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  1. This is the same old dumb game played every election cycle. No politician trying to win a race wants to talk about defeat before they even have the election and no one wants to commit to "accepting the results" when they don't know what the results are. There could be a difference of a hundred votes, issues, or legitimate reasons to contest the election. They say they are going to accept the results, then the same disingenuous people asking the question will come back and demand they concede immediately, or they run pieces on how they are already prepared to lose the race...
  2. Here you are again, defending Hamas and justifying their actions by drawing a false equivalency with Israel.
  3. I am focused on the facts here, the facts are that Biden showered with his daughter to the point she wrote about it in her diary and that it was probably inappropriate. That is not an accusation. That is not false. Those are the facts. Gross is showering with your daughter to the point she has to write about it being probably inappropriate in her diary.
  4. You keep talking about peace, when Hamas is not interested in it. You keep blaming Israel, your policies would leave Hamas in power. Hit me with a shovel? You have shown more outrage to me here than Hamas, and they are the ones who did the rape and murder.
  5. Oh... so, you can sit here talking about Israel forcing their coexistence on the Palestinians... but now all of a sudden you cop out with saying you were not there. For there to be any kind of reconciliation process, you need to talk to your pals in Hamas about how they want to wipe Israel off the face of the map. When you can get them to even agree to Israel/Jews right to exist there, let me know.
  6. I don't need to be here doing anything. Its in her diary. The same diary folks on the left tried to act like didn't exist, tried to claim was all a lie, but in classic leftist argument style, after the denials fail, just pivot to saying whats the big deal?! No, they do not just say when the child feels uncomfortable. There are age ranges, and not all agree on those. Usually around 6-8 from what I could gather... If you are still showering with your teenage daughter because she has never said anything... that is gross and weird. But sure, we are supposed to believe Biden was showing with his daughter was so normal and OK... that his daughter felt she had to say it was probably inappropriate in her diary. So, did she not feel comfortable enough to tell her dad that? Clearly, there is a problem. You can't sit here saying it is normal to shower with your kids until they feel uncomfortable when they don't even feel comfortable enough to say so. At some point, you are the adult, you should know better. What is gross and cruel is a dad showering with his daughter to the point she has to write in her journal about it being probably inappropriate. My bringing it up is, as you say, just me stating a fact. Notice you had to have all these little carve out exceptions, places like the pool you shower in your bathing suit for crying out loud. If you are crammed into a tiny cruise ship shower with your kid, both naked, there is something odd with you. You can keep your kids safe without being in there with them.
  7. There is no apartheid Israel and again, whatever occupation the Palestinians are facing today is a direct result from their going to war in 1948 and the continued terrorism and wars since then.
  8. They did not just chose not to, they went to war against Israel with the purpose of destroying them. Israel fought for their survival. You call that "forcing their coexistence" well duh. Just come out and say it, you wanted Israel to get wiped out in 1948 and all the Jews killed. Didn't you?
  9. Again, I think he was being clumsy, you keep ignoring this: "But that does not mean that we really are superior." I have provided this to you like 3 or 4 times now. You keep ignoring it. That is not what I said. White people being underrepresented doesn't change the harmful impact these things have on white people. We have a society that celebrates people of color and encourages them to be proud while also telling white people they should be ashamed, guilty, and they can't celebrate who they are. That is not good for the mental health of kids at all. That is not my simply saying they get to have it we should too. You can teach black history as part of any general history without needing a special month.
  10. OMG, of course you would come in here and play the same dumb game trying to defend Biden. We are not the ones saying anything, it was his daughter in her diary. She is the one who said it was probably inappropriate. And no... it is not common for parents to be naked in the shower or bath with their children. Is that what you do?
  11. Again, he appeared to be clumsy with his wording, as he went on to say: "But that does not mean that we really are superior." Well, for all the same reasons other races get to celebrate themselves and have special days, so to should white people. They have just as much right to be proud of who they are and be celebrated.
  12. So... you can't answer? Acting appaled that I don't know the answer doesn't do anything. This is just a pathetic way of shouting LA LA LA LA LA LA LA and covering your ears to avoid hearing my question. Yes, we can play this dumb game going back to the caveman grunting starting things. No, the creation of Israel is not what led to any dispossession, oppression and subjugation of the Palestinians. They chose to go to war, they lost the war, their actions in response to the creation of Israel is what led down this path. Their continued actions, aggression, terrorism, and wars have kept them there. They could have chose to coexist with Isreal.
