyone can throw out a no. Its meaningless without further context and analysis.
  12. I think saying Dems or Reps endorse violence is equally as problematic. You keep suggesting it's all part of a Dem conspiracy. That to me is just as pointless as blaming it on Marxist professors or students. It is just a subjective political label you throw on a mob. In fact Republicans have openly spoken out as Dems have against what happened. I am not aware of any Dem or Rep telling people to be violent and burn things down. Let me be precise. You assume the behaviour is because of Dems. To me that is scapegoating. You haven't a clue what political ideology the protesters are. You also assume no Republican acted violently in t yg e Demos. You see what you project. I see irrational people. You sed irrational people and assume they are Dems. That is the same shit that sees all blacks as no good or sees all cops as violent. You generalize based on subjective biases you project. Is it possible some violent protestors vote Dem, yes. However others may never vote or may be Rep.how would you know? I know former soldiers both Dem and Rep who have demonstrated and were in marchs and both were non violent and you could be assuming they are violent Dems. I leave American protests to Americans to define. It is their dialogue. Watching what happens on t.v. is not accurate. Good people of all ideologies have been marching. Yes assholes are in the crowds. Are they leftist or Dems or commies? Well they are assholes. Calling them assholes won't bring Floyd back nor does it address what happened in a meaningful manner.
  13. To answer your question I have nothing for you. That would be illogical. You have already indicated you are not interested. It is also again evident with your latest rhetorical question that you feel the need to keep proclaiming what you think others must believe including me. You also use the exercise of pronouncement to try mock or patronize what you think are my challenges to your words with the reference to the term "nifty little neologisms" which you use as a negative label to throw out and pass off as discussion because you have no idea ho wcto respond to the points I made to you. You then ask me to stereotype others as you do demonstrating your inability to perceive or conceive any thought you don't think comes from you. This inability to see a difference between your own feelings and others I would suggest is repeating a narcissistic trait I have noted in responses in tidentical syntax as yours. You should know by now names on forums mean little to me. Specific repeat responses, references, rhetorical posturing, for me reveals distinct repeat patterns indicative of the same personality profile using different names and when that dates I point it out. I do note all of them disappear quite quickly even the ones that play no it ain't so.
  14. We all are fat while telling others to diet. It's called Oprah Winfrey syndrome. Wes however concedes the point which means I say thank you to him.
  15. Yes of course you did and now repeat it but you add on right wingers too. We both agreed violence and burning things down is bull. I just challenged the selectivity of how it was done to blame all people upset about Floyd protesting as being leftist.
  16. Our fractured are stretch marks as we grow. Don't mistake that with your own American osteoporosis.
  17. I am always with Besty on this. Life is how you choose to define. When she says God it means humility...feeling connected to a search fo purpose that flows from a journey that set out from something far higher than us but gave us opportunity to detach from it to find that purpose and share the experiences learned in finding that purpose. In a nutshell I get glimpses of that purpose everytime I witness someone do good and how intricate and beautiful nature is. Simple but yet profound stuff. Ah that is as good as I can answer because in this material world you get easily suckered into measuring value or defining oneself by what they own or control which to me is a distraction.
  18. You guys are something else. Marxist indoctrination....my ass..its the exact same indoctrination you all went through and are showing on this forum. Your conditioning to get you to the head space you are now at is as totalitarian and problematic as anything you think you see in others. Marxist? People haven't read a book...any book in years. What you see is herd mentality the same thing you have when you need to come on forums and agree with one another. Herd mentality. Its what we humans do. Whether its a thought virus or a physical one its spread the same way. Its spread by people who want to share the same anger at the same object of anger in this case leftists, blacks, whatever your hate of the day object is. This behaviour is in all of us. Everyone of us can turn into one of these angry violent protesters. It does not excuse it. It does though mean simply reacting to it like its only Marxist indoctrinated students who do it is bullshit. I can guarantee every last one of you has engaged in it. Marxist? Oh bull shit. The cell phone and internet has turned us all into sheep abandoning any attempt at critical analysis and choosing instead to engage in pat, simplistic, black and white stereotyping of others. Turn off your damn cell phones. Next time you line up for a Tim Horton's or cheer a hockey team or other sports team welcome. You think you are so different? Good friggin Gawd. Commies! Let me tell you something if it was actual commies they would be far more organized and deadly. Go ask Indeed or someone who survived them. Commies don't run around on streets. They goose step in unison and come in nice little black cars late at night or track you on the streets invisibly watching for you to so much as sneeze from your right nostril. Commies my ass. Westerners. Westerners like us no different than you or I brought up on the doctrine of consumer materialism the doctrine of measuring human value based on the amount of property it can accumulate that it can then sell to make money. Its people who are angry they feel they do not have enough money. Pure, simple and it aint got sweet phack all to do with Marxism, it has to do with people wanting to be rich like other people they see and not being able to. Its about self loathing because of years of being told their value is low or non existent. Its about others just like them who to try compensate and increase their value, try put down the value of others. Its about fat men telling other fat men they are fat.
  19. The phenomena you discuss is not leftist or for that matter rightist political ideology its called contagion theory or crowd frenzy or mob or herd mentality. You are choosing to use it now in political context to suggest its a leftist belief. Of course its not its no more a leftist belief than it is a rightist belief. Any humans in a mob can act this way. Contagion theory would explain that a larger a group becomes the more it has a "hypnotic influence" on those in the group. Chemicals in the brain are activated lowering inhibition. The effect of a crowd on your brain is similar to alcohol. It releases drugs that paralyze the frontal lobe lowering your inhibitions. Another phenomena that probably also mixes with it is called convergence theory. This is where like-minded individuals already had their anger in them before they came together then the contagion phenomena causes the like-minded anger to trigger itself like a small spark of fire to a tank of gas. Bottom line is mob frenzy is identically exhibited by rightist and leftist and all humans. Wes and those who have an agenda to turn it into a leftist phenomena do so because of their agenda. We could easily have leftists on this board saying the exact same things providing examples of rightists doing the same. It misses the point of human behaviour and tries to project the biases of the anti leftist to change the actual phenomena's root causes to shared political beliefs. Most people who riot have no specific identical ideology. What they have is anger. What you see in the States is a combination of people physically contained for a long period backlashing against physical restraint from Covid 19 plus a common sense of anger over police brutality that never ends in their minds as shown to them in the media. Interestingly those quick to call it leftist use the exact same anger reaction phenomena they look for each other and form common pools or gangs of thought to rationalization the expression of their anger. Having worn a uniform and been spit on and having had to be part of work requiring we go into angry crowds to arrest people or arrest someone I can assure you the spit from either direction in a riot is no different.
  20. Have you ever apologized for invading Canada?
  21. Cute? Give it a rest. When any of us look in the mirror its butt ugly.
  22. He never misses the opportunity to exploit any or all issues to make it about himself for image shots. Its why I really have no time of day for this photo phony. As much as I do not like Trump I am not sure what is worse, a person rude to everyone equally or a guy who selects his moments to pose. You know with Trump its just spontaneous at the moment. Trudeau its scripted. You keep Trump but you can have this idiot.
  23. Wes thd dirty pictures of Trump and Putin are there. Right next to the ones of Joe Bi and Hilary the Clint. Just stand up andcxtop sitting In the meantime you keep spinning with the Russian troll. I never interupt a tango.
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