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Everything posted by Goddess

  1. If that's what you got out of that sentence then I strongly suggest remedial reading courses for yourself. Possibly some anger management classes with some therapy to work on your persecution complex.
  2. Baloney. You make excuses for each and every one of them. You try to divert the conversation to other religions, other groups - anything so that Muslim violence is not discussed.
  3. Yup. The hoaxes are all just the media trying to make Muslims look bad. You figured it out - Yay, you!
  4. And you consistently fail to show the same level of outrage against attacks on Christians and Jews by Muslims, as you do against attacks by white supremacists and idiot hijab rippers. Excuses abound with you for Muslim violence but if white people don't kiss Muslim ass, that's evil to you.
  5. Pffffffffft. The fack outta here - to say these were white people pretending to be Muslims attacking this girl......WTF. Give your head a shake.
  6. https://www.huffingtonpost.ca/entry/man-rips-off-muslim-woman-hijab_n_5736214fe4b060aa781a48b9 https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/crime/hijab-tube-attack-arrest-muslim-woman-turnpike-lane-london-a8850601.html There's a couple. There's actually a lot more hoaxes listed, but Yes, it happens. To Dia, who believes white people are evil and Muslims innocent victims at all times - if I believe hijabs are harmful and idiotic, I'm automatically lumped in with the few people who would actually rip off a hijab. In reality, I would be one of the few people who would stick up for the woman, in spite of my feelings about hijabs. That is confusing to Dia. Because in her mind - I hate hijabs, their purpose and bloody history - so I am the worst kind of evil person - more evil than the ones who force their women into hijabs.
  7. There have been a few incidents where idiots ripped off hijabs. There also been more than a few hoaxes. Dia just likes to sling as much mud as possible, in the hopes that some of it sticks. Double standard is when you believe racist talk affects other white people, but that racist talk by Muslims and imams doesn't affect other Muslims because they are somehow better people than non-Muslim folks.
  8. What I saw went FAR beyond "graffiti and racist comments." And I have been very clear about not ripping off hijabs. I've said it over and over here - just because a person doesn't agree with hijabs and burkas, a person does not have the right to rip them off or verbally assault a wearer. I have been extremely clear on that. I was one of several people who reported it. The facebook page was taken down because the Muslims were so vicious. I guess I expected at least one Muslim to say, "Hey you guys, this is awful and not what Islam teaches". But not one did that. Why do you think that is.
  9. Yes, I'm quite certain that I have not been brainwashed into believing gays and lesbians deserve the same human rights as anyone else. But I'll play your game. Take infertile couples and men with erectile dysfunction as an example. Seems you should support it. Human right blablabla ok. What will happen? They have no babies! It's very bad for a COUNTRY! Yes, they can marry for personal happiness, nobody against that. Human rights, you know. But come on! BTW, I know gay and lesbian couples who have adopted children or had IVF to have a child or have paid a surrogate to have a child for them or they marry someone who already has children and raise them as their own. Are you sure YOU haven't been brainwashed? What is it that you want to tell gays and lesbians NO about?
  10. Ah, okay. You want ONLY attacks on an actual physical police station. Not police and military themselves being attacked. Not sure why that's an important distinction for you, but ok. I think the rest of us are more along the lines of: It appears that Muslims are attacking authority figures and their workplaces increasingly often. That was kind of my point about lack of respect for authority - yes the buildings themselves should be respected, but for me and some others here - the actual police and military being attacked are more important than the buildings. And yes, I did say "police stations" - but I thought it was obvious that we were all talking about more than just the actual buildings. You continue to split that hair, though. Somehow I just knew you both would reject the article with the list of 14 police/military attacks in France alone.
  11. That view is prevalent enough that the UK refused to take her because they rightfully feared a Muslim backlash. Yet she will stick to her belief that Muslims in Western countries are completely different and miraculously change these beliefs upon arriving in the West. I believe it because I saw it with my own eyes here in Canada - a large group of Muslims viciously attacked an Israeli girl online, merely for being a Jew. She was told in very graphic terms what they would all do to her if they ever came across her in real life. Not one Muslim came to her defense. Magic borders. Woo woo.
