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Everything posted by Rue

  1. Wow you are psychic. Look I am the first to challenge excessive force on a subdued man but you clearly can not. I will say this to Shady directly, no matter what I think I concede the point we need all the info in any such incident. I will be the first to stick my head up my ass if it turns out Floyd had some good read on to do what he did. I am just reacting subjectively go each incident likecwecall do. This one Eye sorry I see it differently.
  2. You are not. Police are not taught to stand by passively while a civilian initiates a move to invade another police officer's safety zone and then resist arrest. They err on the side of caution. In a situation like that a gun or weapon can be grabbed off the police officer to kill him or once close attack is initiated it may be too late to prevent harm. In this case the police officers acted as per their training. The only infraction was the intervenor using the term phacking . The Chief actually should be charged we with disorderly conduct, assault uttering a threat. This was a routine stop forcing expired plate. Chief Adam over-reacted. Had he stayed in the car, they might have only given a warning on the expired plate. All the people filming I guarantee you won't have the full episode. One of the reasons the police car is parked as it was is to enable the car camera to record the stop. The only reason this is in the news is because of Floyd. Now in every incident of any will have everyone comparing 8t and claiming 8tsxanother Floyd if the person detained is non white. This trivializes what happened to Floyd and other issues of abuse. Most people have no clue shat a safety zone is or whatbhappenxcshdn you penetrate it.
  3. You mistake him and me and others who had our own issues with lack of freedom but found it in Canada. He is the last guy who would blindly support government let alone it jacking your balls. Me, I hum and haw at grocery stores handling packaged meat. Not exactly someone you need worry about. Cancer will get me before you do. I have tracked and killed rabid animals. It was a job...same job where I cleaned toilets and cut toe nails. Don't mistake me as a social worker. I cleaned toilets. .
  4. Excellent debate between Ow and Bog. What can I say. Yah to both. I think OW this virus may not go away so finding a way to live with it ain't gonna be easy. Professional sports must be worried. They depend on large crowds. TV revenue alone would radically alter their business model. So many businesses are struggling. Small business especially. Like any mass change some will make money out of it others will be permanently displaced. Forced retirement for many..with no savings.. well it's as challenge...there always are...I prefer to stay matter of fact about it and piss in my cereal over important things like Trudeau's hair cut. Unacceptable. This Covid prevents me from a hair cut look is his handlers decided on trying to make him look like one of us is a joke. Hah. One of us. Bah. I shave my head. All the tough guys do. Me, Rue Paul, Jeremy Statham, the Rock.
  5. Again Argus you avoid my questions. You again show in your lack of response to questions asked that you have given no thought to what you propose. You provided websites that do not support your proposal but you ask to be inferred to ratationalize your negative assumptions about Chinese Canadians. So now what? Your thesis contends Chinese Canadians in Canada should be suspect to be agents of the People's Republicof China by virtue of their being the same Chinese ethnicity. So are they less suspect if they are a half or a quarter Chinese? Given your identical comments about Muslims I assume you intend to surrveille them as well?Then given what you have stated should one conclude you want any Canadian with an ethnic link to a country you feel is dangerous to Canada to also be surveilled, i.e., Russians, Turks and given your concern about divided loyalties and how some of our allies spy on us because thry compete with us for the same businesses and market access will we be surveilling anyone who during world soccer tournaments or Olympics sports a foreign flag? Hey let's not also forget given your beliefmmigrants cause the most violent crimes and black Canadians commit the most crimes and native Canadians have divided loyalties they too would be under surveillance. So now... how many government agents will you need to surveille them? What name will you give your operations, how many people will be hired, and much money will you allot to it and how do you anticipate not violating the Charter of Rights? Further, gven your expanded targets of surveillance, how will that be different and not conflict with what the CSE, Ministry of National Defence, CSIS, the RCMP, and police criminal intelligence units already do? So finish it Argus Is it smarmy to point out you once again call on the government to surveille people, this time, simply because they are Chinese?Is it smarmy to point the fact your subjective assumptions about Chinese or anyone else is not the basis of a coherent public policy? Did anything in what you produced in your website ask for surveillance of Chinese in the terms of reference you use? Of course not. Just like you have no proof to suggest immigrants commit the most violent crimes in Canada. Do you intend to create an action group of concerned citizens to keep a watch on Chinese or Muslims or Leftists, etc.?Where will you intern suspected people with divided loyalties? How will you define when that divided loyalty requires incarceration and what countries do you intend to put on your list? What standards of evidence and proof will you use to base your need to intern or commence surveillance? Please Answer the questions your proposal raises. What is smarmy is casting slurs against immigrants and Chinese. I challenge your words as bigoted fear mongering with an agenda to turn Canada into a political police state based solely on your subjective perceptions of who should be Canadian. I reject your assuming anyone is not loyal to Canada simply because they are Chinese, Muslim or anything else. Until you can coherently provide objective criteria for your proposals and why and who you suggest the government surveilled you are no different than any fascist or the very Chinese communists you claim to loath.
