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Everything posted by Boges

  1. There is only one taxpayer.
  2. It's not very interesting at all. I like football and I will try again to watch some Argo games this year but I find it very difficult to love the league. The rules are quirky, the goalposts are in the front of the endzone, the Rouge is a ridiculous way to score points, and the fact that there are only 8 teams makes an 18-game season way to long. There I said it.
  3. It certainly is and the fact the 905 region went to strongly Tory in the May Federal election you'd think it would go Tory in the provincial election. Other than many of the downtown 416 ridings and Guelph all Central Ontario went blue.
  4. As a Noob I'll jump in on this debate a few months late. In the US Netflix is far more appealing. But so are other methods to obtain content. For example Xbox Live offers ESPN, we don't get that in Canada. I don't think the CRTC will ever allow it. There are two reasons I will never give up my cable for Netflix or supplemental internet streaming sites. (justin.tv for example) First, I actually like watching sports, especially during the football season. You can try and watch live sports on justin.tv but the quality is putrid. Plus other specialty channels like NatGeo, the Military Channel, G4TV, History etc, all provide great content you can't really get online. Second, The Movie Network is much better, especially if you have a DVR. You get all the premium US TV shows from HBO, Showtime and Starz in one subscription. They release at least 2 big ticket movies twice a week and they are also in really good High Definition, I'd argue it's almost in 1080p. Most of the content is also available onDemand (granted my cable provider doesn't offer onDemand content in HD) The cost is $20/month. All that and I don't have to worry about bandwidth usage. If there is a movie I do want to watch and I don't have the ability to watch it. I can always teef it using a bittorrent, but I don't make a habit of that :-D
  5. See the problem is that Dalton has increased spending by 70%. The civil service has to be attacked. The teachers, the nurses, the pencil pushers that only renew your license stickers, something has to give. The taxes have to stay in place to just keep the status quo. I'm encouraged by what the Harper government has done actually in regards to the postal workers. I think there is an appetite for change regarding entitled civil servants. BTW I was only a naive teen for much of his reign. WTF was wrong with Mike Harris?
  6. Well the scale of the king and detail have certainly been grand. That castle in the Eyrie was fantastic. The whole treatment of the Dothraki storyline was great. There has only really been one battle at this point of the show and that was treated fairly well. It was just a decoy so why should the creators have wasted money and valuable airtime showing every detail of a battle. We found out what happened very quickly afterwards. Now if all battles, from now on, are treated that way, then I'd have a problem.
  7. I cannot believe the price of hydro and gasoline have not come up here has the #1 reason Daddy Dalton will get pwnt in October. How can anyone defend the Samsung deal? How can anyone defend the fact that people invested 10's of thousands of dollars to equip their homes with solar panels only to find out that the government won't be buying the power created. How can anyone defend this "Green Energy Benefit" which is basically an artificial reduction in the price of your bill in-order to buy votes? He borrowed the money! Also the fact that the HST is a tax, on top of a tax, on top of a tax on gasoline. It's offensive. And finally the bold face lie about the power plant in Oakville. It was said that the plant wasn't needed after stiff resistance from the affluent Liberal riding. Less than a year later plans are to build a similar plant on the boarder of Mississauga and Toronto. I thought another Natural gas plant wasn't needed? And if it wasn't needed, why the eff is our hydro rates supposed to go up in the double digits in the coming years. Dalton is a lying scumbag!
  8. They are way to far a part to bargain. The pension is unsustainable and that appears to be the #1 issue. A 11% pay raise for an industry that's slowly going extinct is unreasonable. Oh BTW when I returned home from work yesterday I found a fistful of flyers underneath my mailbox. Clearly the makers of these things have found a way around the Postal strike.
  9. It's actually quite ironic. The same people who would find this comment horrifying would be the same people that would walk during the recent "slut walks" I'm sure.
  10. After skimming this thread I have to say. . . Lot's of you guise are prudes. So what if there are some boobies in Game of Thrones? Have you seen Spartacus? It's broadcast on the same network in Canada. And to the time of day it's broadcast, that's irrelevant. It's a subscription service. Anyone who has TMN probably has access to TMN onDemand. Anytime of day you can access these shows. The Violence and Sexual content is actually pretty tame if you ask me. Any show on HBO has this though. Boardwalk Empire is a perfect example. About the show, I love it! I never read the books but all the character dynamics are great. You care about Daenerys Targaryen, Rob Stark, and Jon Snow. You despise the Lannisters, well all except Tyrion.
  11. Yes, yes it would appear he is going after the Unions. Especially if they can legislate a settlement. It's actually pretty LOL that the government's settlement is lower than CP's last offer.
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