  12. The last link identifies 14 attacks in France alone.
  13. https://www.haaretz.com/world-news/europe/gunman-shoots-police-in-belgium-in-suspected-terrorist-attack-1.6131842 http://www.hurriyetdailynews.com/knifeman-killed-in-spain-police-station-attack-135981 https://www.voanews.com/east-asia/another-police-station-attacked-indonesia https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2018-08-20/man-wielding-knife-shot-in-attack-on-police-station-in-catalonia https://www.thestar.com/news/world/2018/08/20/man-shot-dead-at-spanish-police-station-in-possible-terror-attack.html http://www.ekathimerini.com/240678/article/ekathimerini/news/unknown-group-claims-responsibility-for-police-station-attack https://www.jihadwatch.org/2019/07/france-muslims-screaming-allahu-akbar-attack-police-station-with-paving-stones-and-pyrotechnic-devices https://globalnews.ca/video/5242211/attack-on-police-headquarters-in-afghanistan-by-taliban-leaves-13-dead https://www.rferl.org/a/pakistani-10-police-civilians-wounded-balochistan/29739649.html https://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/11459/germany-migrants-attack-police https://balkaninsight.com/2015/04/28/deadly-terrorist-attack-on-police-station-raises-ethnic-tensions-across-bosnia/ https://www.neweurope.eu/article/russia-suicide-bomber-attempt-attack-police-station-stavropol/ https://sputniknews.com/europe/201808201067326869-spain-police-attack/ https://www.jihadwatch.org/2018/01/sweden-police-station-bombed-in-heavily-muslim-city-of-malmo https://www.thelocal.fr/20170915/islamist-attacks-against-police-and-soldiers-in-france The thread is only pointless to people who deny, excuse and dismiss what is going on. I await your excuses and denials and dismissals of the above.
  14. I've noticed the increase in news articles reporting on police station attacks. Quite a few in Spain, France, several in Indonesia and some in the UK. A quick google search on police station attacks in Europe can provide some info for you, but you will just deny and dismiss them all as fake news and just trying to make Islam look bad and mental illness and but, but , but.....it's the religion of peeeeeeeeaaaaccccceeeee! blah blah blah.....anyways. For people who deny that there is terrorism in the name of Islam and that it's getting worse, there will always be excuses and denials. There's literally nothing Islam can do that some people won't deny, excuse and dismiss.
  15. Attacks on police stations in Europe are becoming more and more common. Attacking police stations - a public authority, for whom there should be a natural respect - tells me there is no respect for that authority. Of course, it doesn't really matter, since all news about Islamic attacks in France and Europe are nothing but "fake news" and part of a secret agenda here on the Maple Leaf Web Forum to just make Islam look bad.
  16. https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/canada-legalizes-beastiality/
  17. And yet Canada only emits 2% of the world's CO2. Canada is not a net carbon emitter. https://business.financialpost.com/opinion/canada-may-already-be-carbon-neutral-so-why-are-we-keeping-it-a-secret
  18. Having some pride in oneself is necessary for good mental health. The scripture above shows that it is necessary to have some pride in oneself; the advice is just to not think more of ourselves than we should.
