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Status Replies posted by betsy

  1. Biden gives clear, comprehensive answers that actually address the questions he is asked. Must be dementia.

  2. K, guys - I know you guys all appreciate my comments, given the enthusiastic responses and many "notifications" I get, but sadly - I have to get back to my real life.  Some of us do have to work, after all, so that Trumptards can be supported by the actual workers to spread their misinformation, conspiracy theories and just plain dumbness on social media platforms like this.  Have a great day, everyone.   :P

  3. If Barrett can't commit to whether she'd overturn Roe v Wade, why should Biden commit to packing the court? 

  4. "Further investigation has determined the suspect is a private security guard with no affiliation with Antifa."

    that won't stop the "pro-fa" people from spreading fake news though.

  5. "Further investigation has determined the suspect is a private security guard with no affiliation with Antifa."

    that won't stop the "pro-fa" people from spreading fake news though.

  6. "Further investigation has determined the suspect is a private security guard with no affiliation with Antifa."

    that won't stop the "pro-fa" people from spreading fake news though.

  7. Wham bam, thank you Nancy!

  8. 56% of registered voters say they’re better off than 4 years ago.  

  9. 56% of registered voters say they’re better off than 4 years ago.  

  10. Biden/Harris support the #1 policy objective of the Communist Party of China, the Ayatollah in Iran & the regimes in Cuba & Venezuela

    They all want Biden to win.  But but but Putin!

  11. Found out this morning, reading Politico, that Trump never did say "The virus is a Democratic hoax."  Instead, he said that the Democrat's criricism of how he handled the virus was foisting a hoax on Americans.

    Think I'll refer to Politico more often when trying to filter information from misinformation.

    Snopes also says Trump never called the virus a hoax, so despite claims here that Snopes can't be trusted, I'll keep Snopes as reference as well.  The more sources, the better.

  12. Found out this morning, reading Politico, that Trump never did say "The virus is a Democratic hoax."  Instead, he said that the Democrat's criricism of how he handled the virus was foisting a hoax on Americans.

    Think I'll refer to Politico more often when trying to filter information from misinformation.

    Snopes also says Trump never called the virus a hoax, so despite claims here that Snopes can't be trusted, I'll keep Snopes as reference as well.  The more sources, the better.

  13. Hahahaha - poor 8th grader!  After Pence's heartwarming explanation to this kid - there goes Harris politicking and tearing down Trump! hahahaha


  14. Oh, that Biden.


    "And they say, 'Well, why in the hell would you say that Biden? You just talked about all these difficulties.' Well, I’ll tell you why. Because the American public, the blinders have been taken off," Biden told the roundtable attendees. "They’ve all of a sudden seen a hell of a lot clearer. They’re saying, 'Jeeze, the reason I was able to stay sequestered in my home is because some Black woman was able to stack the grocery shelf. Or a young Hispanic is out there, these dreamers are out there, 60,000 of them acting as first responders and nurses and docs.' Or all of a sudden people are realizing, 'My Lord, these people have done so much. Not just Black, White, across the board, have done so much for me. We can do this. We can get things done.' And I think they’re ready."



  15. Investigation launched into mail-in ballots for Trump that were discarded in Pennsylvania

  16. What's the big deal with Trump coming home to the White House?  Yeah, he still has covid - so what?   Melania still has covid!

  17. Investigation launched into mail-in ballots for Trump that were discarded in Pennsylvania

  18. Trump goes back to White House.  Seems clear he was never sick, just pulling some BS.  Trump organization owns stock in Gilead and Regeneron, which developed the drugs that were supplied to him and will no doubt be touted as saving his life, thus driving up stock value. 

    But he'll need the money since he owes $400,000 million dollars around the world, all coming due in the next four years.  Plus the penalties he'll get for tax evasion.

    F'ckn scammer.  

  19. Live Update: Doc says Trump doing well, no oxygen today, no fever for 24 hours.  Critical time is 7 to 10 days, but today he's improving from yesterday.  Won't give specifics as to how sick he was, or specifics on tests.  Will continue with Remesdivir for five days.  Everybody except the doc speaking wearing a mask.  Trump might have been on oxygen while at the White House, reading between the lines of what doc said.


  20. imagine if Joe Biden mocked Trump's illness like Trump mocked Hillary's.

  21. imagine if Joe Biden mocked Trump's illness like Trump mocked Hillary's.

  22. Report: Bill Clinton And Ghislaine Maxwell Had A ‘Secret Dinner’ In 2014


    "The Beast said Clinton had six or seven guests at the dinner and described it as intimate; a Clinton spokesperson said there were 20 guests.

    Representatives for Maxwell did not respond to requests for comment by Forbes; Clinton spokesman Angel Urena told Forbes that the former president has not been accused of any wrongdoing.

    Crucial Quote

    “Think of all the people [Clinton] knows in L.A., and Ghislaine gets to attend,” an anonymous source told the Beast about the dinner"



  23. imagine if Joe Biden mocked Trump's illness like Trump mocked Hillary's.

  24. I’ve got bad news for those with Trump Derangement Syndrome.  Covid is going to give Trump an election win.

    Americans will rally around the old guy and the timing is pretty much perfect.  Thanks China!

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