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betsy last won the day on September 10 2023

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  1. Illegal immigrants want equality!  They're protesting for resident status to gain access to healthcare, Education, CERB etc..,.....lol. 

    Something tells me, they'll get it.

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    2. betsy


      They're here illegally.  It's not the same as the migrant workers. 

      Yes, we rely on the documented migrants who come to work here - but, they also depend on these jobs.   They're paid a whole lot better than back in Mexico.  It's a symbiotic relationship between them and us.   There is nothing to feel guilty about it, or to be ashamed of.  UNLESS they're being maltreated and abused (labor-wise) - it's good for both sides. 

      I don't know if they are being screened properly (health-wise, which is a must) before being given working visa, or whether they have access to basic healthcare while they're here, or if someone should be taking out insurance for them - but they need that kind of help.

      But I would agree with you that I'd wholeheartedly prefer to have these migrants workers for becoming Canadians than the ones that we bring in from certain places.   But of course, we shouldn't expect them to be content to just being farm helpers once they are here - but, that's okay!  At least we know that these  people not only share our values, but that they are willing to work.

    3. OftenWrong


      They should come out and be made legal, in other words go through all the normal vetting and screening process.

      In the meantime they should be put in concentration camps...     /s

      Or is it? :o

    4. Argus


      The only reason they say 'Canadians won't do these jobs" is because the mass of unskilled labour coming in through the immigration and asylum system every year keeps wages low. If it weren't for the immigrants and refugees wages would rise to attract workers.

      As for the agricultural TFW workers guess what, the moment you give them citizenship they're going to leave the farms and head for Toronto and Vancouver and we'll have to bring in more TFWs to pick crops. And given these are third world farm laborers you can classify them all as 'unskilled labour' off the farm, so they will, at best, get minimum wage jobs and have to be carried by the rest of us.  So that idea just won't fly.

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