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Everything posted by Goddess

  1. You do not know that BILLIONS of Muslims are anything. The polls show what the majority of them believe and it's not what YOU say they believe. You do not speak for Muslims anymore than I do.
  2. No. The religion is badly in need of reform. You are the one who denies it. When I post that something - for example - like FGM needs to be handled in Islam, you immediately post that NO! IT DOESNT. So I post things showing that it IS a problem in Islam and you deny all of it or discount the source. I wouldn't have to post nearly any of the stuff I do, except that you are in complete denial that there are any problems with the religion. Many Muslims and ex-Muslims are calling for reform. And they are doing it despite death threats and screeches of "Islamophobe!!!!!!" from people like you.
  3. I've "rejected" any good done by Muslims, have I? No. I've posted positive articles as well. I just don't make excuses for the bad behaviour of the religion's adherents. You just don't like that I agree with ex-Muslims and Muslim reformers that the religion in in dire need of reforming. I know you will sometimes reluctantly agree that the religion needs reforming but then you turn around and argue about the specifics of what needs to be reformed. FGM? Not a Muslim thing - no reform needed. How dare you say so, you Islamophobe! Misogyny? Not a Muslim thing because the Bountiful BC people, so no need to reform. How dare you say so, you Islamophobe! Anti-semitism? Doesn't exist in Islam and the KKK - no reform needed. How dare you say so, you Islamophobe! Forcing women into burkas and hijabs? It's totally their choice and NUNS! - no reform needed. How dare you say so, you Islamophobe! Terrorism? The West deserves it because White supremacy., so no reform needed . How dare you say so, you Islamophobe! Honor Killings? Not a Muslim thing - no reform needed. How dare you say so, you Islamophobe! Acid attacks? Not a Muslim thing - no reform needed. How dare you say so, you Islamophobe! Attacking Christians and destroying churches? That's just bad press - no reform needed. How dare you say so, you Islamophobe! etc. etc. etc. So no, I'm just not blind to the bad, nor do I make excuses for it. For someone who personally knows a billion Muslims and has been authorized to speak for them all, you sure seem uninformed as to what the religion is doing.
  4. Yes. Even though nobody in real life thinks I'm alt-right and I test mostly Left on quizzes. My disagreement of Islam being the Religion of Peace makes me an extremist alt-right who should be watched by the police.
  5. Nope. Based on much more than the actions of 6 people. This is just another example. You're one of the ones who has consistently bleated that Muslims bear absolutely no responsibility to counter terrorism in their midst and anyone who thinks they should be dealing with it is an Islamophobe.
  6. This is what I don't understand. MUslims insist that they do not have to do anything about the extremism in Islam, Leftists agree with and support them in that view AND they also don't want anyone else doing anything about Islamic extremism. Go figure.
  7. Because nobody gets to choose their race. They can, however, choose their religion. Religion is a choice. Always.
  8. People like this keep saying "Oh, it's such a small number of extremists, you all are racists and Islamophobes for even being concerned about it." 1% or even .5% sounds like a small number. But when that percentage is from a pool of 1.6 billion: That 1% is 16 million people. That .5% is 8 million people. Still seems like relatively small numbers - until you put faces and intentions to that number. Now it is too large. And NEWSFLASH - the percentage of Islamics with extremist views is much, much higher than .5% or 1%. This is why the Amish or the Bountiful, BC cult, while problematic and disgusting, are not as much of a threat and people are not overly concerned about them. Also, they have no influence in politics or world-wide, so not much of a threat. More of an individual type threat - not a national one. So using them to justify Islamic barbarism is extremely disingenuous. It's not racism or Islamophobia that make people disgusted by the religion - it's the scale of what they are doing
  9. The "inferior" forum posted the article cite for the topic. https://nationalpost.com/opinion/geoffrey-clarfield-the-united-nations-is-losing-staggering-sums-to-corruption-mismanagement-and-bad-decision-making I notice you've done this a few times now - gone to the "inferior" forum for topic ideas, steal them and post them here. Weird.
  10. Remember when the Egyptian presiden'ts call to Muslims to greet Christians was presented here as "proof" that Egypt loooooooves Christians? https://www.dailywire.com/news/48486/cureton-coptic-christians-are-brutally-persecuted-alexander-cureton?utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=benshapiro Here is the list of attacks: https://eshhad.org/database It won't be the largest Christian community left in the Middle East for much longer.
  11. Yup, laugh it up about France, you 3.
  12. From what I've read and the news coming out of Europe - Muslims are worse for anti-semitism than others. It's deliberate blindness to say otherwise. Hatred of Jews is codified in the Quran and taught openly in mosques. And no, I am not saying ALL Muslims hate Jews. But how are Jews generally treated in Muslim countries? And please don't fall back on the victim-blaming - that Jews deserve to be massacred by Muslims because of some 2000 year old wrong apparently committed. ......except when it shows up in Islam, right? Then we come on a thread talking about the problem of anti-semitism in Islam and insist that it doesn't exist except in tiny normal (?) quantities, nothing to be concerned about, according to you. If you did choose to face the Truth about Islam - you would see that many are of the opinion that anti-semitism is growing in Europe because Muslims have brought it with them and awakened and legitimized the sleeping anti-semitism in other groups, such as the Neo-Nazis. So while I will agree that some anti-semitism comes from that source, a LOT of anti-semitism comes from Muslim sources and the fact that you and MH are here to deny that is quite disgusting, IMO.
  13. You used a quote with no cite to deny that there is anti-semitism in Islam, in direct contradiction to facts, so....... No, you didn't.
  14. Oh, you're right. I should ignore all the articles and books and news articles and the disgusting Al Qud Rallies held all over the world, and the churches and synagogues being burned all over the world and Christians dying at the hands of Muslims, the bombings, the beheadings, the burning people alive, the imams caught spreading anti-semitism in every Western country they're allowed into, etc, etc, etc Your one incident of a Neo-Nazi group who were shut down by police, with no cite given, has totally convinced me that anti-semitism is not a problem in Islam. Please be sure to post that quote - wherever it's from - somewhere all the French Jews can see it, so they know it's not Muslims who are attacking and killing them and driving them out of France. They will be so grateful to you for setting them straight on who is really brutalizing them. Definitely not your Muslims, right? Totally innocent, lovers of Jews. Muslims are the real victims to you - ALWAYS. Yah, we got it, Dia. Of course, you will find something wrong with the source of this article because it's not flattering to Muslims, so therefore a stupid source. Jews naming their own attackers? That's not allowed in your pro-Islam worldview. https://www.jta.org/2019/05/01/global/french-jews-say-officials-are-reluctant-to-call-out-anti-semitism-by-muslims
  15. It's not white supremacists driving Jews out of France and other European countries, either.
  16. You need to think more globally.
  17. What makes you assume that it's "one group" attacking both Muslims & Jews?
  18. I never understood why that Act was axed by Trudeau and why Natives did not oppose it being axed. There is a ton of evidence of misuse of funds by tribal chiefs/leadership with zero accountability - to their own people or to the government. Chiefs and leadership living high on the hog while their reserves are living in squalor. If I was Native, I'd be all over protesting that.
  19. Altai, maybe you could be doing more things like *this* and less conspiracy theories and hate. http://forreadingaddicts.co.uk/news/turkish-garbage-collectors-open-library-full-discarded-books/23374?fbclid=IwAR1538B-84Uwkex_gvgQodvx2_xsx8pauI8DBLx4z1Nsvg5z1a8Sb3GdmfA
  20. https://globalnews.ca/news/3848065/case-of-diphtheria-confirmed-at-edmonton-elementary-school/ Diptheria in Edmonton. These diseases are all making a comeback thanks to anti-vaxxers. I think we have all forgotten how terrible these diseases were and how many people they killed. My friend posted this article on her facebook page because she has a child in kindergarten at the school and a newborn at home who is too young to be vaccinated for diptheria yet.
  21. https://dianebederman.com/what-happens-when-governments-and-police-fear-islam/?fbclid=IwAR2qJEIxoj3j6bqX8ewhD-mAfavmX0NTil4QxQ0mnE3NkkXX0Rn_o2Q-tUY Bederman blog on this past Saturday's Al Qud hatefest in Toronto
  22. “There is a special place in hell for women who don’t help other women,” Madeleine Albright


