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Everything posted by sharkman

  1. Uh, I think you do a lot of thinkin'. And being that the marriage legislation failed (in the senate I think), it'll go back in the closet for a couple months.
  2. Meltdown? Is that the best you can do? Come ON, you can do better than that. Where are your spoon fed talking points? Where is your I enjoy sharpening my teeth with folks like you: I'm schooled in philosophy and logic, so dealing with your kind of BS doesn't come natural. You're a freaking posterboy for dogmatic ignorance, lies, and irrationality. Too bad I have to go to a leftist blog to practice on your mirror images amongst lefties. Oh, and do keep your head in a dark place. Heaven forbid you use your own eyes, or your own brain. You wouldn't be of any use to me at all if you did that. What's this? Anyone who feels the need to trot out his education at the slightest provocation might be feeling a little inadequate.
  3. It says, " Left hand of God" in your signature. If you don't want people to confuse that with a left of center perspective, then use the whole phrase - In the left hand of God. That and your Bush bashing add up to what sounds like a lefty, personally I don't know what you are. If you don't think your above response to Johny was a rant then I'll leave you to your belief that everyone who disagrees with you must be a fool.
  4. I hope it is a turning point, I just see the good with the bad. Something you apparently aren't up to. As for being on the left, I'm fairly certain I was voting Moderate Republican when you were still in diapers. If I'm a far lefty, then you must be be a skinheaded fascist who wear's pee stained sheet on conical hat every weeekend. Come to think of it, I've voted Republican more often than not: Arlen Spector, John Heinz, Bush the First. I never voted for Clinton, and changed my party affiliation for two presidential primaries just to vote AGAINST Cllinton and Kerry. Of course, I've been VERY lucky: in the Atlantic and Northeast states, Republicans HAVE to be moderate in order to get elected. Moderate Republicans are the best problem solvers I know. Not like their neofascist kin. Yeah, I'm some lefty. If I'm a FAR LEFTY then you have to be a nazi-skinhead by comparison to me. In a case of fair for the goose being grist for the gander, I'm gonna call you lump you with the Skinheads and Nazis from here on out. After all, if you think the folks who vote for Spector, Todd-Whitman, and other clear-headed Moderate Republicans, you'd HAVE to be a fascist to call them FAR LEFT. Lynched anybody lately? Made any human skin lampshades? Surely you've gassed somebody? See ya round, Nazi-boy. Geez, what is it with this guy? Maybe you should turn you ranter off for a while. When your identification with the left is in your own info at the side of ALL YOUR POSTS (left hand of god) don't be surprised if people call you a lefty. Just FYI
  5. Name calling only shows a lazy imagination, with a name like darth Buddha I'm sure you can do better.
  6. I just heard that montgomery Burns was banned and I wanted to express my disappointment if this is true. Some on the left hate him outright, and I have seen some try to goad him into stepping over the line I think. People play such silly games.
  7. I'm really disappointed to hear Burns was punted, it doesn't seem fair although I don't know the details. I know I saw him being completely goaded several times recently, and I pointed it out to the twit who was doing it, maybe they were trying to get him kicked out.
  8. I think he went to support the new gov. and to support the troops. I don't give a rats ass what the MSM or the typical lefty thinks since it's always the same old same old with them. You can bet the majority of troops over there are stepping a little bit lighter now. IMO, that's what it's all about. They've got the job from hell and anything that can help them is a big success in my books.
  9. Teddy I am shocked! SHOCKED!! To think that they have to suffer under such a heavy torture master like the Canadian justice system. Seriously, I believe they are just following the steps as laid out by their comrades in Gitmo and other places. Step one is always claim torture. All the better if you can work up some rug burns or the old snake bite. I'm sure the claims will get more outlandish as time goes by: The Koran was used as t.p., Mohammad cartoons were put up in every cell, blah, blah, blah. It won't fly this time, because Canada doesn't know how to even rough up terrorists let alone abuse them.
