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Everything posted by Rebound

  1. They didn’t vote for Margaret Thatcher or Golda Meir. They were Prime Ministers, and elected by the elected members of Parliament. It’s closer to Nancy Pelosi.
  2. Five Days Ago. What the Fu*k was Trump Talking About? He’s Senile: I mean, you know, this isn’t like Elon with his rocket ships that land within 12 inches on the moon where they wanted to land. Or he gets the engines back, that was the first I realized—I said: ‘Who the hell did that?’ I saw engines about three, four years ago. These things were coming—cylinders, no wings, no nothing—and they’re coming down very slowly, landing on a raft in the middle of the ocean someplace with a circle. Boom. Reminded me of the Biden circles that he used to have, right? He’d have eight circles and he couldn’t fill ’em up. But then I heard he beat us with the popular vote. I don’t know, I don’t know—couldn’t fill up the eight circles. I always loved those circles, they were so beautiful. They were so beautiful to look at. In fact the person that did them—that was the best thing about his—the level of that circle was great. But they couldn’t get people, so they used to have the press stand in those circles, because they couldn’t get the people. Then I heard we lost, ‘Oh, we lost.’ Now, we’re never gonna let that happen again. But we’ve been abused by other countries. We’ve been abused by our own politicians, really more than other countries. I can’t blame them. We’ve been abused by people that represent us in this country—some of them stupid, some of them naive, and some of ’em crooked, frankly.
  3. You must have dementia if you think Joe Biden is running for President.
  4. So they cited a source and failed to use quotation marks several times. Wow. Break out the pitchforks.
  5. Your analysis is badly flawed. The Covid economy was deflationary in many respects, and as soon as the economy restarted, it triggered worldwide inflation. And then Russian petroleum was embargoed and OPEC raised prices. Inflation happened in Germany, England, France, Japan, China, Canada, etc. And the inflation rate in the U.S. under Biden is lower than in the other G7 countries. So pointing to Biden as the cause flies in the face of facts. And Trump’s promised tax cuts will increase deficits, which as you say is inflationary. And tariffs are definitely inflationary. There is absolutely nothing in any of Trump’s plans which will reduce inflation.
  6. Then if you think it’s a bad idea to vote for someone in his late 70’s who already displays signs of dementia, then don’t vote for the guy. I know I won’t.
  7. The article reports that she is “being accused of plagiarism”? Well, did she or didn’t she? Fox can easily assign a reporter to get the book and find the other book it was allegedly copied from. So what’s with this “alleged” and “accused”? It was copied or it wasn’t.
  8. Well, your idol can still lost this race.
  9. If the idol you worship truly cared about drug smuggling, he would not have blocked the immigration bill. How are you loving them when you call them animals? That is what the idol you worship said and you did not denounce it.
  10. If Harris’ campaign is doing everything wrong, why isn’t Donald Trump way ahead of her in the polls?
  11. If Florida school children were taught science, then they could become well educated citizens who understand the importance of transitioning to renewable energy.
  12. Can you give me an example of a law the President cannot break, if he calls it an “official act”?
  13. 1) Lowest sustained sub-4% unemployment rate in U.S. history. Trump didn’t do that. 2) Recovered the U.S. economy which Trump destroyed. And which Bush destroyed. Trump didn’t do that. 3) Investing in renewable energy so our economy will be resilient to OPEC price hikes. Trump didn’t do that. 4) Investing in renewable energy to reduce the impact of hurricanes. Trump didn’t do that. 5) Protecting US carmakers by slapping a 100% tariff on Chinese cars. Trump didn’t do that. 6) Keeping the ports open on the Eastern seaboard. Trump didn’t do that. 7) Doubling the DJIA to its highest level in history. Trump didn’t do that. Did Trump really have much impact on illegal immigration?
  14. The point is you chose your non-Christian cult leader over Jesus Christ. Of course we prosecute people who break our laws. But it is not Christian to call a human being an animal. Christians obey the Bible. You don’t, so you aren’t Christian.
  15. Is that something a President should joke about? After all, he got the Supreme Court to rule that he is free to break any law he wants if he’s elected. So we basically don’t need laws cause the guy can run amok and do whatever he wants, as long as he calls it an official act.
