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Everything posted by Rebound

  1. Don’t deny the simple fact: Two million people live in Gaza, and allegedly 30,000 have been killed. If Israel’s goal is “ethnic cleansing,” why has only 1% of Gaza’s population died? Is that the best they could do?
  2. I know! They even let Obama get away with wearing a tan suit! No impeachment, no Supreme Court, nothing!
  3. So… we’re in agreement about something? I'm going to go buy a lottery ticket.
  4. I agree with all of that. But since Ariel Sharon in the 1980’s, most Israeli Prime Ministers have taken a hard line against the Palestinians, especially in permitting continual expansion of “settlers” in the West Bank. The situation is clear: There are these two populations, and the only solution which will create lasting peace are two separate nations. Every other possibility means war. It’s not simple by any means, but Israel needs leaders who speak of peace every day, for years, until the Palestinians begin to believe that it’s possible. The Palestinians’ behavior and attitudes are horrible, and need to change, but Israel needs to make it clear that it’s possible.
  5. Hundreds of homes. Hundreds of homes among a population of two million. It’s a terrible situation. Israel could be doing better for sure, but if they had done everything perfectly for the last 40 years, they’d still be facing Hamas and terrorist attacks. Please let us know: What is the term for Hamas’ policy of eradicating all of Israel?
  6. Troops beginning construction of a pier which will bring food to starving Gazans came under attack by Hamas. So who’s feeding the Gazans, and who’s making them starve? https://www.politico.com/news/2024/04/25/gaza-terrorists-attack-israeli-pier-00154386
  7. I think we can all agree that it was tragic that those food aid workers were killed. But… why did those people need to be there? I mean… I mean… if Gaza is their frigging “ancestral home,” why can’t they figure out how to distribute food and prepare meals by themselves? Why are they so pathetic that they need people to come in and cook food for them? Yes, many building have been destroyed, but not all of them. Maybe the reason is the aid workers knew if they turned the food over to Hamas, they’d keep it for the terrorists and none of it would get to the civilians.
  8. Why should Israel give Hamas-lead Gaza a damn thing? Hamas-lead Gaza demand the annihilation of Israel. How about this: Don’t declare war on the nation right next to you if you’re incapable of feeding your own people. You’re holding Hamas blameless in all of this and instead blaming the victims of their terrorist acts. Rob, it is very well documented that hundreds of millions of aid dollars went into Gaza and either lined the pockets of Hamas leaders or got diverted to build tunnels, or to buy rockets and guns. It’s not Israel’s fault that they did this. The same thing happens in most Mideast nations.
  9. He’s still going to be in prison for the rest of his life.
  10. Dude, you are absolutely taking Hamas’ side here. You can’t pretend that a massive terrorist attacked occurred. Hamas is the government of Gaza. Their attack was deliberate and coordinated and they refuse to ceasefire or surrender. That is the issue here. Hamas is the reason why there’s a war going on. Terrorism is the reason why the Palestinians haven’t been able to be recognized as an independent nation. We don’t even need to put words in their mouths; they are clear about insisting on the destruction of Israel.
  11. It’s the Palestinians who won’t support a two state solution.
  12. True, but there are members of the U.S. government advocating awful things as well. Israel is a democracy and they can walk back from extremism. The Palestinians… I don’t know.
  13. No, it’s the result of refusing to accept the existence of Israel, which now has 7 million people and cannot be replaced.
  14. We can’t forget that you are taking the side of a designated terrorist organization that states a goal of destroying its enemy. Israel’s goal is to destroy Hamas, not Palestine. As for Netanyahu, he is the unfortunate result of 75 years of nonstop war and terrorism directed at Israeli civilians. You know I don’t support him, but… well, you can see what happens every time terrorists commit terrorist acts. They badly harm their own people. It’s horrible.
  15. It happens in Congress all the time. Politicians of both parties proposing bills they know cannot pass. It seems completely pointless to me.
  16. Forget about Netanyahu. Clinton put a serious effort into creating a two state solution, and Arafat rejected it. I absolutely agree that Israel should have a leader who talks about creating a two state solution every single day, and does everything possible to ensure that Israel is open to it… but Hamas absolutely will not allow it. As for what happened 75 years ago, what’s your point? That you want war? That you think seven million Jews should be murdered? I’m serious… We don’t live in 1948, we live in 2024. Today, there are Israeli Jews, Israeli Arabs and Palestinian Arabs. That’s the situation we have today. You can’t solve this conflict by claiming that seven million people shouldn’t exist. It’s pointless. Nations all around the world were established with arbitrary borders. If people want to thrive and grow in this world, they need to stop living in the past and whining about how unfair some treaty was, and instead working towards living productive and peaceful lives.
  17. Seriously, will the Republican-lead House pass this bill? No, they won’t. It’s all a bunch of nonsense, if you ask me.
  18. Are you honestly telling me that the billionaire can’t afford security?
  19. Here, read the text of the law for yourself and stop making stuff up. https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/3056
  20. Rob, allow me to show you the EVIDENCE you request. The main group on college campuses today is called Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP). Right on their home page: “Supporting Palestine solidarity organizations across occupied Turtle Island (“North America”), we aim to develop a student movement that is connected, disciplined, and equipped with the tools necessary achieve Palestinian liberation.” So right there, just for starters, They Reject the Legal Existance of the United States of America AND Canada. Here you can find SJP’s National Day of Resistance Toolkit, which was an event staged just five days after the terrorist attacks of October 7, 2023. “On the 50th anniversary of the 1973 war, the resistance in Gaza launched a surprise operation against the Zionist enemy which disrupted the very foundation of Zionist settler society. On the morning of October 8th, the Palestinian resistance stormed the illegitimate border fence, gaining control of the Gaza checkpoint at Erez, and re-entering 1948 Palestine... Today, we witness a historic win for the Palestinian resistance: across land, air, and sea, our people have broken down the artificial barriers of the Zionist entity, taking with it the facade of an impenetrable settler colony and reminding each of us that total return and liberation to Palestine is near. As the Palestinian student movement, we have an unshakable responsibility to join the call for mass mobilization. National liberation is near— glory to our resistance, to our martyrs, and to our steadfast people.” Dude, that is 100% pro-terrorist. You cannot deny that fact.
  21. Making America Great Again means going back to the tax rates that worked and resulted in zero deficits or minimal deficits. Right?
  22. Or course, if Israel prohibited Qatar from sending money to Gaza, you’d be loudly complaining that Israel was starving the Gazans. Damned if you do, damned if you don’t.
  23. In 100 days, the Rwandan Hutus murdered 800,000 Rwandan Tutsis. THAT is ethnic cleansing. The Hutus had rifles. They didn’t have bombs, or fighters, or precision munitions. They didn’t have victims densely packed into an urban center. So you are obviously lying when you call this ethnic cleansing. If Israel intended to kill all two million of them, they’d be dead. The nationwide SJP group is pro-Hamas. I can prove it.
  24. Jesus man, are you that dense? Because if the President is a dictator, there is no Constitution. Good lord!
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