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Everything posted by West

  1. The law, especially these charges, requires intent. If hillarys server case wasn't brought neither should this
  2. "If I knew now what I knew then" basically says she had no INTENT to break the law. Therefore the judge shouldn't have accepted her plea deal. And undercuts the "intentionally aided and abetted" portion of the indictment. The American "justice" system is so whacked out that you can coerce guilty pleas just for political advantage by threats of jail time and bankruptcy. The fact they've allowed harassment of lawyers says it all about how sick you people are
  3. Bud you've been saying this for close to a decade now. It's time to put up or shut up. Your smears are getting old
  4. It's waking people up to the bullshit going on in the beurocratic state. People were already skeptical that the system itself worked against them. Now we know that to be the case with the prosecution of a woman for daring to look into voting machines. Its the same thing with Wikileaks and Snowden who uncovered a bunch of nonsense now living in exile and would be prosecuted if ever returned to the US. Reform is desperately needed
  5. Why is this even in court ?. When you wake up and hold your own guys accountable for the last decade of delusions then get back to me please For show and to interfere in an election. Lucky for Donnie he's skyrocketing because people are intelligent enough to see the abuse of the court system here
  6. Lol.. Donnies gonna walk free and you all will be crying ?? ?. These two folks weren't even apart of donnies team now that I look at it.
  7. Uh no.. he got like a 5k fine and some probation. Another nothing burger Still waiting for the mental patients to take responsibility for the Mueller nonsense.
  8. Wow.. another low level plea deal.. This is playing out exactly like I said it was going to. Low level pleas resulting in minor charges. The grander narrative will be debunked yet you folks will still strut around like you did with Mueller claiming you didn't lie ?
  9. Joe's whispering was creepy as hell in last night's address
  10. My bad. You are a welfare guy. Sorry.
  11. Nothing will come of it just like nothing came of the collusion delusions or Stormy Daniels
  12. Fine. If you aren't concerned about your hard earned money going to feed Hunter's cocaine addiction that's your problem
  13. Yes but NOT for what you folks are suggesting it's for. You've over promised and under delivered yet again Was Trump charged? Except NOT convicted. Do keep up
  14. If I were the Republicans, I would be stipulating any approval of aid to being able to look at any of Joe's family members or close friends' interests before signing off on billions more dollars.
  15. This is like the collusion nonsense all over again. Manafort was certainly going to take down Donnie. All they got the guy on was some fur coats and not filling out some forms lol. Long ways away from WORKING WITH THE KREMLIN TO WIN AN ELECTION ??
  16. Not convicted though because there was NO CASE. I'll believe it when I see it. Chances are nothing outside of a couple of MISDEMEANORS to give the illusion your political foes are bad people will come from this charade. Certainly will not come anywhere close to proving some grand conspiracy to overthrow a government as has been alleged
  17. Why don't you explain to me why it's "wrong wrong wrong" for a political campaign to seek transparency in how votes are tabulated? ?.. how many people are supposed take take down Donnie yet none to this point have done so nearly a full decade later?
  18. She took a plea because the other stuff was throw whatever you can at the wall to see what sticks.
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