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BubberMiley last won the day on February 28 2022

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    ƃǝdıuuıʍ ‘sʇɥƃıǝɥ ɹǝΛıɹ

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  1. 22000 dead Americans and the president is tweeting about his ratings and is mocking reporters. Still no sign of grief or empathy.

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    2. BubberMiley


      Your lying had nothing to do with Trump? Then why did you lie in a status update about Trump?

    3. betsy



      Yes, I agree. Lying about the number of Canadian deaths to try to make Trump look better was pretty bad. Glad to see you recognize that too.

      You're the one who talked about Trump.   Here's your headline:


      22000 dead Americans and the president is tweeting about his ratings and is mocking reporters. Still no sign of grief or empathy.

      It's your usual attempt to say something against Trump.

      Get a grip.


      Why do you use the numbers of dead people?   Are they just stats to you?

    4. BubberMiley


      It's the most reliable indicator of the spread of the virus and how well it's being managed. Why do you dismiss empathy and compassion? Are you a psycho?

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