  19. The Encyclopedia of Islam says: "In Fikh (jurisprudence), there is unanimity that the male apostate must be put to death." This ruling has been accepted Islamic law for the last 1400 years. Established, historical Islamic theology and jurisprudence mandates the execution of apostates. Few Muslim scholars have ever challenged this definition. The majority of Islamic scholars support it. Various modern Muslims have objections against the death sentence but as Dog points out - it is they who are deviating from the judgment established by the depth and breadth of Islamic jurisprudence.There is no question that Islam mandates it, except from Muslims living in the West who are embarrassed by it and do their best to cover it up to try and make Islam more acceptable to naive, gullible and ignorant Westerners. The Sirat Rasulallah provides details behind one of the names – Abdullah Sa’d. Abdullah apostatized and Muhammad wanted him dead. Abdullah was one of Muhammad’s scribes and said that the reason he left Islam was because he was able to write his own words as the Quran with Muhammad’s approval. Once he realized the Quran was a sham he left Islam.[15] Later, when Muhammad’s knife was poised at his throat, he realized that Islam was true after all and rejoined the fold. Tabari's whole job after the death of Big Mo was to go to all the tribes who had been forced to convert to Islam - and who now thought that because Big Mo was dead they no longer had to be Muslims - and kill them all. Islam is, in my view - a giant puddle of vomited hatreds - Christians, Jews, dogs, women, gays, infidels, apostates, etc, etc - and the fact that modern Muslims and their Western supporters must wade through the puddle of vomit to pick out anything that might still be edible....well, I just shake my head as to why you would want to. And holding up that tiny kernel of humanity that you find in the vomit like "Aha! See! Islam is Goooooooood!" I will pat you on the head and smile because you're really excited about finding that edible piece amongst the vomit, but do not try to force it down my throat. You swallow what you want but stop forcing everyone else to swallow your vomit morsels.
  20. Yes, we get it. You do not like Islam being talked about in a bad way. You will defend it to your last breath. You will demonize those who do want to discuss it. If your sister chooses to do nothing and say nothing about the problems, that is her choice.
  21. If Muslim reformists like Hirsi Ali says these things are a problem in Islam and you insist they are not, who do I believe? Hirsi Ali and ones like her who have actually lived it or you - who visited Egypt (as a TOURIST) a couple of times and are desperately trying to defend your sister's religion? Do I believe it when the media is reporting daily attacks on Christians or do I believe you, who insist they are nothing to be concerned about and that the media is lying just to make Muslims look bad? You insisted that Christians are loved by Egyptians and treated well. Reports say the opposite. Who do I believe?
  22. You do not know that BILLIONS of Muslims are anything. The polls show what the majority of them believe and it's not what YOU say they believe. You do not speak for Muslims anymore than I do.
  23. No. The religion is badly in need of reform. You are the one who denies it. When I post that something - for example - like FGM needs to be handled in Islam, you immediately post that NO! IT DOESNT. So I post things showing that it IS a problem in Islam and you deny all of it or discount the source. I wouldn't have to post nearly any of the stuff I do, except that you are in complete denial that there are any problems with the religion. Many Muslims and ex-Muslims are calling for reform. And they are doing it despite death threats and screeches of "Islamophobe!!!!!!" from people like you.
  24. I've "rejected" any good done by Muslims, have I? No. I've posted positive articles as well. I just don't make excuses for the bad behaviour of the religion's adherents. You just don't like that I agree with ex-Muslims and Muslim reformers that the religion in in dire need of reforming. I know you will sometimes reluctantly agree that the religion needs reforming but then you turn around and argue about the specifics of what needs to be reformed. FGM? Not a Muslim thing - no reform needed. How dare you say so, you Islamophobe! Misogyny? Not a Muslim thing because the Bountiful BC people, so no need to reform. How dare you say so, you Islamophobe! Anti-semitism? Doesn't exist in Islam and the KKK - no reform needed. How dare you say so, you Islamophobe! Forcing women into burkas and hijabs? It's totally their choice and NUNS! - no reform needed. How dare you say so, you Islamophobe! Terrorism? The West deserves it because White supremacy., so no reform needed . How dare you say so, you Islamophobe! Honor Killings? Not a Muslim thing - no reform needed. How dare you say so, you Islamophobe! Acid attacks? Not a Muslim thing - no reform needed. How dare you say so, you Islamophobe! Attacking Christians and destroying churches? That's just bad press - no reform needed. How dare you say so, you Islamophobe! etc. etc. etc. So no, I'm just not blind to the bad, nor do I make excuses for it. For someone who personally knows a billion Muslims and has been authorized to speak for them all, you sure seem uninformed as to what the religion is doing.
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