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Everything posted by Cannucklehead

  1. Well then give them a medal I suppose? How very canadian of you, that you must fight. Why not go to Crimea then?
  2. You are obviously unfamiliar with sarcasm.
  3. I am by no means a soldier. I dont have kids, but I do have some nephews that are too young for service. But then again service is not mandatory in this country. Have fun cleaning up another mess in the middle east America.
  4. You really think that pulling out our bombers means abandonment? Our toops stayed and fought. We went there to fight terrorism, not police the world. That's Americas "job"
  5. Canada went in to help the fight against isil, not destroy syria. There is a difference.
  6. The contributions of the U.S.S.R in WW2 were helpful, but they were also largely responsible because of the germans ridiculously stupid "hunger plan". If comic book guy were here I'm sure he'd say "worst stradegy ever."
  7. Birthday present for his buddy putin. Sickening.
  8. https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.cnn.com/cnn/2019/10/07/opinions/donald-trump-should-resign-ghitis/index.html A very well written article that i think trump should read. I think Trudeau should also not be running again. Sure he was young at the time but that does not excuse his actions. As for impeachment, yes 2/3 vote is needed to remove him from office, but that does not mean he would be exonerated from any wrong doings-as was the case with clinton.
  9. This. His stunt today claiming he should have immunity was disgraceful. I dont think he understands the difference between presidents and emperors.
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