  16. In a speech this year, Donald Trump said: ”"The Democrats say, 'Please don't call immigrants animals. They're humans.' I said, 'No, they're not humans, they're not humans, they're animals.'" Jesus was an immigrant. Was Jesus an animal? The Bible says: “The foreigner living among you must be treated as native born. Love them as you love yourself.” Choose Christianity, or choose Trump. You cannot choose both. We can pass immigration laws. We nearly did, until Donald Trump ordered Congressmen to vote against the bill, because he didn’t want to lose the issue. He only cares about having a political issue, not about helping Americans. Thats why he tried to overturn Obamacare ten times, even though he had no replacement and he still has no healthcare plan. https://www.reuters.com/world/us/trump-expected-highlight-murder-michigan-woman-immigration-speech-2024-04-02/
  17. So the fact that the Secret Service shot the shooter AND put themselves between the gunman and Trump didn’t do a thing? Like… the guy took a few shots, missed, and he would have just stopped? See, with you, it’s just ALL TRUMP. Your entire brain is just saturated with “Trump the good guy and he’s Superman and every single other thing is bad unless the LOVE Trump unconditionally.” Mike Pence sucked Trump’s weenie for four solid years, was as faithful as can be, but refused to go along with an illegal scheme to pretend the electors were fake, so he’s been cast into Trump Hell. You are part of a cult and you’re too immersed in your cult to realize it. See, I’m not. Democrat Senator Menendez got convicted. I didn’t rush to support him, or invent conspiracy theories. The guy broke the law. Democrat NY Mayor gets indicted for accepting gifts. I don’t defend that. MAGA Supreme Court Justice accepts over 10X more in “gifts” than the NY Mayor, and you defend that. Ohhh…. But if Clarence Thomas ever utters one single bad word about Trump, you’ll call him crooked and demand his impeachment. It’s because you are part of a cult, dude.
  18. Fact: This university professor did not call on men who don’t vote for Harris to be executed. Fact Two: He ought to be fired, or at least severely disciplined, for doing this. Calling for someone’s death is not protected speech.
  19. The Democrats ENDED the lockdown The Democrats also ENDED the two wars. Trump, being a true díckhead, FAILED to end the war in Afghanistan and then complained about how Biden did it. The SOB had four years to order US troops out and he didn’t. More servicemen died in Afghanistan under Trump than under Biden. Democrats get things done. Republicans whine, lie, and make their friends rich. Trump: “Boo Hoo! I screwed up the pandemic response! It’s the Democrats fault!”
  20. Donald Trump is, factually and legally proven, a conman, a rapist and a fraud. And a proven liar and a proven adulterer. He believes he’s entitled to grab women’s crotches whenever he wants. He bragged that he went into the dressing rooms of teenaged, underage beauty contestants to ogle at them in the nude. Donald Trump has no morality.
  21. What I understand is that with Trump supporters like you, conspiracy theory is fact and facts are fake. FACT: The Secret Service STOPPED this shooter and they stopped the second guy. If the SS hadn’t intervened, one of these guys probably would have succeeded. The other fact is that Democrats were just as eager to fire the head of the Secret Service after the first shooting. They didn’t defend her at all.
  22. No no no no no… Who was President? TRUMP. If he caves to Democrat radicals so easily, why are you supporting him? He shut down the entire economy. He shut down the airlines. He closed schools. Our deficit went up by trillions. 18 months of unemployment payments. Handout after handout after handout. You’re the one defending him. Keep making more excuses for DONALD TRUMP IS A FAILURE WHO BANKRUPTED HIS COMPANIES AND THE US ECONOMY. Biden had to fix his mess and he did a great job of it.
  23. Look… we all understand that you’ve only got the brains of a 6 year-old, so I’ll spell it out in tiny words: The thread says on top: “Trump is a conman and a fraud”. And you said I have no facts. So I gave you facts, such as the $25 million Trump paid to settle a FRAUD lawsuit and the $500 million he was fined for FRAUD and the 34 felony convictions of BUSINESS FRAUD. See? I made claim of fraud, I gave you facts. BECAUSE DONALD TRUMP IS A CONMAN AND A FRAUD. The devil’s greatest trick was convincing the world he doesn’t exist. Well… this guy exists. He may have conned the fools but he sure hasn’t conned me.
  24. Explain why Trump forced Republicans to block the immigration bill, if they care so much about immigration. Wouldn’t it be better to fund more border agents and give the President authority to immediately return immigrants? Why did Trump block that… except he cares more about himself than in solving America’s problems.
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