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Everything posted by blackbird

  1. There are many criminals/thugs in the Ottawa blockade who are harassing, intimidating and committing criminal assault with the loud, steady noise for days on end. These are not beggars or people who need ministering by a counselor. They are there to harass and assault people with their horns blasting. People living there have to put up with this from 6 or 7 AM to 11 or 12 PM at night. People feel unsafe. This is not sustainable. The government will have to take action before long. I would praise the people who are trying to help residents living in this part of Ottawa by helping seniors and others by taking them out for a walk, helping them take their dogs for a walk, picking up groceries for them. People are frightened of these terrorists and thugs doing all this stuff. They all are very frustrated and sad that the police or doing so little or next to nothing to protect the citizens of Ottawa.
  2. There are serious criminal offences taking place in Ottawa bud. One of the big criminal offences is the steady blasting of truck horns day and night that is seriously affecting the health of people living in the downtown and surrounding areas. They are blasting these horns which have a noise level far above the health and safty levels of noise. Well up over 100 decibels. People have been kept awake for days and their mental health is being effected. This is a deliberate and planned assault on the citizens. There is nothing else you can call it. You should pay more attention to the health and safety of citizens than worry about a bunch of thugs and law-breakers.
  3. They are breaking bylaws in blocking streets, illegal parking on streets, noise bylaws by blowing their horns 16 or 18 hours a day, threatening and insulting citizens for a start. They are likely breaking a number of bylaws. Also illegally occupying parks, and constructing illegal buildings.
  4. Those verse have no application to people who are illegally occupying the streets and breaking the laws.
  5. First of all these are not protesters. They are thugs who are illegally occupying the streets and committing illegal acts. They deserve the force of the law to end the criminal acts that they committing. If you think these are law-abiding citizens who are obeying the law, you are talking to the wrong person.
  6. I don't think you know the teachings of Jesus and the Bible. "1 Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God. {ordained: or, ordered} 2 Whosoever therefore resisteth the power, resisteth the ordinance of God: and they that resist shall receive to themselves damnation. 3 For rulers are not a terror to good works, but to the evil. Wilt thou then not be afraid of the power? do that which is good, and thou shalt have praise of the same: 4 For he is the minister of God to thee for good. But if thou do that which is evil, be afraid; for he beareth not the sword in vain: for he is the minister of God, a revenger to execute wrath upon him that doeth evil. 5 Wherefore ye must needs be subject, not only for wrath, but also for conscience sake. 6 For for this cause pay ye tribute also: for they are God’s ministers, attending continually upon this very thing. " Romans 13:1-6 KJV These verses warn against those who resist authority and warns evil doers to be afraid because the authorities bear the sword not in vain. That means God ordained authorities and they have the power to use whatever force is necessary.
  7. Seriously, how old are you?
  8. I agree with the police chief. Of course no officer should be giving out supplies to the occupiers. What do you think the police are there for?
  9. I never said anything about jailing them. Where did you come up with that one? They should kick their ass out of there. Do whatever is necessary to end this nonsense.
  10. A glass of water? Are you a kid or an adult? I oppose illegal blockades and the steady noise they are making which is criminal. I can't see this lasting much longer. The authorities will have to take action. These are criminals blockading and occupying streets.
  11. Why do you pick information on Israel which is totally different than many other countries? Something suspicious about that. Look at the statistics for the U.S. A graph shows unvaccinated people in the U.S. have a death rate of about 100 times greater than people who are fully vaccinated with their booster shot. How do death rates from COVID-19 differ between people who are vaccinated and those who are not? - Our World in Data Fully vaccinated people are 93% less likely to die of COVID compared to unvaccinated people Here is the COVID death rate for vaccinated people vs. unvaccinated people | Fortune There are no lockdowns for the vaccinated. There are vaccine mandate and passports but no lockdowns. Do you know the difference? Nov. 10, 2021 – While COVID-19 vaccine mandates have sparked lawsuits and protests, the data shows that they’re working and increasing vaccination rates. .COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates Are Working, Public Health Experts Say (webmd.com)
  12. This thread has become nothing more than an echo chamber with a handful of "freedom" protesters echoing each other constantly. Here is a news article describing how Saskatchewan Premier Scott Moe has gone off the deep end in ignoring medical experts and supporting the anti-restrictions "freedom" convoy. He is completely out of touch with not only medical experts, but out of sync with other political leaders in Canada. Political scientists say Sask premier's stance on vaccines is unprecedented (msn.com)
  13. This subject has pretty well been beaten to death the past couple years. It is tragic if someone has a serious effect from the vaccine, but from what I have heard regularly, it is extremely rare. The issue is that over a million people have died from Covid in the world, and about 33,000 in Canada have died. Many who survived Covid have lasting negative health effects. So the point I am making is the vaccine is the only real protection the world has to this deadly virus. It is terrible if someone died as a result, but it is like a war. Look at the millions who died fighting for their country in wars. Even police officers risk their lives every day to protect society but occasionally one of them gets killed. We don't abolish the police because of that. We didn't ask for this virus. Our authorities are doing the best they can to protect us from it. Thousands, maybe tens of thousands of lives have been saved in Canada by vaccination. So tell me what is the rationale for opposing something that saves so many lives. Surely you can't say because a rare case has negative consequences that vaccination shouldn't happen. Your comment is that of an anti-vaxxer. I have a grand daughter who has been an anti-vaxxer for years and she has put four kids in danger because she caught Covid and spread it to her family. She could have died and left the three little ones and the older kid with no mother. However, she is set in her thinking and I can't do anything about it except pray. She survived Covid although I heard she was quite ill for a few days. Thankfully her husband had to be vaccinated for his job.
