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Everything posted by West

  1. Marriam-Webster defines woke as: politically liberal or progressive (as in matters of racial and social justice) especially in a way that is considered unreasonable or extreme Why don't you tell us how the gas was formed that caused this life-breathing explosion?
  2. Wokeism is a new form of religion so I agree wokeism shouldn't be allowed in government
  3. If the earth/universe started from a spontaneous combustion of gasses out there, why's that relevant? Maybe time moves quicker the closer you get to the point of the initial explosion?
  4. Another possibility is time and space moves faster the closer you get to God. Or the point of Genesis isn't actually the 7 days, but rather the symbolism of 7 being perfection, and the explanation of the nation's surrounding Israel i.e the promised land and how they came to be so messed up. Its also a message to a nation coming out of slavery that rest was important as the 7th day sabbath is important in scripture throughout
  5. I say yes so we can all see for ourself the vile communist attempt at rigging yet another election. Better to know the type of SCUM we are up against
  6. They fraudulently cooked up a scheme based on foreign disinformation (the steele dossier) for which a fake impeachment inquiry was based, usurping the will of the voters because Hillary LOST in 2016. This is TREASON by all definitions
  7. Yes it is. Except you allow the biggest criminal of all in Joe Biden and Hillary C to roam free
  8. They never plead guilty to RICO because that's the BIG LIE of these charges. Just like you tried to trump up Flynns charges as some admission of guilt on COLLUSION By far left crazies that are DETACHED FROM REALITY.
  9. Just like you said there was proof of collusion with Russia, for which there was none, this too will be yet another in a long list of LEFTIST CONSPIRACY THEORIES that do not anchor themselves in reality
  10. Democrats write alot of pages. Just like the BULLSHIT Steele Dosier A GRAND JURY only determines if there's "evidence" to move ahead with an indictment. It DOES NOT mean they are guilty. And YOU CAN INDICT A HAM SANDWICH in the US. The entire system is moronic
  11. There's NO EVIDENCE In this case, it 100% does matter because even if he's wrong that's NOT A CRIME. There needs INTENT
  12. So? This was his OPINION at the time. Not evidence of his GUILT. Because Trump himself believed that the election was rigged. And he was RIGHT. 1. The FBI LIED about the collusion delusion 2. Cover ups of Biden's laptop which showed nasty stuff 3. Changing voting procedures under the guise of Covid. DUH
  13. These mass shootings seem to always come up near election time down there. Democrats have no problem staging race riots during elections. This makes you wonder as well
  14. You fail to understand what I'm saying to you. The basis for this nonsensical case is that Donald Trump presumably knew that he had lost the election and I would assume the claim is he fraudulently fundraised off of it. There's no evidence that these people knew they were lying. Jenna Ellis even said something to the effect "if I knew then what I knew now". She presumably believed at the time there was funny business and is being hung on a low level conviction I would assume to make this farce of "justice" go away. In the real world, none of this nonsense should be tying up the court system. Any reasonable person has questions about the conduct prior to the election, changing up voting laws, etc which is really what Giulianis case was about. This whole thing that they concocted fake electorate is nonsense too. This idea of dual slate electors has been used at least two other times in American history. The election itself had many questions due to the nature of which they changed laws and whether or not proper process was followed and this at least needed a day in court, NOT threats of jail time for bringing it forward. There certainly should not be this all out weaponization of the justice system as we are seeing now. Should not be criminalizing the practice of law. This is the bullshit they do in Venezuela but of course you being a lefty communist you support it
  15. We now have confirmed evidence the fbi had 40 informants showing Biden was a crook but decided to protect and blackmail him instead
  16. Powell claimed she had definitive evidence that the voting machines and the algorithms were rigged. This is on record. I have no clue who Cheesbro is so can't comment. But it seems like Powell was fairly convinced the machines were rigged
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