  6. All about spacing. You can not put 2000 people inside a store the same way you can outside in terms of spacing. You are overthinking it. If the government preventd open demonstrations would you not also be arguing they are using Covid to repress democracy? Maybd there is no conspiracy or double standard? Get back to me when you can explain how you distance 2000 people or 40 people the same way in any limited space. p.s. you can only come to my bar mitzvah if you wear a mask..we will have special ones with a wide range of motifs to capture the moment...
  7. The title of the thread denies systemic racism in federal government. Does anyone think Argus or anyone who denies such a premises is interested in acknowledging it? Does Shady really want a lesson on the Indian Act and why it continues? Of course not. This thread is spill over from reactions to Floyd.
  8. Give an example of systemic racism in the US or Canada or anywhere? The fact you ask such a question means you deny it exists. Otherwise it means you are so stupid you do not know what the Indian Act id?Which is it Shady. You really need someone to give you an example? Edited to remove unintended personal remarks.
  9. A second wave in South Korea seems to indicate this issue is very complex to manage.
  10. Argus nothing in what you provided backs up your claim as you are well aware. Get a hold of yourself man. You are just far too intelligent to respond like that blaming leftists or referring to things that do not back your point. In fact there are stats kept on violent criminal immigrants because they lose their pr status when happens. Those stats show nothing of the sort.
  11. You deny racism with subjective opinions not facts. You have yet to provide a fact. Also you offend no one. To offend someone they would have to care. Don't delude yourself into thinking that anyone but you cares about your opinions. You have an agenda to deny racism exists and try criminalize blacks to justify your denial. Furthermore, even if what you said about blacks was true it would not justify racism or abuse of power. Next, this thread is not about you and your negative stereotyping of blacks. Your need to make it about you again displays your narcissism. Go start a thread about yourself. This thread is about policing not you.
  12. I have now decided to make a unilateral proclamation of American Republican politicians I approve of who should replace Trump today with the exception of the first on the list who is clearly non a supporter of either the Reps or Dems: Jesse Ventura, Mitt Romney, Colin Powell, Nikki Haley Charlie Baker, John Kesich, Larry Hogan, Sue Collins, and if he wasn't Austrian born, Arnold Schwarznegger. Of the Dems, Cory Booker is my pick. If I was bringing in someone completely outside of politics I would bring in Ben Shapiro and Chris Cuomo just to make things interesting to watch on tv.
  13. I would have OW preferred the government err on the side of caution than unnecessary exposure to the virus. Sure they did not know what they were doing. Yah they made a lot of mistakes and maybe they continue to. Hopefully we learn from this. Hopefully what they should have done after SARS and did not they will now do, i.e., have early testing and warning protocol in place but this will require some kind of surveillance and people like me and my kind have been on this forum cautioning about infringement of civil liberties with surveillance so balancing health prevention with fundamental privacy issues man that won't be easy will it. Also I hate to say this but some people do not unless you err on the side of caution get what being smart is about when it comes to not spreading viruses. I mean OW we have been spending how many years teaching people to wash their hands and not spit? Look I agree with you, there may very well have been over-kill or over-management, and I am the first to agree with you on that, but I ease up on government or anyone erring on the side of caution when it comes to life. Its the moral thing to do and Boges is right, you were damned if you did or did not do in this situation. For me if I do not want to be surveilled I will have to be prepared to take the vaccine if it ever is made. I won't be able to have it both ways. I am no better than my dogs. They get certificates for vaccines for rabies and distemper, etc., so can I. In fact I would prefer if the vaccine for covid 19 is given to me by a vet. I need to be on a leash.