  14. According to this article eliminating mandates and vaccine passports will reduce freedom for the majority. The problem is in the case of health measures, imposing certain restrictions does reduce the freedom for some people who refuse to get vaccinated and removing those restrictions likewise reduces freedoms for other people. For example, mandates are imposed to protect workers and people they deal with from the risk of catching Covid from unvaccinated people. If you remove the mandates, then you increase the chances of people catching Covid in the workplace or spreading Covid to the public by unvaccinated workers. A similar situation exists with the vaccine passports. If you remove the passports some people who are unvaccinated will then start going to restaurants, gyms, movie theatres, etc. and increase the risk to the vaccinated people. Opinion: Ditching vaccine passport reduces freedom for the majority (msn.com)
  15. It was reported in the media that Trump had some harsh words about Trudeau lately and threw his support behind the convoys and occupation of Ottawa. A lot of the money donated to Go Fund Me for this came from anonymous foreign sources, some of which were donations over $30,000. Could this money be coming from American Trumpsters? Donald Trump Called Trudeau A 'Far Left Lunatic' Who 'Destroyed' Canada With COVID-19 Mandates (msn.com) Ottawa protest battle lines harden on both sides amid concerns chance for peaceful end has passed (msn.com)
  16. Ottawa residents should join and file a class action lawsuit to claim the ten million dollars from Go Fund Me and an immediate injunction to freeze the funds until the lawsuit is settled. The money could be used to compensate citizens for all the threats, abuse, assaults, loss of income of businesses, defacing the downtown property, a very loud noise effecting the health and well-being of the citizens, and disruption of the lives of Ottawa citizens and reimburse the taxpayers for policing costs. The steady noise is a major offense. This is nothing more than an American-inspired, Jan. 6, type of Trumpster occupation. The similarities are too great to ignore. Trump has already thrown his support behind the anarchists which further proves a connection. In addition to the massive amounts of anonymous money donated to GFM, most of which likely came from American Trumpsters. According to this article, the chances of a peaceful end to this occupation may have already passed. Ottawa protest battle lines harden on both sides amid concerns chance for peaceful end has passed (msn.com)
  17. According to a court case I mentioned above, a 14 year old has the right to decide.
  18. "Who gets to decide when a 14-year-old wants to change gender? The child, the hospital, the battling parents? A B.C. case raises difficult questions about parental rights and about how young is too young to make medical decisions. The result is a messy ethical and legal tangle “I have a male brain that doesn’t match up with the body I’m in,” says the Grade 9, Surrey, B.C., student, who was the female gender at birth. “It’s like being trapped in a cage.” Max is now at the centre of a complicated legal fight over who gets to decide the course of treatment for his gender dysphoria. Max and his mom, Sarah, with the support of the gender clinic at B.C. Children’s Hospital, want to proceed with a treatment plan that would involve injecting Max with testosterone — a key step, they say, in Max’s desire to transition from a female to a male body. But Max’s father, Clark, who is separated from Sarah and shares joint custody of Max, believes things are moving too fast and worries about the treatment’s risks. Why can’t Max wait until he’s an adult before taking such a big step? What if Max comes to regret his decision, but the changes are irreversible? Doesn’t the father get to have a say in the matter at all? The case raises difficult questions about parental rights, about child autonomy, about how young is too young to make serious medical decisions. The result is a messy ethical and legal tangle, where a number of deeply interested parties — all with competing points of view on this issue, and all with the child’s best interest in mind — are at odds over how to proceed. . unquote Who gets to decide when a 14-year-old wants to change gender? The child, the hospital, the battling parents? | National Post This is a result of the new "woke" or progressive society/government catering to the LGBT movement and rejecting our historic Judeo-Christian roots which would never countenance such a thing. Incidentally the father in this case, who was trying to protect his 14 yr old daughter (or son depending how you view it) was sentenced to a six month jail term and a $30,000 fine for breaking a court order by releasing information about this case. This is the punishment now in Canada for interfering with an evil system by refusing to obey a court order limiting what he could say publicly about the case. Why were they trying to silence him?
  19. Are you recommending people be vigilantes? Law enforcement is police business.
  20. Are you kidding? Of course parents should and do love their children no matter what. But nobody in a school should be giving them the idea they can be a different gender than what they were born. That is child abuse and should be a criminal offense. People are not born into a certain orientation. That again is ridiculous. A person is what they are biologically born as, either male of female. You obviously have swallowed the sick progressive delusions.
  21. You say it is nobody else's business. Ask the parents whose family are affected by Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity agenda of schools where they teach school kids they can choose what sex they want to be. Outrageous and offensive.
  22. Suggesting people do something about it themselves is ridiculous and you know it.
  23. Depends whether you live near the occupied areas or not. Nothing about the occupation is overblown. People have been harassed, threatened, intimidated, kept awake by the noise of horns blowing steadily.
  24. Science has not proven people are born that way. There is no different gene or anything biological to prove that. It is more due to social influences.
  25. "Davis also said that given the size of some donations – some are in excess of $30,000 – and the speed that the money poured in, she thinks there’s good reason to wonder where the money is coming from. “The amount of money that's been raised, in the short period of time that that's happened, is very interesting,” she said. “It raises a lot of questions about the organic nature of that fundraising activity. Were these all people who were interested in the anti-mandate aspects of the convoy? Or was there something else driving interest in the protest?” Security experts concerned about possible ‘threat financing’ tied to trucker convoy (msn.com) When large amounts of money, like over $30,000 is coming from foreign unidentified sources, it should raise alarm bells as this could be a threat to national security. Must be some very rich or powerful foreign actors behind this. Could it even be foreign governments who are trying to cause anarchy and instability in our democracy?
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