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Everything posted by blackbird
You forgot to mention the health care system is in a crisis, there are long waiting times in emergency rooms, sometimes twelve hours or more, people waiting long periods for cancer treatments while their cancer gets worse. Probably lots of people dying because of it. There is a housing crisis and hundreds of thousands of people cannot buy a home because they cost more than the average person could ever afford. They have calculated it would take the average person decades to just save up a down payment to purchase a home. It is unattainable for most people now. We are short a million or more homes. The Canadian military has been underfunded for years and is desperately short of ships, aircraft, equipment and short tens of thousands of personnel. Canadians are paying for a ridiculous war on climate change, which is a fraud that is lowering the standard of living of everyone. Western Canada's energy industry has been greatly harmed by the Trudeau government. Yet you are fine with Trudeau's leadership. It is a dismal failure. Sad.
Billions of dollars spend on various things and a massive civil service, while Trudeau ignores the fact that the law is allowing repeat violent offenders to be repeatedly arrested and released. Another repeat offender in B.C. who failed to show up in court was arrested and taken to court for some offence and for failing to show up in court. Believe it or not, today he was given one day in jail and a year on probation although he was a repeat violent offender. Trudeau and his ministers are doing nothing about this ongoing problem. The justice system is a disaster and the federal laws are the main problem.
Not all of in B.C. are Socialist or Liberals. Some are Conservative but we are outnumbered right now by NDP and Liberals who changed their name to B.C. United Party recently.
Canada has 300,450 federal civil servants. The average cost of each employee is $114,000 per year. Do the math. The number of government programs being administered by government is endless. In the last few years of the Harper Conservative government the number of federal civil servants gradually declined but as soon as Trudeau and the Liberals took over in 2015, the number of civil servants began to increase every year.
PP has been criticized about his cryptocurrency comment, but it was a trivial comment and a trivial issue. I doubt it will have much political value for long. The real issues that most Canadians are concerned about are the multi-billion dollar failing health care system, the housing shortage, and the high inflation. Yes Trudeau is still flying around the world creating greenhouse gases and throwing millions of dollars around every day. How many billion dollars is the Liberal government in debt now and Canadians must pay the interest on government debt?
Trudeau at this moment is on the CBC/CTV liberal news constantly virtue-signaling about all the goodies he has handed out. This is not the mark of a leader. Sadly many will fall for the constant handout of various goodies as social programs and aid. This is the only thing liberals know how to do. They know little or nothing about building a strong country and helping the economy to grow which is the natural way to solve the housing crisis. All they know how to do is hand out money in the form of grants and social assistance programs. His only criticism of Pierre Polievre seems to be Crypto currency which he constantly harps on as if this is the central policy of the Conservative Party. This is a typical Trudeau smear and falsehood. This is not the policy of the Conservative Party and never will be. We often heard Trudeau make off colour or nonsensical statements like his love for the Chinese dictatorship or how he is working for equity among Canadians, a pipe dream that will never happen. He lives in an alt reality and has no credibility. The idea that government can solve everyone's financial problems and create a utopian society of equality is a Marxist idea and a lie to just get votes. Such schemes can only lead to loss of freedom and the state micro-managing everyone's life. There is no such thing as a free lunch for everyone.
You are correct. The ASA seems like a very good idea. I see the mainstream media like the CBC and CTV have their liberal-controlled pundits and Marist-leaning university professors and "constitutional experts" on the news and political programs constantly trying to attack the ASA. The CBC and CTV are the biggest propaganda tools of the federal liberals. While the CBC and CTV have access to a large swath of the population, there is no way that opposing views of Canadians and Albertans can express their opinions except on social media which is very limited and the Liberal-NDP coalition want to control social media.
You still haven't explained why you believe what you do. Obviously anything I try to explain to you, you automatically reject it. Since you seem to have the all the answers, what is so difficult about explaining why you believe what you do? The command "thou shalt not kill" never got amended. Nobody changed what the Bible says in the King James Version. There are corrupt versions of the Bible, but the KJV is accurate. Governments and rulers make their own laws on things and on punishments for crimes, but the Bible did not change.