  14. No you notice when I disagree with you I often dismiss your views as simplistic. You are not " we" and you are not "everyone" but I do notice you do often revert to the tactic of referring to yourself in the plural no doubt thinking this will make you sound more credible. It does not but does show you use multiple identities on this forum oooopsy. Also to clarify, simplicity can lead to profound expressions or rigid defective conclusions. In your case yes I have never read anything from you in the former category just the latter Finally "bloviate" does not mean blow with the nose...it refers to what you do with your mouth....but then that might explain why you would try put certain things up your nose. Careful.
  15. The correct grammar would have been, " bloviating through your mouth with your nose in the air.." You boys at the desk need to bone up on your vernacular.
  16. Please be my guest, this is when you gentiles need to free to use the expression.. oy gevalt... The thing is I think Americans love him precisely because he is a fat pathological liar and see no contradiction in him calling others fake or in need of a diet. This is what the American people want. They prefer it. Trump symbolizes a rejection of politicians by electing someone who shows contempt for them.
  17. Cracking down on interference by China on the Canadian Chinese immigrant community..did you mean all Chinese Canadians or just Chinese immigrants? I think myself you meant all Chinese Canadians and believe the two concepts are interchangeable. That said I think your assumption you can crack down on Chinese interference is interesting. Do you want political police? Do you want internet surveilled? Do you want Chinese people followed? Do you give any thought any more to what you write?
  18. Develop a sense of humor because you spend most of your time peeing or forgetting to pee.
  19. Your did not address Ow's point. There is no peace in the Middle East. The press is just cut covering it anymore or other international conflicts as their journalistsxare not travelling. The people of the ME would probably want to know where this peace is. You know any Syrians, Kurds, Yazidi, Israelis, Palestinians, Coptics, Bahaiis, gays, trade unionists, journalists, students, Iraqis, Pers iui and, Yemenis, labourers from the ME? For God's sake man, email one..peace uh no. Try take a boat ride in the South China seas or Strait of Hormuz.
  20. Americans piss in the open standing up, Chinese do it while squatting behind a tank.
  21. That said thanks, I am glad people found work. I see covid's impact on our economies as a bipartisan issue. It's not particular to Trump or Trudeau as much as we blame them I argue. I peesinally am not sure if unlimited government spending is the answer. Inevitably at an individual level all of us will have to make do with less to restart biz. Making those sacrifices ain't easy. If blacks in the US really want change they will have to start their own businesses and boycott certain products. Sacrifice to make positive changes hurts. You will know people are ready when they are willing to do without nikes and TVs and cell phones and bmws and gold necklaces. Until then it's just people angry about not having enough non essential shit they are duckered into thinking they need to be happy.. if you ask me ..which is your point too or Shady's or OW's and believe it or not Dialamas or Eye's point as well. We are caught up in the wrong priorities. You can't be free when your first reaction to your environment you don't like is to grab a t.v. Our values are skewed which Betsy is saying. I read everyone on the forum. Y'all have said the same things about it believe it or not. Me agree. Back to Trump, he's just the starting point for all these discussions butb has very little to do with it. He just spits back the sound bites of the day between golf matches.
  22. Good luck on that. The inherent nature of the police is to manage and contain criminal behaviour. It requires a wide range of approaches of which defusing or using dangerous weapons in live fire situations is inevitable. Live fire incidents often necessarily require responses no different than the military would engage in with live fire. Good luck telling a Swat tactical force not to do what they do. Bottom line is no cop wants violence but certain tactics must be used to defuse it. In an ideal situation you do not escalate to weapons..but a minor incident can switch to a lethal one in seconds. Police are getting state of the art training. Thd ssue is when they become desensitized. That requires constant monitoring. The repetitive nature of exposure to humans at their worst causes desensitization. Approaches to identifying and managing it are difficult to create and implement. If a cop came in off the street everytime they were angry or sad for counseling we would have no one on the streets to do the job. So welcome to my world of imperfect laws, flawed enforcers and criminals manipulating the system as well as innocent victims. We all have excrement, piss and blood stains in this biz. The cops like emergency room staff, are the first in line to get sprayed and killed.. We call get sprayed in the legal biz. The smell everyone thinks is from cops. I am saying it comes from higher-ups just as much if not more likely than cops so you may have to refocus up higher as well
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