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  1. Then why isn't Russia begging to negotiate on terms that are not so beneficial to them? So.... taking what you say here, you want to leave Russia with all these advantages?
  2. No, There were more instances than the Colorado one, the Democrat AG of Maine removed him from the ballot. Again all cheered on by the left... I did not F up, you are just being dishonest as usual. LOL, you are so dishonest. Now you change "above the law" to "above the current law"
  3. Biden talked to his ghost writer about the classified documents... he did have intent. Duh.
  4. You claimed: "Johnson wants to codify making former POTUS above the law. 🤮" You keep dishonestly trying to change the subject to "seeking special privileges" now. My understanding of your dishonest here is just fine.
  5. Yeah, lets pretend like it was not supported and cheered on by Democrats. Just like you.
  6. Right, so citizens elect their representatives to make decisions like we are talking about here with passing a law to move criminal actions against the President to Federal Courts. So, what is your problem with this? Um... no. The Constitution says no such thing. So, what is your point here? Saying Biden broke the law less than Trump did still means Biden broke the law. Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk.
  7. It was. I wrote quite a bit, even honestly conceding what I have always thought about Trump's stupidity... and this is the best you are willing to do in response? Words have meaning and I earnestly try to use them correctly. Of course you are going to ignore my post... you have been doing that repeatedly throughout this thread when I throw the stupidity of your arguments back in your face. Let me guess, you do in fact question the Gore election, right? Let me guess, you don't actually blame Pelosi or other Democrats like Harris for the violence all summer long around the BLM protests/riots. Right? Let me know when you stop being a two-faced hypocrite on these things.
  8. I guess you couldn't figure out how he was above the law here as you claimed...
  9. Well, for starters, I served with Women in the Marine Corps. I know the physical standards and they are modified for women. I also know the Sgt Major who conducted testing at Quantico... Other than that... it is just plain common sense for anyone who has a shred of honesty to look at the obvious. There is a reason why we have women sports... and why women's times / records in physical sports are no where near men's. Beyond that, I don't think I characterized it as not strong enough, what I said was: "Yes, women are, in fact, inferior to men when it comes to physical strength. " There was nothing "gender biased" about the results that showed men outperforming women in nearly all of the tasks, he wrote. And despite the data showing that the best women in the task force performed at or below the levels of the lowest 5 percent of male volunteers in the experiment, according to LeHew, LeHew wrote that Mabus has said stated that his mind was made up before those results were even released, he wrote. Mabus said his mind was made up even before the results of the experiment were released, LeHew noted. But the data shows that the best women in the task force performed at or below the levels of the lowest 5 percent of male volunteers in the experiment, according to LeHew." https://www.marinecorpstimes.com/news/your-marine-corps/2015/09/14/marine-war-hero-secnav-off-base-on-women-in-combat/?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTEAAR33d2j16OV0pX5qPEm8yqWsBvyLR-VJuj2tH9TiJqHhVWpz40OyKoHncO0_aem_0t0PQXJzNaicjsUCibJJpA
  10. Appears to deny. So, where did I say nothing to do with it? I am not the one speaking these extreme exaggerations here; you are. So, you can't defend your own absurd claim about "nothing" and accuse me of saying it about something else instead. Trump clearly planned for and organized the peaceful protest that day... he had something to do with it, but no, he did not incite a riot in any illegal sense of the word. As I have already repeatedly questioned you on and you ignore, it is no different than how much Democrats are at fault for the summer of violence around the BLM protests. I fault Trump for his stupidity and acting like a clown and the constant lies... but he did not cause, plan for, promote, etc... the violence that day. Now you are presuming motivations. I am not interested in your biased take on things, you can't even be honest about literal facts. Yes, he did condemn them for what they did that day: "Like all Americans, I am outraged by the violence, lawlessness and mayhem." "The demonstrators who infiltrated the Capitol have defiled the seat of American democracy. To those who engaged in the acts of violence and destruction, you do not represent our country." You ignore this and try to conflate that with his not accepting the election results. Guess what? Democrats still think the election was stolen from Gore, that Hillary had the election stolen from her... hell, both of them still push that garbage too. Folks on this forum still push it right now. Do you think Gore lost fair and square? You already admitted he tried to stop it with your lie, which you ignored in this response: "You yourself lied trying to claim he had that power to stop it too, when he released the video. "