People still need food and if the cost of producing grains and foods goes up significantly, the end result will be that food prices will be greatly increased. The costs of farming with the costs of machinery in the hundreds of thousands of dollars and various other expenses are already high. The ordinary Canadians and the countries who are starving will be the ones most affected by the carbon taxes and fertilizer cuts and have to pay the price. If anyone thinks the farmers will be the only ones affected, they are sadly mistaken. Farmers have no choice but to include their costs and losses in the prices grains and produce are sold for.
Not only are farmers facing this issue of reducing fertilizer use, but they have been heavily impacted by the carbon taxes. quote If Canada’s reigning Liberal Party minority government sees its desired increases to the carbon tax come into force, the end result will be a six figure annual increase to the tax bill of the average farm. The figure was calculated by Western Canadian Wheat Growers President Gunter Jochum and told to Parliament during a Nov. 2 meeting of the Agriculture Committee. “The government wants to increase the [carbon] tax, which would cost my farm a whopping $136,000 per year by 2030. This will jeopardize the viability and sustainability of my farm,” Jochum stated. unquote Carbon Tax to Cost Canadian Farmers Upwards of $100,000 Annually - Vision Times
The Federal government has a lofty goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions from fertilizer use in agriculture of 30% by 2030 from 2020 levels. This federal government plan is described on the government website: Government seeks guidance on path towards reducing emissions associated with fertilizer - Canada.ca This government website announced a goal of 30% reduction by 2030 without consultation with the industry or any idea how food production would be affected and how this would fit in with the federal government's plan to greatly increase food production in the face of the U.N. stating much of the world or hundreds of millions of people are facing a crisis and starvation. Canada has committed to greatly increase food production yet the government is making a commitment to reduce fertilizer emissions by 30% by 2030. How do they reconcile this contradiction? Why is the government making this kind of 30% reduction commitment without having any idea of the consequences and how it could be done? Are they putting the cart before the horse? How can anyone make a commitment of that nature without having all the facts and a plan of exactly how such a thing could be done? The Western Canadian Wheat Growers association says this about it: "The target of an absolute reduction in nutrients used to produce our food was done without consultation with the fertilizer industry or Canadian grain and oilseed farmers." The Issues Fertilizer Canada has prepared a comprehensive report here. Highlights include: A focus on an absolute emissions reduction, rather than an intensity-based target, is misplaced and will likely cause severe economic harm. Using modeling software, we’ve estimated that a 30% absolute emission reduction for a farmer with 1,000 acres of canola and 1,000 acres of wheat would have their profit reduced by $38,000 to $40,500 annually. Across Western Canada this would mean canola revenues would be reduced by up to $441 million, while wheat revenue could experience a reduction of $400 million. More emissions can be reduced through increased uptake of the 4R Nutrient Stewardship program, while actually improving the competitiveness and profit of farmers. A reduction in fertilizer use is contrary to the UN goal of eliminating world hunger by 2030. The Federal government has set a target to increase Canadian agriculture exports from $55 billion in 2015 to at least $85 billion by 2025. This 55% increase is not attainable if the Federal Government reduces nitrogen fertilizer use by 30%. unquote Fertilizer Reduction | 4R Nutrient Stewardship Program (wheatgrowers.ca
OK you can call me names if you like. I won't be offended. I understand where you're coming from and realize that is a normal part of conversation with you. I am not a perfect person but only telling you what I believe from the Bible. I am not infallible and could be wrong. Perhaps you can show me why I am wrong. Why do you believe what you believe? Where did you learn that belief? Do you think the state has the authority to punish murderers? Why do you believe capital punishment would be wrong? The Old Testament also says "thou shalt not kill" in Exodus chapter 20 and in Deuteronomy? So why does Genesis 9:6 teach capital punishment for murderers and in Exodus teach "thou shalt not kill? Why do these two teachings appear to oppose each other? Why do you think the Old Testament teaching on capital punishment in Genesis 9?6 is "perverted"? Does the New Testament abolish capital punishment for murderers? There must be some explanation for why it says capital punishment is in order in Genesis 9:6 and forbids killing in Exodus and Deuteronomy. Can you explain that? Can you explain where you're coming from on that?
