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Everything posted by Yakuda

  1. You and I be with know words don't compel people to action. I found that quote very easily. He was a liberal but even he recognized the BS of political correctness. It's an attempt at thought control just like the trans nonsense. We're supposed to believe someone with a penis is a woman. Yes when it's forced on me. You should be too.
  2. Oh right you're one of those that thinks words compel people to action. If so then put $1 million dollars in my bank account. If the tds crowd had thr goods to charge trump with insurrection they would have done it. They don't they just the narrative, "trump incited insurrection". The narrative is a lie and the left repeated it say after day. Sounds familiar huh?
  3. That's pure nonsense. If words compel then deposit $1 million dollars in my bank account. The comedian George Carlin once said, "Political correctness is fascism pretending to be manners." Whenever I hear "politeness" it reminds of Carlin's words and its usually spot on.
  4. Oh you're a brit. Didn't they arrest someone for praying? Well transpeople do scream and whine about being misgendered. Normal people don't need to participate on the delusions of others. Well unless you have clear evidence that speech leads directly to injury, it should never be banned. Again if words compel people to action then send me $1 million.
  5. BTW it's not accurate to say I want to ban speech. I said speech is banned not that I want it not be. I don't think any speech should very rarely be banned.
  6. No they better because I'm not interested in how offended people might be. Oh but I did answer it.
  7. Merely pointing out that planning to commit a crime isn't the same as committing the crime.
  8. Again if two people conspire to kill someone and one of them purchases a weapon that advances the conspiracy and no attempt to commit the murder needs to happen to get a conspiracy conviction. Period. Correct a plan to act not the act itself. No one was convicted of insurrection or sedition.
  9. Which only proves the point that "hate"speech laws arena political weapon.
  10. They didn't get Capone on tax evasion because it was easier they couldn't get him on anything else. That fact is alleging trump incited insurrection was an outright lie.
  11. This is exactly right. Some people just dig in their heels when they are proven wrong.
  12. There are weak minded individuals who believe misgendering is hard speech and best and violence at worse. Please stop pretending. You're confused. Government and the courts are all we have but are far from perfect and therefore suggesting something is legal doesn't make it good or just. Behavior is what matters as that moves us closer to objective standard of what's actually dangerous. Words may hurt people feelings, that doesn't make them dangerous. As I said and as you affirm, you may need a mommy but don't.
  13. Once again your are incorrect. Conspiracy only requires an act that advances the conspiracy it doesnt have to the the act itself. Buying a weapon to kill the person fulfills that requirement. You never have to actually try and murder the person. You're so wrong about this the rest isnt worth engaging
  14. All SHOULD come to repentance not all WILL come to repentance What translation did you use for Timothy. Every version I know says DESIRES all to be saved. Again not will be saved. But there is Matthew 7:21 "Not everyone who says to me, 'Lord. Lord', will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my heavenly father". Also Matthew 15:50 "Whoever does the will of my heavenly Father is my brother and sister and mother". Lastly Matthew 25:31-46. It's clear not everyone ends up saved. You need to know Scripture not just certain verses.
  15. So then then claim that he incited an insurrection was just a left wing lie. No one associated with that day was convicted of insurrection or sedition and trump never will be either. Their discretion is based on the fact that what was claimed never happened.
  16. Yes it is. The government and the courts????? Not very impressive or comforting. They once declared slavery legal. People stupid enough to buy snake oil should deal with the consequences. Maybe you need a mommy I don't.
  17. That wasn't my question. Care to answer the question?
  18. Why wasn't trump convicted of seditious conspiracy like his so called "buddies"? How can anyone be held responsible for the actions of others? If I tell you to put $1 million in my bank account are you compelled to comply just because I said it? No because people are responsible for their own behavior. Plan and simple.
  19. So then its proper to expand that ban to speech people don't like? That's really what this "hate" speech thing is all about. While I'm opposed to most bans on speech but my greater concern is again, WHO decides WHAT constitutes hate speech. I hope you can see the problems with such a thing.
  20. A speaker cannot be held responsible for how others interpret what they said. That's nonsensical. The problem with all this is who gets to decide what constitutes hate speech. I certainly don't trust any leftist to do it. And the fact the people are even advocating for the banning of speech should scare everyone but apparently some can't wait to ban speech. That's the stuff of dictatorships.
  21. Incorrect. Conspiracy to commit murder can be charged without an actual murder. It's not the job of any SC to determine guilt of a crime. Doesn't mean he hasn't been victimized So it's just hatred that motivated the anti trump crowd. We've known that for some time now.
  22. If abortion affected only a woman's body I would agree but that just isn't the case. Forgive me but "current medical ethics" is not an impressive standard.
  23. A conspiracy is a plan to act not the act itself whether you understand that or not. I dont have to care about but to talk about. The 14th amendment was invoked based on a claim of insurrection. Nothing indicates an insurrection not place. It's rather simple.
  24. So if I understand you correctly the "right wing" is in moral decay because they oppose abortion??????? I am new here and I've only read a few of your posts but i have to hope you're trolling because if you actually believe some of the stuff I've seen you post then something is very wrong.
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