  11. Who is the "they" you think you are talking about here because you just shared a picture of folks in LA protesting?
  12. Yes, you are here defending taking the GOP nominee for President off the ballot on specious legal theories. It was illegal and obviously specious. You don't get to pretend like you care about defending Democracy when you are here defending ruining Democracy. You and others on the left are fully willing to burn every norm to the ground to get Trump. Nothing is noble, just, or righteous about what you are doing.
  13. I am not twisting anything. I understand that pushing Russia further back is no walk in the park, but it certainly is not hopeless, impossible, where negotiation is the only way out as you keep saying. You keep trying to argue that Russia has the numbers... but those numbers didn't get them a win on their invasion. You keep bringing this up, but you fail to note how much of that territory they had already captured in their proxy war before their invasion. In total, they have not gained all that much as part of this invasion at all.
  14. LOL. Yes, it was illegal. Of course, just as I figured though, you are here crying about democracy while you defend literally taking someone off the ballot. So much for Democracy.
  15. Only the same in that they are both illegal. It is not a stupid gotcha at all. It is a straight-up 100% I did get you.
  16. You said: "It's 2024. We can wage war by wire--partially if not wholly--in most scenarios. Most service personnel are not assigned to combat roles anyway. " What was the point in saying this? How am I armchair quarterbacking the DOD? This was from a Senate Committee. Even then... OMG, this is an online forum where we all debate and discuss any number of things, including government policies.
  17. So, your entire convoluted response is just a big strawman. I never pretended any such thing. My point was quite simple. Both are lawless, and both have consequences. You condone, justify, excuse one, and mercilessly want the full force of the law hammer brought down on the other.
  18. I don't need you to help me out here. I hope you can one day be more consistent in supporting laws and opposition to lawlessness.
  19. I guess you will ignore all those classified documents he had in his possession all over his properties.
  20. The only thing proving to be obnoxious is you. You lied repeatedly in one thread and instead of having enough integrity to own up to that you are going to be obnoxious yourself in other threads trying to troll me now. Are you in the right thread? This is not about how Democrats tried to remove Trump from the Ballot illegally.
  21. My bad, I was not quite onto your little troll job yet. I am now.
  22. LOL Yeah, sure. Nucance thinking for you: Protestors you like and agree with = you will ignore and/or play down excuse/justify their lawlessness. Protestors you don't agree with = hammer them with the full might and fury of the law and more. Screw em.
  23. How is this, you jumped on a comment of mine where I was pointing out the fact: that passing this law doesn't make Trump above the law. It simply moves any charges to the federal justice system.
  24. Oh, how cute. I see what you are doing now. You are all riled up because you lied in the other thread, so now you are going to troll me in other threads. The point was clear... and wrong. The implication was that this was only for Trump, but in fact it is a law that would apply to all Presidents past and future. This would be a good thing for Democrats too, because you can be sure Republicans are going to use this lawfare moving forward too.
  25. My words are just fine. He said: "Ukraine can masterfully defend itself, and hats off to its resilience in doing so. Speaks volumes of their grit and character." Ukraine "masterfully" defended itself by beating Russians on the ground. That was my point, that this whole line of argument is disingenuous where these guys claim Russia can't be beat... but Ukraine is beating them by holding off their invasion AND pushing back their initial invasion push. If Russia can't be beat, this would not be dragging on for 3 years now with only paltry gains on their part as they have thrown their men into the meat grinder trying.
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