You think someone who pre-meditates the murder of someone else should just do his time and walk free? God says in his word in Genesis 9:6 KJV basically a life for a life. That recognizes the sanctity of human life. The victim can never get his life back but you think the guilty person should get to live on and be free on top of that. That is also offensive to the victim's relatives. Doing time and then walking free does not sound like the punishment fits the crime. But you as a liberal wouldn't understand that anyway. I see you do a lot of deflecting yourself in your comments and don't stick strictly to the topic.
188 years of oil left means in Canada. That doesn't include other countries and oceans. Also, there are vast gas reserves under the Artic in northern Canada. Jesus Christ may return any time and nobody may need oil in 188 years as the one thousand year millenium rule of Jesus Christ on earth may be established. If that doesn't happen in the 188 years, then the people may transition to other fuels such as the gas or nuclear or combinations of things. But it is foolish to try to cut off the oil production now and make life impossible for the billions of people alive now. We don't know what is going to happen that far in the future. We have to be realistic. The oil is there for us to use now without carbon taxes and crazy environmental regulations that make life miserable and outrageous for millions of people in Canada and elsewhere. Stop trying to push the phony alarmism.
If you want to help people who are starving and millions are starving, you need to change your thinking. Fertilizer is necessary to produce food to help the millions of starving people in Africa and other places. Seven million people in Somalia don't know where their next meal is coming from and 213,000 are facing catastrophic starvation. One woman on the news lost four of her eight children to starvation. She is in a desperate situation as are millions of others. Please help them by not letting our government harm agriculture and food production. We have relatives on the prairies that produce various grain crops on 2,000 acres. Their grains are shipping to Canada and to the world along with many other grain farms. They need to keep fertilizing their farm for the grains to keep producing a good quality and quantity of grains. This is essential for everyone.
Millions of people are starving in Somalia and other countries. Cutting back on the use of fertilizer by 30% is clearly the wrong thing to do as it would drastically cut the production of food for the world by a huge amount. It could greatly increase the number of people who starve to death. The use of fertilizer is directly related to the amount of grains and other food that Canada produces. LAU: Trudeau government accepts and parrots climate misinformation (msn.com)
There are other examples of tyranny in Canada. When the federal government passes laws which violate or infringe on provincial jurisdiction that is tyranny. That is being discussed right now with Alberta bringing in a Sovereignty Act to resist or fight back against federal laws that they consider violate provincial rights. For example, if the federal government brings in a law to reduce the use of fertilizer in the provinces such as 30% reduction by 2035 if that is what it is, Alberta may debate that in the legislature and decide to refuse to comply because they consider it an act of tyranny against provincial jurisdiction over natural resources and agriculture. Such a reduction in the use of fertilizer could result is a massive reduction in the agricultural production of food for Canada and the world if actually implemented. The price of food is already getting very high for millions of Canadians. I think it has gone up something like 14% or more in the past year. Taking the use of fertilizer out would do great harm to Canada. That is tyranny. It could then play out in the court if the federal government decides to take it to court. Trudeau is talking right at this moment and says we cannot be a country unless all Canadians build an inclusive country where all Canadians are contributing and benefiting equally referring to Canadians with disabilities. What exactly does that mean? Does it mean for example that every Canadian should have exactly the same income, the same standard of housing, the same food on the table, and same of everything one can imagine? This sounds more like a declaration of Communist or Marxist ideology if you take what he says literally. That is tyranny. Socialism and Communism has always failed wherever it has been tried. Trudeau obviously believes that the federal government's job is to use any and all imaginable measures to implement his Marxist ideology to build some kind of Orwell's 1984 utopia. If that is not tyranny, I don't know what is. He grew up with a silver spoon and does not live in the real world but in some kind of alt reality where he goes around giving out millions of dollars, actually tens of millions of dollars almost every day of taxpayer's money as if it were his own. Free everything for everyone. Only the most simple-minded liberals could possibly take what he says as rational.