    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Goddess


      I have a friend in the US who got a new girlfriend pregnant many years ago and she didn't want a baby.  They talked and agreed that he would pay all expenses, she would have the baby, sign away all her parental rights to him and he would raise the child.  Sometimes it's a good thing to let people make their own decisions.

    3. QuebecOverCanada


      I think if the Left would acknowledge the Rights points on abortion, rather than insistently repeating slogans that are no way related to them, such as 'MY BODY MY CHOICE'. No bud. We didn't say you couldn't do things you want with your body, what we say is you can't kill someone because it's convenient for your future career or whatever thousand reasons there are to abort. The person you kill isn't you, dipshit. If the Left acknowledged that point, only that single and only point, the Left would win the abortion debate as it did 40 years ago. But the Leftists are generally retarded and down to repeat slogans coming from the Boomer-me-myself-and-I era.

    4. Goddess


      Most provinces will only perform abortions up to 20 weeks, unless there is a medical reason (either mother or fetus) for termination.  Why do you think this is?  Some babies in the womb require surgery before they are born.  There is no pain medication given to fetuses under 24 weeks old for these surgical procedures.    Why do you think that is?

  23. Should ask the Jews in France if they feel "protected" by their Muslim brethren.
  24. https://www.iambirmingham.co.uk/2019/05/23/muslims-lead-birmingham-pride-parade-first-time-events-22-year-history/?fbclid=IwAR0fjQ6E3CYaA82Buqas4e8NHqZaYQ3uvONGFGz-BOjKAOo6VcoUhYiL78s Well, this is clearly not Birmingham, Alabama More of this, more of this, more of this.
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