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Everything posted by Cannucklehead

  1. In which trump broke the law by doing so. The Trump administration broke the law by withholding congressionally approved military aid to Ukraine last summer "for a policy reason," a top government watchdog said Thursday in a scathing report. The funds were only released after the block on the aid became publicly known, sparking the congressional probe which led to the Republican president's impeachment by the Democratic-controlled House. And of course we know how that turned out. ?
  2. https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/covid-vaccination-doses-per-capita?tab=chart&stackMode=absolute&time=latest&region=World And people said Canada was hording dosages unfairly. ? I've never even heard of Bahrain until now....
  3. Oh say does that star spangled banner yet wave? o'er the land of the (free) and the home of the brave. Play ball! ?
  4. I thought you trumpers backed the church? Thank you for playing. ?
  5. Sorry but thats incorrect. Better luck next time! Let’s look at five reasons Canada imports crude oil from foreign sources. Proximity of abundant U.S. supplies means lower transportation costs for eastern refiners. “The biggest reason we import oil is the simple fact that a lot of U.S. production is closer to eastern markets than supplies from western Canada,” says David Layzell, Director, Canadian Energy Systems Analysis Research (CESAR) Initiative. There are no oil pipelines that go to New Brunswick, which is home to Canada’s largest refinery – the Irving Refinery. So, they import foreign oil that’s shipped by tanker to their deep-water port at a lower cost than transporting oil from western Canada by trucks or rail. There’s also a shortage of pipelines to take oil to the other Atlantic provinces and to Quebec. Alternative transportation options to get oil from western oil producing provinces are less cost-effective for refiners than imports. Most eastern Canadian refineries are unable to process the heavy crude oil (bitumen) that comes out of the Athabasca Oil Sands in Alberta. So, although crude oil from western Canada sells at a discounted price, the refining process can still be more complex and costly. The CERI report points out that western Canada also imports oil products. Oil sands producers use these imports, which are mostly natural gas condensates from the U.S., to dilute bitumen so that it can be transported by pipeline. https://www.aboutpipelines.com/en/blog/does-canada-have-enough-refining-capacity/ Canada is self-sufficient in refined petroleum products. In fact, we make enough to supply our own domestic needs, and we export some, primarily to the United States. Refined products include aviation fuel, asphalt for roads, propane and butanes, kerosene and stove oil. Also, they include feedstocks for making plastic, which eventually become medical supplies, household items and much more. Every day, pipelines safely move most of Canada’s refined petroleum products to get them to customers.
    1. Shady


      It’s too bad Democrats couldn’t wait for a different time to load a stimulus Bill up with non-covid spending.  But they just can’t help themselves.

  6. Nah,blame Santa. He goes from house to house spreading covid everywhere. This year instead of cookies and milk I will be waiting by the fireplace with a Chiappa double badger. ?
  7. If you'd like you can contact the pm here. Fax # is there too.
  8. I'd be more alarmed that they believed trump had a grip in the first place.
  9. https://globalnews.ca/news/7535230/ontario-new-coronavirus-shutdown-boxing-day/amp/ Ontario to shut down in 5 days. I hope this brings the numbers back down. Stock up on toys before its too late!
  10. https://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2020/08/20/key-findings-about-u-s-immigrants/ft_2020-08-20_immigrants_03b/ Well yeah, the majority of them are your neighbor...
  11. Thanks to FDR and Truman. Long-standing immigration restrictions began to crumble in 1943, when a law allowed a limited number of Chinese to immigrate. In 1952, legislation allowed a limited number of visas for other Asians, and race was formally removed as grounds for exclusion. Although a presidential commission recommended scrapping the national-origins quota system, Congress did not go along.
  12. And you think the u.s. doesn't have that problem? Per capita Canada is bringing in far more each year.
  13. By a massive landslide the population of Canada is far more dense closer to the u.s. border, and I doubt its to fight of an invasion.
  14. From your link: Initial results in the reliably Republican county in northern Michigan showed Joe Biden with a 7,769-4,509 lead, which was changed to a 9,783-7,289 Trump lead two days later and eventually a 9,748-5,960 margin for Trump. Seems to me if your going to rig the system to give Biden a win you wouldn't rig it to give more votes to trump.
  15. https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2020/12/jared-kushner-campaign-shell-company Well now that's interesting.
  16. Believe it or not JT was a bouncer for a night club. Tbh he doesn't really scare me much.
  17. https://www.google.ca/amp/s/www.republicworld.com/amp/technology-news/apps/solarwinds-orion-platform-hacked-does-dominion-voting-systems-use-solarwinds.html Does Dominion Voting Systems use SolarWinds' According to a statement by Dominion spokesperson to The Wall Street Journal, 'Dominion Voting Systems does not now nor has it ever used the SolarWinds Orion Platform, which was subject of the DHS emergency directive dated December 13, 2020." This states that the organisation does not use the Orion Platform which was attacked by the hackers. However, Dominion Voting is also facing a lot of problems dealing with conspiracy theories arising after the recent 2020 Presidential elections, and the reports of a breach make it even harder for the organisation to handle it.
  18. Bowyer v. Ducey On December 2, 2020, Arizona voters and one candidate for Republican Arizona presidential elector, filed a lawsuit in federal court against the governor, secretary of state, and other Arizona election officials. Plaintiffs alleged, according to the Stanford-MIT Healthy Elections Project, "that poll watchers failed to adequately verify signatures on ballots, that Maricopa County ballot dispute referees were partisan, that Dominion backups had no chain of custody, and the Dominion machines themselves suffered from errors during state evaluations." The plaintiffs asked the court to decertify Arizona's election results, or order that Arizona certify Trump electors. Sidney Powell litigated on behalf of the plaintiffs. On December 9, federal judge Diane Humetewa ruled that the plaintiffs lacked legal standing, and the allegations of impropriety brought were "sorely wanting of relevant or reliable evidence", instead being "largely based on anonymous witnesses, hearsay, and irrelevant analysis of unrelated elections". The judge singled out the fraud allegations being put forth, writing that they "fail in their particularity and plausibility". The judge ruled that there would be "extreme, and entirely unprecedented" harm to Arizona's 3+ million voters to entertain the lawsuit "at this late date". Burk v. Ducey On December 7, 2020, an Arizona resident filed a lawsuit in Pinal County Superior Court against state officials, including Governor Doug Ducey and Secretary of State Katie Hobbs. The plaintiff alleged "massive election fraud" involving inadequate security for election processes and foreign interference, and asked for an audit and to block the transmission of the state's election results to the electoral college. Judge Kevin White dismissed the lawsuit on December 15, concluding that the plaintiff had brought the suit too late and lacked standing because she was not registered to vote. Like I said, sad.
  19. https://rumble.com/vbyvln-a-close-look-at-the-data-arizona.html Cue the video Gosar is so excited about: “We’ve identified 790,175 laundered votes that were injected into the system," it says. Among those 790,175 votes, 409,486 Pima County votes were stolen from Trump and given to Biden, we are told. This is a particularly neat trick, given that Biden only won 304,981 total votes in Pima County. Seriously, its getting kinda sad.
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