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Everything posted by blueblood

  1. The polls give him the best shot They will vote for O'Leary or have Trudeau for longer. O'Leary can manipulate the media along with having name recognition. Harper had a terrible time with the media and Tory support stagnated. Trudeau is savvy with the media. O'Leary is the best shot at climbing that mountain, not a bunch of betas. Which will be fine for getting young Canadians into the fold. O'Leary is only talking about finance. The other issues he talked about- assisted suicide, abortion, marijuans have all been dealt with. O'Leary is learning right now and taking lessons. He has two years. Harper improved his french over time as do the others. Ipsos says oleary has had the best shot of taking Trudeau. Numbers are numbers and the social conservatives can look at reality in the face. In the rural prairies there is a lot of talk of O'Leary taking it and possibly beating Trudeau, they don't give a rip about social conservative nonsense, just about canning Trudeau. Trudeau knows how to make the media work as does O'Leary. It's a battle the other candidates can't win as the media machine will chew them up. O'Leary can get press and the others can't.
  2. The next election is going to be framed around the economy and O'Leary is pitching that as his strong suit and according to the polls many suggest that O'Leary has the best shot at taking Trudeau, the social conservatives will get in line as they can eat some humble pie to get the books back into balance. If the cpc is stupid enough to put forth a leader solely on social conservative values, then the party deserves another 4 yrs in the desert. oleary has committed to learning French and wasn't going to participate in a debate where he butchers French for 20 second soundbites. I'd say that's pretty reasonable and the polls agree with me. Name recognition and media savvy...
  3. As you know support changes amongst leadership candidates as the herd is culled. Like I've said the polls dictate that O'Leary is clearly ahead of his fellow candidates as the best shot to beat Trudeau. The other candidates don't come close, you can cling to the notion of the party, however O'Leary is still popular among the party and it's still early.
  4. The donors will eventually flip and deal with reality. Bernier and leitch had almost a year of fundraising. O'Leary is fine and his influence and support continues to grow
  5. You might want to check out olearys twitter feed... he's doing pretty well with that
  6. Tories are going to look at the tea leaves and see a candidate that has the advantage of name recognition and media savvy and judging by the polls many are coming to that conclusion that is what is needed to take on Trudeau. Mad max is a flash in the pan
  7. Then there's this poll https://www.google.ca/amp/globalnews.ca/news/3207501/kevin-oleary-justin-trudeau-conservative-leadership-race-poll/amp/?client=safari time to start culling the herd...
  8. Maybe the three of them combined will have as much influence as O'Leary...
  9. And a lot more than 2/3 oppose mad max, leitch, rarity, etc.
  10. Yet Obama got more than any of them. They stayed home and have to pay the piper.
  11. I'm looking at the Tory leadership race part of it. O'Leary has a commanding lead among the party rank and file
  12. But they are the last check and balance to whether a pregnancy goes through or not. it would be far cheaper to subsidize birth control to help out with that problem, but good luck trying to get a politician to go for it.
  13. https://www.google.ca/amp/s/www.thestar.com/amp/news/canada/2017/01/24/oleary-leads-as-tories-gain-ground-on-liberals-new-poll-shows.html?client=safari doesnt look good for bernier and looks good for me wonderful...
  14. They only have themselves to blame. Romney got more votes than trump!!
  15. Watching the left having a hissy fit is worth having trump in charge. Its just poetic justice that someone like Obama has been replaced by trump. No other GOP leader would have had the same irony. Dont worry there's lots of conservatives still skeptical and holding trump accountable. The Ben Shapiro show podcast is worth a listen.
  16. And bad for ammunition for debates and attack ads
  17. Agreed, welfare is the main industry in remote communities to keep the peasants in check.
  18. CTV reads the tea leaves when they do their reporting. In an election when they smell blood they go for it. Martin, Dion, and Ignatieff found that out. Big stories drive ratings and a change in govt is an example of a big story.
  19. They're not undemocratic, presidents use them from time to time. That's part of the responsibilities of a democratically elected president is to make decisions.
  20. Some kind of deal will be made, pipe or not. The pipe would have been sitting there still if Hillary would have won.
  21. Wrong!! Social programs subsidize poverty not eliminate it. How's the war on poverty going in the USA?
  22. We don't when it's managed poorly. The ussr and Venezuela learned that the hard way The Venezuelans tried that schtick with their rich people and it blew up in their face. Tax rich people too much and they leave. Hence the popularity of bali, Cayman Islands, Bermuda, Bahamas. there already is a lot of people putting their name forward looking to take an axe to unnecessary spending...
  23. Transcanada shareholders (Canadian and American) which include retirees also want a deal
  24. His caveat is to build it with USA steel which I'm sure Transcanada has no problem agreeing to.
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