  10. I think the racism they experience also has a big part in what makes someone more susceptible to the rantings of extremism. Of course the Koran talks about martyrdom and killing infidels as well. Nothing is done with such fervor as that done with religious fervor.
  11. Have you ever heard the expression, "Assumption is the mother of all evils"? You conclude, but it's based on incomplete third hand information.
  12. As well, 3 tons of explosive material does not equate to a pipe bomb. However, the guy still gets my nutbar rating, glad to see his friends ratted him out.
  13. Thanks, Newbie, there's nothing like the wit and wisdom of Coulter to bring things into focus. No doubt her book will do quite well, as all of her previous books have done.
  14. At any rate, step one in the play book for the gay activist is to scream homophobe until the media comes running. Step one for the media when the gay issue is at hand is to stick a microphone in the face of the person who's yelling it the loudest. No one analyzes the charge to see if it has any merit, the person screaming is now itself the story. And if the media person did their homework they'd discover the gay activist considers anyone who believes anything slightly different than them is a homophobe. One day I hope activists will be able to quit it with the knee jerk reactions and realize there are many out there who disagree with them but don't hate them.
  15. Beautiful, just beautiful. After all, Hitler was just misunderstood, right?
  16. Yeah, too bad that one set of circumstances is based in reality and the other is retardedly partisan payback speculation. Perhaps, but there were a lot of rumours about Nancy Reagan's sexual behaviour prior to her marriage that the mainstream press completely ignored. And there were rumours about the senior Bush and adultery, and about Bush junior, who was an alcoholic hound dog until he hit about 40. Does anyone really think Bush never played around behind his wife? Then again, his wife killed a previous boyfriend under mysterious circumstances, so maybe Bush is too scared to try anything. You guys with your nutbar fixations on Bush and those connected with him are fascinating. His wife killed her boyfriend, eh? And I'll bet her daughters came from aliens and Elvis mows their lawn. Personally I try to stick with factual information. You wouldn't believe it, but there are wackos on the right who do nothing but talk about conspiracies too.
  17. Uh, it's not about Pat. The person in question obviously hates Bush, and the only way you're going to get someone like that to back petal is if it's a really serious matter. It's far beyond a poor choice of words, a person can get fired for less.
  18. BHS, there's no use in trying to converse with some of the more militant granolas. Even when you are minding your own business they try to goad you. I mean, what's the point?
  19. You know you're doing something right when your opponent starts to lose his grip. In a recent episode, one such Democrat shows beyond a doubt that Bush is under their skin. Here's proof positive. And in typical fashion, after the threat was uttered, he followed Democrat 101 back petal strategy. After uttering words like that he should face charges. In Canada, one of the terrorists arrested now faces charges for additionally saying he would like to behead harper. No difference IMV.
  20. I'm sure the RCMP is pretty well aware of what will fly in a court room and what is entrapment.
  21. Give it time, americans will follow his lead and it will be on their minds. This isn't about making second classs citizens so much as it is protecting traditional marriage and family. BTW. gays can't marry in the U.S. as it stands, can they? Same with most of the world, save for a few silly governments that want to put the gay agenda ahead of things like health care, education, and economy issues.
  22. Well it's about time. Humiliating and degrading treatment is such nonspecific wording you could convict a kindergardener for torture if he sneaks a kiss from a classmate. (True story, kid got suspended, but I digress)
  23. I'm afraid the looney left in the media is going to have some tough going if they think they can keep Bush and adultery on their front pages. The man is as straight laced and boring as Harper. Not that there's anything wrong with that.
  24. She gets 15 years for killing 8 of her newborn kids. That's fair isn't it? I mean, they're only small, so killing them isn't as bad as killing a full grown adult, right? I guess Canada doesn't have the patent on judges who are no longer capable of defending those who can't protect themselves.
  25. When in Rome...we can not be so arrogent as to dictate to the Afghan military forces what they can and can't do, when they are risking their lives and having their comrades and loved ones killed or tortured.
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