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Status Replies posted by betsy

  1. Creepy porn lawyer charged... YEAH

  2. Creepy porn lawyer charged... YEAH

  3. Proven: Trump guilty of colluding with American voters in 2016.

  4. Proven: Trump guilty of colluding with American voters in 2016.

  5. Is it a political coup?

    Evan Solomon mentioned something like the end game for these two women is to get rid of Trudeau.  They see that as what would make a better Liberal Party.

    I think, they saw the incompetence (to say the least),  of Trudeau....... first-hand. 

    They're not only fighting for the rule of law.   They are fighting for Canada.

  6. So Mckenna says both women should just speak up and tell their story. Is she so incredibly stupid that she doesn't realise it's her boss who refuses to let them do exactly that?

  7. Is it a political coup?

    Evan Solomon mentioned something like the end game for these two women is to get rid of Trudeau.  They see that as what would make a better Liberal Party.

    I think, they saw the incompetence (to say the least),  of Trudeau....... first-hand. 

    They're not only fighting for the rule of law.   They are fighting for Canada.

  8. Is it a political coup?

    Evan Solomon mentioned something like the end game for these two women is to get rid of Trudeau.  They see that as what would make a better Liberal Party.

    I think, they saw the incompetence (to say the least),  of Trudeau....... first-hand. 

    They're not only fighting for the rule of law.   They are fighting for Canada.

  9. So Mckenna says both women should just speak up and tell their story. Is she so incredibly stupid that she doesn't realise it's her boss who refuses to let them do exactly that?

  10. hey Bubb and Don!

    Mueller doesn't seem to have any evidence.........


    ...........................but, Jody Wilson-Raybould claims she does! :lol:

  11. There needs to be an investigation alright- into Media collusion.


    “there’s much more to the story that needs to be told” but that it can’t come out because “there’s been an attempt to shut down the story” - Philpott




    Lol.   Budget Day just got blown out of the picture!   Back to SNC-Lavalin.....with a vengeance! :lol:

  13. Trudeau housing budget - is it like subprime lending that led to the economic crisis?


    "In finance, subprime lending (also referred to as near-prime, subpar, non-prime, and second-chance lending) means making loans to people who may have difficulty maintaining the repayment schedule, sometimes reflecting setbacks, such as unemployment, divorce, medical emergencies, etc.[1] Historically, subprime borrowers were defined as having FICO scores below 600, although "this has varied over time and circumstances."[2]

    These loans are characterized by higher interest rates, poor quality collateral, and less favorable terms in order to compensate for higher credit risk.[3]

    Many subprime loans were packaged into mortgage-backed securities (MBS) and ultimately defaulted, contributing to the financial crisis of 2007–2008.["



  14. Justin is reviving political ghosts to look into Lavscam and to make recommendations to the Liberals. He has recruited Anne McLellan, otherwise known as Landslide Annie :lol: for the job.

    "She was re-elected by narrow margins in the new riding of Edmonton West in the 1997 and 2000 elections, despite the Liberals' general unpopularity in Alberta.[5] Her frequent narrow escapes gave her the nickname "Landslide Annie" in Canadian political circles."

  15. The Liberal majority injustice committee strikes again.

  16. Quick, cue more news stories about plane crashes and women and children getting hit by cars. Only the state can protect you.

  17. A senior U.N. environmental official says entire nations could be wiped off the face of the Earth by rising sea levels if the global warming trend is not reversed by the year 2000.  EEEEK!! :blink:



  18. Trudeau using same line he used in the groping allegation.  "Her experience"......"my experience."    "Her truth"........"my truth." 

    Mind you, who sez liars aren't glib?

  19. Trudeau in Neverland tonight, big animated rah rah rah..  hold up sign and cheer on cue

  20. Believe it or not, there are still those who support Trudeau.  But.....

    ......it's amazing that they are the ones who tend to scoff at and mouth off on big corporations - and yet, they have no problem on Liberal cronyism with big corporations!  Go figure.

    Maybe.....that's why they're quiet.   They're trying to figure out how to go about this? :lol:

  21. Trudeau in Neverland tonight, big animated rah rah rah..  hold up sign and cheer on cue

  22. I'm watching CBC.  Former Liberal Atty General says that if Wilson-Raybould's testimony isn't completely contradicted - there are lots of grounds for RCMP investigation.

  23. Wrote one columnist, if Quebecers continue supporting Trudeau, in spite of this attack on judicial independence, 'we are imbeciles'



  24. Warren Kinsella is reporting on CTV that the RCMP has seized the cell phones of PMO staffers ... wow that was fast

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