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Everything posted by WestCanMan

  1. It's also correct to say that the virus's path directly from China to the US was blocked by some kind of a genius who was way ahead of the 'science' at the time (if you can call what comes out of the WHO 'science'). While the PM of Canada was calling common sense racist, the POTUS was taking prudent & decisive action to protect his country. That's why Canada, with our tiny population, was in the top ten for covid deaths at the beginning of the outbreak. Or maybe it's because of a plane full of sick armed forces personnel that came back home from the world military games in China and weren't quarantined, or tested: https://www.rebelnews.com/covid_coverup_trudeau_govt_helped_china_hide_origins_of_covid_19 Weird that nothing is said about this. Either it was a huge lie and Rebel News should be obliterated (maybe they're QAnon North, eh?) or it's a story that deserved coverage.
  2. Trump was far more interested in peace in the ME than the Demonrats, and that's an undisputed fact. It's news to you apparently, because you're the one who used the term. FYI islamists aren't "pro-Palestinian", because if they gave a f about the Palestinians then they wouldn't be forcing them to live in squalor just so that they could use them to fear/hate monger against Israel. Again, the ME situation is far beyond your ken. Just nod your head and dodge the subject. No, it's actually not the same thing at all, because islamists are bigots and terrorists/sympathizers by definition (see below) and it's just your own idiotic opinion that Republicans have sinister motives against families. It's not even an idiotic talking point of leftists that GOPers are anti-family, almost everyone in NA would admit that it's quite the opposite. You're on an island with that lame duck opinion. By and large, racists aren't smart enough to realize that the party that harms black men and strips black children of a fair chance to succeed in polite society is the Demonrats. The Dems are alone in pushing the false narrative that police kill black people for no reason and that no one will hire black people because of the white bogeyman, and that narrative is the exact opposite of what you'd want a little black kid to hear if you cared about them. Would Tony Robbins tell them that? "Hey kids, the cops just wanna kill ya and no one will hire you anyways if you get you get good grades in school. You wanna fight tha powa when y'all grow up. If you want lotsa money, you gotta join a gang." Hell no. Life coaches do the EXACT opposite of that. They lie in the positive: "You can do anything you really believe in Mr President! You can eat that porridge all by yourself!" If you care about any 'coloured' kids then you'll tell them to disregard the fear mongers' narratives and to excel in school and trust police, period. The leading killers of black men are other black men and Democrat narratives, not necessarily in that order.
  3. I never got caught lying at all beave. He asked for a favour regarding crowdstrike, and crowdstrike had nothing at all to do with Biden. When you talk about the call you always lie about what Trump actually asked a favour for, it's part of the leftist dogma. Trump never even breathed a word about the Bidens when he asked for that favour. Zelensky himself spoke after Trump asked for a favour, and Z's the one who broached the topic of 'ongoing investigations', not Trump. Everything that Trump said about Biden's bragging and the investigation into Burisma was 100% accurate and appropriate. I know that you feel like Trump should only say and do things that you approve of, but in all honesty, we both know that you're not an 'ideas' person.
  4. Just grow up and admit that you were wrong ffs. You touted this as an 'early education' issue and it's nothing like that, at all. You either got sucked in or you're lying again, but kindergarten prep school isn't early education, it's NOT NECESSARY and there's a very good argument to be made that it's detrimental. If you don't understand that I am neither surprised nor concerned. You're just gonna have to go through life like that. And FYI, adults can read books or watch youtube videos about early literacy if they want to. Your snotty little argument is complete lunacy, and whether or not the crap got pushed through under a previous administration is a moot point. Pre-covid budgets and post-covid budgets are bound to look quite different. If you had a family you'd understand that sometimes the budget changes.
  5. Vaccinations are Trump's success, they have nothing to do with Biden. The reason why Biden will be gone from the WH is his declining mental condition. He lost the ability to string together paragraphs a while ago, now he can't finish sentences or answer basic questions. He has people around him who are ecstatic to take the reins for him and make the daily presidential decisions, but he won't even be able to act the part of 'frontman' for much longer.
  6. Just get used to saying President Harris. It's just a matter of months, if not weeks.
  7. "Some of which are under investigation" Well played Aristedes. Governor Cuovid says
  8. TRUMP SAVED THE DAY! Covid had to get into the US through the back door because Trump shut down the mainline from China. Thanks for the heads-up.
  9. If you plotted inauguration day on that map you could see where Biden's pure heart just made all the difference in the world.
  10. Don't cry and play feminist just to deflect attention away from the stupidity of your comment. You're acting like this is an 'early education' issue but it's actually a 'prep school for kindergarten' issue. They'd just be learning to sit criss cross applesauce on cue and to keep their boogers to themselves. If you want to give your kids a head start then the onus is on you to pay the money and send them to a drone factory like Montessori where they're not allowed to laugh or kick a ball. If you don't have the money because you suck then your kids don't get government money. Too bad. Here's a heads-up for if you ever have kids: when they are so young that they still say 'mommy' they need to be with their mommies. Kindergarten is early enough to start sending your kids into the curriculum.
