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Status Replies posted by betsy

  1. So let's just ban those nasty inhalers,  die allready it's better for planet 

  2. Loblaw stores getting 12 million from the Liberals to upgrade their fridges!

    Why are we subsidizing a very big, profitable company?

  3. hahahaha  Here it comes!  But, it's coming from Philpott!


    Philpott says PM broke law by removing her, Wilson-Raybould from Liberal caucus


  4. Members of Mueller's team say Barr lied and is covering up damaging unclassified summaries of Trump's illegal activity. 

  5. Members of Mueller's team say Barr lied and is covering up damaging unclassified summaries of Trump's illegal activity. 

  6. Welcome back to our forum friends who have returned from afar.



  7. I think, all we've seen so far from Raybould are just.......fireworks!  

    Her shellings and  grenades are about to follow.



  8. I think, all we've seen so far from Raybould are just.......fireworks!  

    Her shellings and  grenades are about to follow.



  9. I think, all we've seen so far from Raybould are just.......fireworks!  

    Her shellings and  grenades are about to follow.



  10. Looks like Joe Biden may as well forget putting his name in the hat for 2020

  11. Hahahaha   Bubberley and Don Jonas  probably wouldn't have even dreamed they'd see this coming!     Hahahahaha



    Trudeau now has a lower approval rating than Trump, with Tories way ahead: Ipsos poll



    :lol:  To a Trudeau fan-boy......to have a lower approval rating than Trump, must be.......apocalyptic! :lol:

  12. Hahahaha   Bubberley and Don Jonas  probably wouldn't have even dreamed they'd see this coming!     Hahahahaha



    Trudeau now has a lower approval rating than Trump, with Tories way ahead: Ipsos poll



    :lol:  To a Trudeau fan-boy......to have a lower approval rating than Trump, must be.......apocalyptic! :lol:

  13. Hahahaha   Bubberley and Don Jonas  probably wouldn't have even dreamed they'd see this coming!     Hahahahaha



    Trudeau now has a lower approval rating than Trump, with Tories way ahead: Ipsos poll



    :lol:  To a Trudeau fan-boy......to have a lower approval rating than Trump, must be.......apocalyptic! :lol:

  14. Hahahaha   Bubberley and Don Jonas  probably wouldn't have even dreamed they'd see this coming!     Hahahahaha



    Trudeau now has a lower approval rating than Trump, with Tories way ahead: Ipsos poll



    :lol:  To a Trudeau fan-boy......to have a lower approval rating than Trump, must be.......apocalyptic! :lol:

  15. Hahahaha   Bubberley and Don Jonas  probably wouldn't have even dreamed they'd see this coming!     Hahahahaha



    Trudeau now has a lower approval rating than Trump, with Tories way ahead: Ipsos poll



    :lol:  To a Trudeau fan-boy......to have a lower approval rating than Trump, must be.......apocalyptic! :lol:

  16. Hahahaha   Bubberley and Don Jonas  probably wouldn't have even dreamed they'd see this coming!     Hahahahaha



    Trudeau now has a lower approval rating than Trump, with Tories way ahead: Ipsos poll



    :lol:  To a Trudeau fan-boy......to have a lower approval rating than Trump, must be.......apocalyptic! :lol:

  17. The pro-Trudeau fake journalists are all saying "there is not much more added that we don't know anything about," and "remember, she has the advantage because she knows she's recording it, but he doesn't." DUH.

    You fake journalist airheads - you don't know the real significance of this recording? 


    Remember what she said before the Justice Committee?  Remember the various spin of Trudeau, and Butts, and Weckner?  Remember all the attempt to smear her, to cast doubt to her integrity, and to her allegations?


    It....... PROVES....... SHE'S TELLING THE TRUTH.......

    ................and TRUDEAU, etc, are all..... LIARS!



  18. Jussie Smollett's attackers still on the loose. Be on the lookout for two white men in MAGA hats keen on beating-up privileged TV stars with high connections. 

  19. Jussie Smollett's attackers still on the loose. Be on the lookout for two white men in MAGA hats keen on beating-up privileged TV stars with high connections. 

  20. Jussie Smollett's attackers still on the loose. Be on the lookout for two white men in MAGA hats keen on beating-up privileged TV stars with high connections. 

  21. If there ever was a privileged, entitled, 1-percenter who refuses to accept responsibility for themselves, it is on display now.

  22. Creepy porn lawyer charged... YEAH

  23. Creepy porn lawyer charged... YEAH

  24. Creepy porn lawyer charged... YEAH

  25. Creepy porn lawyer charged... YEAH

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