There should be capital punishment for 1st degree murder. The idea that murderers should get out after 25 years is repugnant to anyone who believes in justice and the protection of society. The way the liberal mind works is convicted murderers still have rights and have the right to be rehabilitated at any risk and released back into society. The conservative and Christian believes the protection of society comes before a criminals so-called right to be free. Apparently you just don't get it. Many Bible-believing Christians would approve of capital punishment for murder because as I have told you before that is what the Bible teaches. See Genesis 9:6 KJV and Romans ch13. Why should taxpayers have to pay for a lifetime of keeping a convicted 1st degree murderer behind bars or even 25 years at over 100,000 dollars per year? What did the taxpayers do to deserve this?
tyranny definition - cruel, unreasonable, or arbitrary use of power or control: The Supreme Court is made up of liberal appointees. It is nothing more than a branch of the Liberal government. They approve of the killing of unborn babies. They were the ones that ordered the government to implement doctor-assisted suicide. They are the ones who order that many violent prisoners should not be held in prison. They are the ones that decreed that a life sentence for murderers is 25 years and after that, every prisoner must have a parole hearing every few years, putting the victims families through hell. So they are not protecting Canada from tyranny. Quite the opposite. If widespread violence in public schools in Toronto, Vancouver, Surrey and other places is tyranny, we have it. If widespread immorality falls under the definition of tyranny, then we have it.
Depends how you define "tyranny" and who you ask. If the approximate 100,000 per year of unborn babies who were aborted were able to answer that question, I think they might consider it tyranny. People who consider medically-assisted suicide of ten thousand people per year and increasing every year might consider that as tyranny. People who are victims of the soft-on-crime approach of the liberal justice system might consider it tyranny. Just ask the relatives and friends on the James Smith Cree nation in Saskatchewan what they think of the murder of their loved ones in September by a violent offender released by the parole board. You might also ask the former students and survivors of the residential schools whether they think the residential school system was tyranny.
I replied 2 hours ago to your post with a short 300 word explanation of what the central message in the Bible is.
This is especially for those last few commenters who spend their time fighting against God. Seems they don't know anything about the message of the Bible and the danger they are in for eternity. quote God’s Word to You: A Summary of the Bible In the beginning, the all-powerful, personal God created the universe. This God created human beings in His image to live joyfully in His presence, in humble submission to His gracious authority. But all of us have rebelled against God and, in consequence, must suffer the punishment of our rebellion: physical death and the wrath of God. Thankfully, God initiated a rescue plan, which began with His choosing the nation of Israel to display His glory in a fallen world. The Bible describes how God acted mightily on Israel’s behalf, rescuing His people from slavery and then giving them His holy law. But God’s people – like all of us – failed to rightly reflect the glory of God. Then, in the fullness of time, in the Person of Jesus Christ, God Himself came to renew the world and restore His people. Jesus perfectly obeyed the law given to Israel. Though innocent, He suffered the consequences of human rebellion by His death on a cross. But three days later, God raised Him from the dead. Now the church of Jesus Christ has been commissioned by God to take the news of Christ’s work to the world. Empowered by God’s Spirit, the church calls all people everywhere to repent of sin and to trust in Christ alone for our forgiveness. Repentance and faith restores our relationship with God and results in a life of ongoing transformation. The Bible promises that Jesus Christ will return to this earth as the conquering King. Only those who live in repentant faith in Christ will escape God’s judgment and live joyfully in God’s presence for all eternity. God’s message is the same to all of us: repent and believe, before it is too late. Confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, and you will be saved. Unquote God's Word to You: A Summary of the Bible in 311 Words (thegospelcoalition.org)