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Nefarious Banana

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Everything posted by Nefarious Banana

  1. Simple fact: Andrew Scheer will not win an election for the CPC.
  2. Canada has the third largest oil reserves in the world . . . and we're buying 1,000,000,000 (1 billion) barrels of oil from Saudi Arabia, Venezuela, etc. Jason Kenney is responsible for the disgust and disdain for Justin Trudeau? "That's just pure and dangerous stupidity" . . . .
  3. National Helicopter Mommy knows that the Queen is a man, and Canada isn't a country . . . . .
  4. There's a video called 'Over a Barrel' . . . . Vivian Krause. Worth looking at. Just don't know how to 'link' it here . . . . ?
  5. It's utterly amazing how a half-wit drama teacher can disembowel a country in three years. Equally amazing is that the brain-dead electorate likes it . . . . This says more about the electorate than it says about the fucktard in Ottawa. We're stupid, we deserve the half-wit fucktard. Very sad . . .
  6. 'National Helicopter Mommy' . . . . . . ? Care to bless us with a definition ?
  7. Andrew Scheer should be gone . . . . couldn't get the job done. Conservatives in disarray. Canada is hopeless. Royal Guard . . . guarding what ? RCMP wanna-be's . . . .
  8. RCMP Drill Team . . . . . Burger King in the background. Who cares ?
  9. Hat's off to whoever programmed you . . . . job well done! Hoping you find everlasting happiness and sunshine in Boston.
  10. Good luck with that . . . . The 'youth' of to-day have their brains controlled by their 'electronic devices' . . . . the 'youth' are incapable of independent thought, have no work ethic, have an entitlement complex, many are fat and un-fit, and have no idea where/how money is earned. They don't have balls . . . . they have BB's. This country's in deep shit because the fuktard 'leader' has all the qualities I've just mentioned except that he's just an older 'youth' . . . . a retarded child in fact.
  11. Go to bed . . . get some sleep. You'll have to be well rested to get your arse to the polling station.
  12. As someone mentioned before . . . . do you and Dougie93 share the same bath towel ? Are you in fact, the same person ? Just asking . . . . Be sure to vote!
  13. Well known as a liar, a groper, a speaker of nonsense, as an embarrassment to the Canadian citizens . . . . the list is long. Yeah, he's well known all right.
  14. Everybody is a f'n victim these days. We've become a society of pussies. Does anyone have a thick skin anymore?
  15. Lisa Raitt or Michelle Rempel . . . . would carry the PC's far. Andrew Scheer may be smart and concerned but, he's sadly got the image of a young Robert Stanfield.
  16. Charles Anthony suspends me also . . . . warnings, demerit points, stand in the corner, etc./ etc. . . . . . . he's probably a retired schoolteacher. October 21st fast approaches . . . . no winners in this circle-jerk.
  17. If you're so unhappy, you can leave anytime.
  18. Why all the hate for Canada and Canadians? Constant and relentless, it's getting old very quickly. It's obvious that you're unhappy with this country, so make a move. Go to Boston with your wife. Visit Nevada when you can.
  19. You're wrong . . . . Quebec gone, Ontario irrelevant, Maritimes will always be 'third world' . . . . . . Western separation . . . one way or the other. Canada as you know it won't exist.
  20. There will never be a Canada as long as the stupid federal governments think that Quebec should be included/involved. Tax $$ pour into Quebec, and they shit on the hand that feeds them. Quebec doesn't want to be a part of Canada, and Canadians are too stupid to take the hint. All money to Quebec must stop. F'k em.
  21. A 'do-nothing' President endorsing a 'dip-shit' PM . . . . . are they blood relatives ?
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