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Everything posted by blackbird

  1. These anarchists blockading and honking their horns continuously are the same kind of people who harassed and intimidated health care workers trying to get into hospitals.
  2. It sounds like the authorities allowed the FN to shoot the police but didn't allow them to shoot back. I am somewhat convinced that is what happened. The police and army had their hands tied behind their back while the FN could shoot whoever they wanted. That's how things work in this country.
  3. What kind of army do we have? How is it possible FN could outgun the army? The Oka crisis sounds like it was some kind of joke.
  4. Maybe the police could be used to arrest the blockaders and the army could be used to tow the trucks and vehicles away. That would do it. No need for a shoot out. Just arrest them and take them away.
  5. What human right was violated? Nobody has a human right to spread Covid to other people.
  6. Blocking railways and streets and generally causing havoc, blowing horns for days and keeping people in the area awake for days is not legitimate protest.
  7. Yes, O'Toole was a liberal in Conservative clothing. and his support of carbon taxes was a big issue. But he should have kept out of the trucker's convoy issue. Canadians are divided on that. He jumped into it unwisely which just alienated a lot of Canadians. Funny the protesters wanted to get rid of Trudeau, but O'Toole is the one who is gone. The so-called "freedom convoy" was really a protest against everything under the sun. There were many different factions to it. And O'Toole changed his tune on it in a matter of minutes. He was confused and untrustworthy.
  8. That's where you err. These people are taking advantage of the pacifist attitude of the police chief and mayor of Ottawa. They are walking all over the people of Ottawa. They should be removed by force; whatever it takes. Don't play the game of who is going to back down first. That is foolishness and weak. This is a huge disruption to people who want to go to work and do their business in Ottawa. This is not like Oka which was not in a city and not blocking a vital border crossing. Oka dragged on and on because there was nothing critical being shut down. This is totally different and needs immediate action.
  9. The Conservative caucus has ousted O'Toole by a 61% vote. This could be partly because of his support of the trucker's convoy. He was a disaster. He likely alienated most Canadians. The problem is his replacement will probably also oppose the health measures and support the fringe anti-vax truckers. Most Canadians are not supporters of anti-vaxxers or anti-health measures. This will not help the Conservatives in the next election. The whole Conservative disaster is helping Trudeau and Liberals.
  10. I believe the illegal blockades of the railways, pipelines, etc. should have been dealt with quickly and they should have been removed. This country is self-destructing and allowing illegal blockades and occupations to carry on under the false claim that they are legitimate protests, which of course they are not. They have nothing to do with freedom of speech or assembly.
  11. You're probably correct. Just a thought. The police need to act like police and move in and arrest the illegal blockaders. The mayor and chief of police idea of being soft and avoiding confrontation is a joke.
  12. It is no longer a "demonstration or protest". It is an illegal occupation. Get educated!
  13. Hey Army Guy, I think we need the army to deal with the occupiers in Ottawa and Alberta. The police and Mayor of Ottawa have lost control and can't seem to do the job.
  14. Back to the subject of the so-called "freedom convoy". It is clear in the news that the Ottawa police and the Mayor have totally failed to remove the thugs and illegal occupiers from the streets of Ottawa. They adopted a strategy of non-confrontation in order to avoid possible violence. This is a complete farse. The occupiers are walking all over the authorities and can insult and block whoever they want and prevent the people of Ottawa from returning to normal life and the police will do nothing. They have been given assurance that the police will not forcefully remove them. This is a very tragic direction for Canada. This is the kind of thing that leads to totalitarian systems. If the regular police can't do the job, maybe they should ask China or Russia how to handle it. I'm sure they would have a pretty good idea.
  15. That's not correct. I listened to a medical doctor on CBC today that contributes regularly and he said Saskatchewan is making a mistake. It's not correct to say the vaccine is ineffective for Omicron. All medical professionals say the vaccine generally helps prevent serious illness with Omicron. It helps prevent hospitalization, and fewer deaths and long Covid. You can believe what you want, but I believe the experts. Mandates are not useless. They reduce the amount of spread.
  16. I have said repeatedly that the miraculous or supernatural acts of God cannot be explained according to scientific "rules of evidence". I have clearly said this before; therefore there is nothing dishonest about what I said. The problem is you don't accept the explanation and accuse me of being dishonest. I have told you what I honestly believe; so how can that be "dishonest"? I remind you what the above article says: "The reality is there is no rational explanation for the creation of the universe and life apart from an intelligent designer or Creator, who we call God. There never will be because it is one of those things that science cannot explain. "
  17. You're not making sense. I never said everyone spreads it. The restrictions target the places and people more likely to spread it.
  18. What makes you think that? I oppose any blockades and think they should all be arrested and charged.
  19. The unlawful blocking of the highway at the major border crossing between Alberta and Montana looks like it will be coming to an end today. The RCMP is moving in now in large numbers. There is a difference between peaceful protests and illegally blockading highways or cities. We will see if it ends peacefully today or whether it requires tactical units to use force. " 4 For he is the minister of God to thee for good. But if thou do that which is evil, be afraid; for he beareth not the sword in vain: for he is the minister of God, a revenger to execute wrath upon him that doeth evil." Romans 13:4 KJV
  20. Poor boy. It's a tough life when you have to do a little to help save other's lives and health.
  21. It is a proven scientific fact and the statistics prove that the unvaccinated are more likely to spread Covid than the vaccinated. But if you are another one on here that don't accept the medical expert's advice, not much anyone can say to you. You have lots of company here.
  22. What about the hospitals that are at the breaking point and the health care workers that are burnt out? Would you rather let Covid have run wild, kill thousands more people, and completely destroy our health care system? Doesn't sound like you have really thought this through or are ignoring reality.
  23. I'm not sure what you mean by everyone. The restrictions were targeted where the Covid spread is the most likely to occur.
  24. Don't tell me you're another science denier.
  25. Nobody has freedom to spread Covid to other people. That's what the health restrictions and mandates are all about. If you can't agree with the basic premise that freedom has it's limitations maybe you should be living in Alabama or some southern state that more closely aligns with your idea of freedom. Lots of them hate government, don't trust any authority, and think they should be able to spread Covid to anybody.
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