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Everything posted by Boges

  1. The paradox of saying that post secondary education is a net benefit to society and the individual yet saying that making the student pay for the education will burden them with debt hasn't really been addressed by anyone. If the education is a net benefit to the student, then students should feel no problem paying the price. Of course we all know many students are getting an education that gives them no tangible advantage in the working world.
  2. No shit. Now is it all due to that tax or could Toronto do without it considering the size of the surplus. It's a rather punitive tax to people trying to purchase increasingly expensive houses in Toronto.
  3. http://www.thestar.com/entertainment/article/1170606--cbc-not-renewing-jeopardy-wheel-of-fortune Cuz nothing says Can Con like American Game Shows.
  4. Those surpluses assume a booming real estate market. You can't budget assuming you'll be bailed out by real estate. That's sort of how the meltdown in 2008 got started.
  5. Someone should be able to enjoy the show equally without reading the books. The show has made many, my wife included, start reading the books so now they know what's supposed to happen. She still loves the show but doesn't always like the adaptation. For example the scenes with Arya condense multiple Arya chapters into like 2 minutes of content. The skip over a lot of stuff but end up in the same place. I'd say that's a strength of the show. Apparently Stannis and that witch never get busy in the book, but to make the show more visual they include a scene with them having sex. I say including that scene makes the connection between the characters stronger. I've also been told they never actually say Renly is gay in the book. Not sure what including that feature ads to the story, but whatever.
  6. You know it's different. The Fed didn't announce a 10% reduction in Sun News' grants in the budget. The money, above and beyond the money that's available to every broadcaster, the CBC receives goes to fulfilling a mandate. CBC News isn't something that contributes to fulfilling that mandate. It shouldn't get any of the public money that goes towards CBC's goal to ensure Canada's culture, whatever that means. So the fact that the CBC cancelled a Newsworld show, following a budget cut from the Fed, means that they are using Federal money for a cable channel that competes with other 24-hour news channels. I don't think that's right.
  7. Well BD, you must have been happy that everyone's favourite busty northerner was left out of last night's episode. There was another scene in season one where they had her talking to Pycelle where he said "The thing about Kings". She was irrelevant to that scene but yeah we got to see boobies. So effin' what?
  8. The Arya story proves again to be the most compelling thread of this show. Now she's got an ally that will kill people for her and she has access to Tywin Lannister. Very interesting. Qarth is a very nice place, why is Hot Blonde Khalesi so eager to leave? Wait till her dragons look more dangerous than an iguana before she goes back to Westeros. Anyone else think Theon has turned into a pretty pathetic character? Unlike shows like Spartacus. This show can be very compelling without violence and sex. The only violence in the episode happened in the first scene but yet I found myself entertained the entire hour.
  9. As opposed to living in higher employment parts of Ontario? I highly doubt that.
  10. Liz Witmer won that riding by 4,000+ votes and McGuinty is very popular in Southwestern Ontario right now because of OLG policy.
  11. Well the students are the ones losing out. Are you telling me that every potential in student in Quebec will refuse to pay the hike next year? Or is this a picket line situation. Well if they allow protestors in their midst to vandalize their message will be lost in the outrage of citizens getting their stuff ruined.
  12. The only team left in the Eastern Conference I don't loath is the Washington Capitals.
  13. Well if they made it free then the poor students wouldn't feel the need to work as hard then. Wasn't it said earlier in the thread that these increases aren't going to apply to students from low-income families.
  14. What are the potential and/or likely earnings of someone with a Visual Arts Degree, Communications Degree, English Literature Degree, Philosophy Degree or my favourite, The Poly Sci Degree. BoA's are actually becoming increasingly useless. If Post-Secondary education was a guarantee of future affluence then the tuition should be considered an investment.
  15. http://www.thestar.com/news/canada/politics/article/1168871--forum-research-poll-puts-ndp-ahead-of-the-conservatives?bn=1 I'm not terribly worried about this because the Liberals are at 22%. I don't see the NDP going against the CPC head to head in Ontario and winning.
  16. So only women can debate the issue then? So you should tell men that support a woman's right to choose to stfu. But you should also entertain a debate with other women who have reservations about abortion. Only logical right?
  17. That's another debate where the people on one end won't entertain the idea of altering our unsustainable healthcare system.
  18. That would call for legislation to restrict abortion in some ways. It opens a pandora's box. Why then can't we restrict late term abortions or abortions of children that have disabilities. Which are things I support, but it illustrates that the abortion issue isn't black or white as people on the opposite ends of the issue would like to think. There is room for debate about it.
  19. Maybe not in our Anglo-Saxon enlightened world. But as the doors of this country are opened to people that don't have the same values as we do, you can definitely see it happening. Isn't there a shortage of women in China because the parents there only want men?
  20. We have seen in the past that people on the left will compromise their views on women's rights if they come in direct conflict with their quest for multiculturalism. That baby girl isn't real anyway. I guess if you just don't want the baby because it'd ruin your social live it's cool, but is it cool if you want a baby but just not a girl. The other question is the issue of mental retardation. It can be detected if a child has Down's Syndrome before birth. Is it ethical to abort the fetus then if you want a child but just not . . . that child. Because once the child is born the same people that fight for the right of him/her to be killed will fight for public funding to go for special treatment for the child. It's always an interesting paradox.
  21. Yeah it was said earlier in the thread that these increases won't affect low income students who have to take out loans. The people that are rioting are privileged youth that just don't want to pay for their education I'd imagine. If education is free then I predict people will go just cuz. And we see that many students are getting degrees that get them no closer to being gainfully employed than just starting work after high school. Anyone who has HBO should watch the new series Girls. It illustrates how post-secondary education really doesn't go as far as it has in the past.
  22. I've heard that after these hikes that Quebec will still have the lowest tuition rates in the country.
  23. A 12-year-old kid brought a loaded hand gun to school recently in Toronto. So. . . I guess so.
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