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Everything posted by Cannucklehead

  1. Just going by your last "dance". If I'm not mistaken the army was using artillery back then weren't they? Whats changed, aside from more advanced weapons?
  2. In this case of civil disobedience and unrest, yes. But if it comes to a full blown civil war I doubt they'll sit on the sidelines and make marshmallows.
  3. Yes because it would have been a slaughter had they intervened as trump wanted. Sure they'd put up a fight but in the end its like watching ants vs pit bulls.
  4. Standard issue M4. How many civilians carry those and flash bangs, Kevlar, helicopters, etc.....
  5. Yes but the governments is far more sophisticated than your average colts and such.
  6. Canada approves Pfizer coronavirus vaccine, will start administering ‘within days’



    1. OftenWrong


      Apparently we bought a whole shitload. So the good folks in Africa ain't gettin any, till later?

    2. OftenWrong


      I wonder where in the hell they getting the money?

      Oh yeah, we approved it. We approve.

      And a little of the old payola never hurt no one, neither!   ;)

  7. https://www.google.ca/amp/s/beta.ctvnews.ca/national/coronavirus/2020/8/16/1_5066330.html The first mask mandate in San Francisco went into effect on Oct. 25, 1918, and while it wasn't popular, news coverage of the time reviewed in the Influenza Encyclopedia (a project of the Center for the History of Medicine at the University of Michigan) suggests that 4 in 5 San Franciscans were compliant. The reports are to be taken with a grain of salt, since no formal surveys were conducted, Navarro said. Many San Franciscans, however, got in trouble with the law for breaking the rules. On October 27, 1918, the San Francisco Chronicle reported that 110 people were arrested and charged with "disturbing the peace" for not wearing their masks at all or not wearing them properly. On November 9, 1918, 1,000 people were arrested for being "mask slackers," crowding the prison. The story was also published in the Chronicle. https://www.google.ca/amp/s/theconversation.com/amp/face-masks-what-the-spanish-flu-can-teach-us-about-making-them-compulsory-137648 There were fines against coughing, sneezing, spitting, kissing and even talking outdoors – those the Boston Globe called “big talkers”. Special influenza police were hired to round up children playing on street corners and occasionally even in their own backyards. Restrictions were similarly tough in Canada, Australia and South Africa, though much less so in the UK and continental Europe. Where there were such restrictions, the public accepted it all with few objections. Unlike the long history of cholera, especially in Europe, or the plague in the Indian subcontinent from 1896 to around 1902, no mass violence erupted and blame was rare – even against Spaniards or minorities. There ya go.
  8. Except for trump i guess? There's plenty more but I don't have time to dig up all of that atm.
  9. https://globalnews.ca/news/7512138/trump-texas-supreme-court/amp/ Election law experts have said the Texas lawsuit stands little chance of success and lacks legal merit. Yawn. Only 40 more days thankfully.
  10. The ballots segregated weren't nearly enough to change the outcome. More wasting of time and tax dollars that are fruitless. Trump will claim anything (I am surprised he hasn't claimed aliens interfered yet lol) to keep this up, but in the end he has no chance of winning.
  11. Trump signs order to put Americans at head of vaccine line, vows to work with world




    Bully or beg?  My money's on beg. 

    1. betsy


      Putting his own citizens at the head of the line for the vaccine these American citizens had payed for with their taxes - and these vaccines are American products - what's wrong with that?   Once all your citizens have had it, then you can help others without having to worry about your citizens and your economy!

      How would you like it if Canada produce vaccines that couldn't satisfy demand at the first round......AND  we Canadians had to wait at a very, very long line - because Trudeau had decided to include other countries in the line?

      "sorry folks, only 3 million Canadians will get the vaccines when they roll out because we also have to deliver to other countries.    But I promise, another 3 million will get it next time."

    2. betsy


      Right now.....BEG! 

      And.....we better not badmouth those we beg to. 

      It's like, "biting the hand that will feed you......with vaccines!" 

      "Sense of Entitlement," wears thin fast.  Especially so when Canada isn't exactly smelling like roses to other countries right now.

      Lol.  Think trade! India - with its huge population - might "punish" us for meddling in their domestic affairs.

    3. Shady


      America first!

  12. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2020-12-08/supreme-court-rejects-bid-to-nullify-biden-s-pennsylvania-win Better luck next time trumpers!
  13. And yet we still don't know who killed jfk. Was it the russians, cubans, vietnamese, cia? ...?

    First coronavirus vaccinations delivered in U.K. as historic mass rollout begins


  15. https://www.google.ca/amp/s/www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/ncna1248289 Most of them have been shot down or withdrawn, and no court has found even a single instance of fraud. Of at least 46 cases to have been filed, including some not directly involving Trump but which could nonetheless affect his standing, at least 28 have been denied, dismissed, settled or withdrawn. And still the winner is......
  16. I'm all for that. And for his right to remain silent and to an attorney.....
  17. Trump orders withdrawal of most U.S. troops from Somalia



    Break stuff along your way out the door, how classy!  

    1. Show previous comments  19 more
    2. BubberMiley


      DogonPorch (who believes Joe Biden is the second coming of Stalin) without cites versus History.com with cites....hmmm...whom to believe. :lol:

    3. Shady


      Democrats invented police actions as a way yo circumvent congress not declaring war.  Eisenhower was no proponent of waging war without congressional approval.  That started under Democrats as they escalated the Vietnam war.  Troops levels went from 1500 to 500,000 under Democrats.

    4. DogOnPorch


      Seeing that the officers were on rapid rotation and the enlisted men in for a year-long tour, there were actually several million deployed to Viet-Nam during the period 1965-69. With Nixon came Vietnamization (ARVN did the bulk of the fighting) and US-Allied troop withdrawals...


    'Bribery-for-pardon' scheme involving Trump White House being investigated



    :lol: just doesn't cut it!  


  19. So are the trumpers going to jump off the "fake news" bandwagon i wonder?
  20. https://nationalpost.com/news/world/biden-pads-wisconsin-victory-by-87-votes-in-recounts-that-cost-trump-3-million/wcm/8a7a5cb0-7d5b-4348-a4f9-7ca2fdde4723/amp/ No complaints here, trump can keep complaining and improve Bidens lead and waste his money as much as he wants imo. I'd rather see him use his money for something more productive; covid relief, homeless, etc... but I know that's not going to happen anytime soon.
  21. Personally I am not going to get vaccinated immediately. I'll wait a bit to make sure people don't turn into mutants or zombies or something.

    Iran’s president pins nuclear scientist death on Israel, vows revenge at ‘proper time’


    Looks like Biden will have his hands full.   

    1. OftenWrong


      Not necessarily. Uncle Joe could send over another 150 billion to Iran, as well as a cool few million in cash, on a palette. As he and Obama already did...

      Apparently Allah hates the great Satan, but forgives if paid in USD...

    2. Shady


      Shouldn’t they get revenge for Soleimani’s death first?  Or is it too late for that?  Asking for a friend.

    3. Shady


      Biden will probably send another plane full of money! :lol:

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