  13. No, I was pretty clear. I guess you are just going to play games and obfuscate now. Here is what I asked you: "1948... what was the dispossession, oppression and subjugation on the Palestinians by Israeli's?" How about you actually respond to the things said? "Their going to war against Israel led to that. "
  14. Yet again, you ignore almost everything I say and come up with some strawman this time to argue against. My criticism was not that you merely provided a fact, it is how you are doing it. You are throwing it around to absolve yourself from having to, you know, actually argue the issue on any substance. Hence, why it is an appeal to authority. You have repeatedly gone on to prove that is what you were doing as you have demanded and mocked me for not merely trusting the authorities, like your 10 doctors example. You have repeatedly insisted not merely presenting this as some abstract fact you are citing, no, you are saying I must believe the 10 doctors... well, because there are 10 of them! They are the experts! what alternative facts did I create here? My colors are just fine Mr so called tolerance and basic courtesy.
  15. He was being clumsy from what I can tell, as he said in the same post: "But that does not mean that we really are superior." If this is the best you got... it isn't much or enough to assert someone is a racist. Good. If there is going to be a Black History Month, there should be a White History Month too then.
  16. At this point, you just want us to conclude you are acting like a dishonest Troll here. Got it. If you are not blocking me, since you keep ignoring my repeated challenges to your absurd attempts to defend Biden here.
  17. You did not answer my question. It was your assertion about dispossession, oppression and subjugation on the Palestinians No, the creation of Israel did not cause oppression, subjugation, and dispossession to the Palestinians. Their going to war against Israel led to that.
  18. If you read it his post was quite obviously making a point about contributions to technology and he even said not really superior after. It was a clumsy post, but hardly some proof of his being racist. If that is your best, then you owe him an apology. Calling someone racist wrongly is one of the most disgusting things you can accuse someone of. Forget if it is necessary or not; that is your subjective take... but what about racism? Is it racist to have a White History Month?
  19. Wow, it's like you don't even care to read what I say and respond honestly. I gave you an example of how I let information dictate my decision-making instead of politics. Let me guess: you listened to Dr. Fauci, the WHO, and all the "experts" when they told you that you didn't need a mask, and then the next day when they said you needed one and told you to fold up a T-Shrit to wear that over your face, you thought wearing a piece of cloth over your face would save you? Nowhere have I said anything here to indicate I put politics first. Did you spend all night trying to find the one source you could that was narrow enough to fit your use? "Tip: There are two easy ways to avoid committing appeal to authority: First, make sure that the authorities you cite are experts on the subject you’re discussing. Second, rather than just saying “Dr. Authority believes X, so we should believe it, too,” try to explain the reasoning or evidence that the authority used to arrive at their opinion. That way, your readers have more to go on than a person’s reputation. It also helps to choose authorities who are perceived as fairly neutral or reasonable, rather than people who will be perceived as biased." https://writingcenter.unc.edu/tips-and-tools/fallacies/ Based on how you have run away from several bad arguments you have pushed in other threads... especially the one where you tried to act like you had some moral high ground on "basic courtesy" when you offer none yourself, just as you continue to do here.... you have no room to talk about being decent.
  20. Or, folks like you need to listen to what he said if you will comment on it or be more honest. I wonder if you can even define what a woman is in any meaningful way. LOL
  21. First, they will NEVER get back all the land they want. At best they want to go back to pre-1948 war borders. Ain't happening. It is a non-starter. Second, for most of them, all the land they want includes all of Israel... Hence the chants from the river to the sea... Until the Palestinians can set more realistic expectations and stop trying to kill Israelis, there will be no end to the "occupation"
  22. I see you are still at it! Once again, you can "take care of your kid" without showering with them to the point they are writing about how it is probably inappropriate in their diary.
  23. The last time I looked at the stats, in places with concealed carry licenses, up to 3% of the adult population got a license. Of those who have a license, even fewer carry a weapon regularly. Not sure if that changed much with constitutional carry.
  24. Come on Texas. How did no one have a gun on them and take him down when he came back with a knife?
  25. Well, since you didn't bother with my response to your silly game last time, here you go again: Mine is not an argument against all experts or their expertise. I am not here saying to ignore them all in everything, so your mockery about ignoring warnings is as misplaced as your fallacious reasoning with the illogical appeal to authority. First, You must be interested in engaging honestly if you want to get to intelligently.
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