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Nefarious Banana

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Everything posted by Nefarious Banana

  1. Many Canadian Black bears died to make those toques . . . those Mounties must have cold ears.
  2. Cut off all transfer payments to Ottawa . . . . . Quebec is the Canadian tapeworm. Take the medicine and shit out the parasite. Encourage Quebec to vote on separation . . . again.
  3. Have you ever pondered the question: Where does the money for healthcare, Indian payouts, Canada pension/OAP, etc. come from ? Just askin' . . .
  4. Considering that Switzerland is relatively small with much the same terrain border to border, the wants and needs of each faction may be very similar . . . eg: good roads, snow removal, etc., etc. This would be more of a unifying factor than the wants and needs of Cape Breton and Saskatchewan. Cape Breton may not give a rat's ass about Saskatchewan potash, and Saskatchewan not caring about Cape Breton fishing. Just a thought . . . .
  5. Do me a favor and define monarchy, confederation, republic, and country . . . . as you see it. Perhaps your definitions are different than the dictionary versions. Thanks.
  6. As you mention above . . . . This election isn't about the brain-dead socialist PM and his band of penguins, everyone can see how poorly our country has been served, it's about how much better a PC govt. will serve the citizens/electorate. Andrew Scheer just doesn't have the 'royal jelly' . . . . . Michelle Rempel or a few other members seem to have the 'fire' needed at this time.
  7. Let Quebec play their games . . . stop all transfer payments from the west. What's Ottawa going to do if the west just says 'no more' . . . . ? Kick the west out of Canada ? We, the west, could have some real fun with the centralist fuk-tards . . . . they need the west more than the west need them. Wake up West !
  8. "When in Rome . . . " Of course people can dress how they want. It's just that a leader should act/dress like a 'leader' . . . The sad fact is that Justin Trudeau (Mr. Dress-up) is not really recognized for his fabulous mind when he's dressed up in feathers or an outfit from India. Is he gaining respect as a 'world' leader when he's prancing around like a fool . . . Nice deflection attempt leftista . . . .
  9. Bernier has the core of real 'eastern' conservatives . . . . Sadly, the west no longer trusts any politician with a French background or accent. If Bernier lived in Swift Currant, and spoke without a French accent . . . he'd kick Trudeau's sorry ass to the curb in a heartbeat. Scheer is a non-entity . . .
  10. She 'may' have an IQ off the top of the scale . . . but can't grasp the concept that the left shoe goes on the left foot. Dumb as a stump !
  11. You have no clue as to modern logging practices . . . or forest ecology. It's pointless discussing forestry with folks like you. Carry on!
  12. The 'turnaround on coastal Douglas fir is about 45 years. On large logging claims like on Vancouver Island, you can log most of the year and never run out of wood.
  13. A very disturbing trend in Canada now is that Justin Trudeau's behavior and lies have become 'acceptable' . . . more disturbing yet is his cabinet of brain-dead penguins have accepted his criminal behavior and have surrounded and support him. Those same brain-dead penguins have a lesser grasp of 'ethics' than their leader . . . . this country is in deep shit.
  14. She was more of a man than our PM. Selfies with Maggie ? . . . . I don't think so. Liked her.
  15. Don't think a person could 'see' all this country has to offer in that persons lifetime. . . . Did live briefly in the then Port Arthur. Dad held me on his shoulders as Princess Elizabeth went by in a white car. She was pretty. Many moons ago . . .
  16. Careful now Michael . . . you're risking the 'Wrath of Chuckie' with your reply above. Sarcasm, humour, and the 'give & take' comments between concerned Canadians is strictly forbidden. Would have put a few emoji faces in this post, but that would imply that this post was in fact meant to be humorous . . . . and thus another suspension. Happy Labour Day to my fellow Canadians . . . be safe, and have fun. October 21st is fast approaching . . . be involved, please vote !
  17. Your tax dollars may be spent to rehabilitate him . . . . we have a Liberal program for that I believe.
  18. So Quebec threatens to separate . . . The northern First Immigrants (FI) will never let that happen . . . everything is locked up in land claims, and they know that the money faucet will slow to a drip because the separated Quebec'ers have been 'no visible means of support' for them to tap into. Quebec was a strip along the St. Lawrence when it became a province, territory, pain in the ass, whatever . . . that should be what they leave with. What have they ever contributed to the welfare of this country . . . . it's best if the rest of the country 'helps' them leave . . . just like the rest of the country has paid to have them stay. Quebec is just a bad investment . . . Ontario a little less so.
  19. "He's a dick." . . . . "Ontario is the best place to live." . . . . No other qualification stated or needed . . . . A little arrogant don't you think ?
  20. Again, Ontario produces nothing that can't be done elsewhere in Canada . . .
  21. If President Trump were to donate all monies spent at the G7, say to crippled children . . . hypothetical scenario. Would that be ok with you, or would you bitch about that too?
  22. Ontario produces nothing that can't be done elsewhere in Canada . . . Other than a pile of politicians (Alberta beef leave piles too) and a real shitty hockey team, what does Ontario really have? Oh, pardon me . . . Ontario has you and Dougie93 !
  23. Trudeau spends my tax dollars to rehabilitate ISIS shit-heads back into the Canadian 'cultural fabric' . . . . the USA next door, ISIS shit-heads here. Would there be a connection ? It's quite enjoyable to watch the obvious contempt (words & actions) that Trump displays toward that pathetic clown in Ottawa. 'Go to Jail' . . . go directly to jail. Do not pass 'GO' . . . .
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