  11. Hey dumbfuck, your quote still doesn't say anything even remotely close to what you said it does. Go read your idiotic quote and compare it to what you bolded there.
  12. Abject stupidity, thy name is leftist. WTF kind of sense do the words "early education" make in that bolded (lol) heading Beave? (Honestly, bolding that was like bolding "3 = 3 = 87,000") Do you think that Kindergarten prep school qualifies as "early education"? Do you think that they're taking a sandbox calculus course there, or do you think that Kindergarten is actually the prep course for Gr 1? Leftist snob: "My kid is going to a prep school to get ready for his prep school. My nannies have been prepping him for it since he was 2. At least I think they were, I don't speak Mexicanese. Actually, I don't even understand my own kid. Is there a prep school for ESL as well?" Look on the bright side, if the Kindergarten prep school doesn't get funding, it's saving the toddlers from hearing about Dr Seuss from subversives
  13. An example of a moron is someone who puts patients who are known to be C19-positive into care homes when they have non-murderous options available to them, or someone who thinks that action was smart or reasonable. Oops, sorry. Did that get you right between the eyes? Not my fault. Truth hurts. Cuomo drove the covid bus like Carradine drove that gatormobile, only he actually went right through the middle of the raisin ranch instead of targeting the hospital staff. Classic movie. Deserves a remake.
  14. Bottom line, nothing that you said there was insightful, intelligent, accurate or worthwhile. TBH there's nothing wrong with being pro-Palestinian, the situation in the ME is not good and children in Palestine live in crisis. It's an abomination. The reason for that isn't what you think it is though , and if your reading comprehension is so poor that you can't understand what Trump and Zelenski talked about after six whole months then I will never be able to help you achieve even a rudimentary understanding of the Arab-Israeli situation. Side note: there's really no such thing as a 'pro-Palestinian islamist' for reasons that are almost certainly over your head; briefly, the words pro-Palestinian imply an altruistic intent, while 'islamist' has the exact opposite connotation.
  15. You're just a straight up liar. What you said there is 100% false. https://www.politico.com/story/2019/09/25/trump-ukraine-phone-call-transcript-text-pdf-1510770 https://www.cnn.com/2019/09/25/politics/donald-trump-ukraine-transcript-call Crowdstrike is not about Biden AT ALL. Crowdstrike is bout Russian collusion, PERIOD!! Trump said nothing at all like what you said in your post. AT THIS LATE STAGE IN THE GAME STUPIDITY AND IGNORANCE IS NO EXCUSE BECAUSE EVEN YOUR OWN LEFTIST SITES HAVE THE TRUTH IN BLACK AND WHITE. Unless your IQ is zero, you are a total liar.
  16. Dems official stance: "Defund your police, and you can't build a wall at the border because walls are racist. Also, we want a police-state at the capitol with no less than 25,000 heavily armed soldiers because of 90 minutes of 100 and some-odd unarmed rioters, and WE WANT A WALL! Also, conservatives are terrorists, and you're a bigot of you say otherwise." Dem stupidity is way off the charts now. Their IQ bell curve looks like the Washington Monument between zero and 3.
  17. The "armed insurrection" was officially unarmed. https://www.theepochtimes.com/fbi-counterterrorism-official-no-firearms-recovered-during-jan-6-capitol-breach_3719267.html?utm_source=newsnoe&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=breaking-2021-03-03-3 But hey, let's keep those fences up around Capitol Hill and keep a fe thousand National Guard members on patrol there lol. The Dems are such a bunch of God damned fascists it's incredible. I never thought that I'd live to see the day when such an authoritarian regime ruled over the United States.
  18. Biden is like a little puppy rolling around on his back when Xi, Putin etc come calling. Trudeau is everybody's bitch. Leftists love it.
  19. Nike is hugely into pontificating as well, they're just as bad as LeBron. I boycotted Nike a long time ago FWIW. I just don't get how people can fistpump with LeBron over G Floyd's death and then ignore genocide. Leftists are like that. They didn't want to acknowledge islamic state's genocide either. "WE REALLY CARE ABOUT ABOUT RANDOM SHIT! We don't care so much about genocide." - the left.
  20. As if no one was sick of Obama after his first 4 years. I didn't think of him as a weasel until 2014 but I was sick of him by the 2012 election. He's... like the black, version.... of.... William Shatner. "I pause, Therefor I am." - Barack "Shatner" Obama
  21. Because LeBron is the one who puts himself above his sport, and he pontificates to the world as if he's the enlightened one and the one true champion of justice. Then he cashes proceeds-of-slavery cheques from Nike. It's like a family guy skit on steroids. Lol. And because of that.
  22. Are you serious? "I hope I, uh, I want this sentence to not word soup uh, BECAUSE OF THE PREVIOUS ADMINISTRATION!! C'mon man!?!" - Joe Biden, to himself, daily.
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