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Everything posted by West

  1. It's about as much fault as bernie sanders being responsible for the lunatic who shot Steve scalice. You want to see indicting riots and intimidation look no further than Schumers comments which got the looney tunes all riled up to harass Supreme court justices or that loon Maxine Watters telling her supporters to get aggressive with Trump's cabinet
  2. National Archives admits to having around 5000 emails from Joe's pseudonym. My theory is Donnie had these emails and is why Joe had his hit squad raid maralogo
  3. ?.. Coming from a guy who called the other guy a Russian agent and any conservative a nazi
  4. It's not double talk at all.. it just leftists doing what they always do. I dont take "you got to fight for your right to party" to be literal do you?
  5. You missed "Peacefully and patriotically" But not surprised because you are just trying to spin the usual tds narrative Hes charged with something akin to what you'd see in China
  6. It's getting to a point where the only "rights" this so called government looks out for is the "right" for sexual deviants to flash their genitalia in front of children
  7. President Robert Peters (Joe Biden), Russian agent. Sad
  8. What exactly do you want me to see with that article? I already knew Hunter Biden was in bed with a crooked Russian oligarch. The fact you don't have even a bit of skepticism about Joe's defense is a bit suspect.
  9. I've read your bullshit. It's just propaganda to cover for a corrupt man. There's a long pattern of this type of shady behavior from the Biden family whether it be Amtrac as a senator or the dealing in China. A few million here and a few million there while the average democrat voters sits there with their head up their a$$ and call any sort of criticism a "conspiracy theory" Joe Biden and his sycophants are acting like mentally deranged thugs by going after the folks who are exposing their corruption and you sit back and take the side of the deranged mob. Very pathetic
  10. I don't see anything about Shokin. Yes I get there are Democrat apologists now trying to do some damage control for Joe Biden. Like the partner of the law firm now judge going after Trump for exposing this who was defending burisma who was scamming money. But it still doesn't explain what the hell the Vice President and his son were doing getting into a business relationship with a Russian backed energy firm known for embezzling funds. The claim they knew nothing about it is laughable. The only logically conclusion is that this stinks to high heaven.
  11. Crazy how far left crazies can't see the forest through the trees. 1. Vice presidents son is hired by a company whos ceo had his assets frozen for his connection 2. Vice president singles out a foreign prosecutor who just so happens to have been the person who froze said assets has said prosecutor fired and claims he's "corrupt" 3. Former vice presidents party "impeaches" the incoming party's president for asking questions about what went on in the Ukraine, fabricating the content of a phone call as a basis for it.. But yeah move along nothing to see there
  12. My God. Do you even read what I write or am i just wasting my time with a far left troll who wants to tell me the sky is green? Shokin froze the accounts and seized assets from Burisma and their executives. Hunter, and others including the president of Poland, were hired in a lobbying capacity. I've provided you this quote several times now: "He was a threat. He ended up seizing assets of [Burisma owner] Nikolai [Zlochevsky] — a house, some cars, a couple properties. And Nikolai actually never went back to Ukraine after Shokin seized all of his assets,” where it gets dicey is you dont know where offical US government policy began and where the private interests of Joe's family ended. Again, your claim of corruption would have alot more credibility if Hunter wasn't over there making money off the office of the vice president. There was "broad consensus" among lobbying groups on behalf of Burisma that Shokin was corrupt maybe. But again, this is a circular argument. Does not actually prove anything. Where was the criminal charges and convictions against him? Joe claims alot of things such as his rivals starting insurrection. Whats the actual evidence Shokin was corrupt besides Joe Biden and his buddies saying so? And no it's not a "conspiracy theory" I'm just aware of how lobbying works and the Democrats have shown themselves to be dishonest people time and time again. Forgive me for not taking their word for it. Everybody is corrupt except the Democrats accepting bribes I suppose. Talk about a conspiracy theory ?
  13. Lol.. And you've been shown archers testimony which refutes your so called proof. Your argument would be more believable if burisma wasn't stacking their board with lobbyists and paying your guy's son millions of dollars to sit on their board. Character assassination is a common tactic among your side so forgive me if I don't believe you without concrete proof, not "Joe Biden said so therefore its true". Your argument boils down to the pro burisma lobbyists claiming the guy was corrupt therefore he is. It's a circular argument This is a classic example of a false authority fallacy. I'm supposed to take Joe Bidens word as some sort of gospel truth on ukraine affairs while his son bags a hefty sum of cash in the area lol.. ?
  14. It's a nonsensical argument.. The guy who's son making millions off Burisma claims the prosecutor who's investigating is corrupt therefore its true. And this corruption watch is probably backed by these corrupt companies. About as legitimate as the ACLU in the US or any of these other nutty far left activist groups
  15. Your view seems to be because the Biden administration claimed that shokin was corrupt it must be true. It's a circular argument void of any facts
  16. No this is incorrect. Shokin had seized most of their assets in the Ukraine. From Devon Archer: “He was a threat. He ended up seizing assets of [Burisma owner] Nikolai [Zlochevsky] — a house, some cars, a couple properties. And Nikolai actually never went back to Ukraine after Shokin seized all of his assets,”
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