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Everything posted by WestCanMan

  1. You were talking about anti-Semitism, then you used the fact that a woman was a Trump supporter as evidence of something. You called her "a crackpot Trump supporter". What does support for Trump have to do with anti-Semitism? FYI you don't get to turn GOP support for Israel into something evil just to suit your own fantasies.
  2. You talk about that like it's a thing. Do you have some cites? Does it upset you that Trump did the things that he promised to do when he was running for president? Was Trump the guy who signed 28 executive orders in his first month? (Nope, 12, Biden signed 28) Was Trump the guy who used the vast power of the oval office for super-important things like allowing trans ex-men to smack women around in sports? Nope. Dang, that was a really good one by Biden. Now Giuliani can fight Pelosi if he just tucks in his junk.
  3. Dang, I knew that times suddenly got really tough for Putin when Obama left the WH but I didn't know that he couldn't even afford to make long distance calls anymore. Kids with a newspaper route can afford to do that for Pete's sake. I guess that Putin already blew the money that he got from Obama's side-deal. You know, the one that Obama got caught talking to Medvedev about when he thought his mic was off. Anyhooo... now that Biden is POTUS, Putin can get back to annexing land from other sovereign nations again. Good times.
  4. Hillary was just recently bemoaning the fact that she conceded the election too early and she publicly advised Biden not to make the same mistake.
  5. Whatever. You still act like the collusion investigation wasn't just a witch hunt, and that somehow it proved something aside from the fact that the FBI is 'murican for KGB.
  6. Trump will be ~78 at the start of the 2024 presidency, turning 82 when it ends. Too old imo. Jim Johnson is the first person that springs to mind for me.
  7. If they were crackpot claims then they'd be right up your alley. You still cling to the claim that Trump is guilty of Russian collusion and..... THE 2016 ELECTION WAS STOLEN!!!!!!!
  8. M Brown was a gentle giant according to CNN & the Dems. Didn't you find enough evidence of that in the 2.3M hits? Do you think that Don Lemon or Chris Cuomo CNN would let Trump be called a gentle giant without freaking out?
  9. When do the national guardsmen get to go home? Has everyone stopped paying attention to the fear mongering yet?
  10. BCSapper doesn't know who the Gentle Giant was and yet he's trying to weigh in on the topic. A quick google search of "michael brown was a gentle giant" pulled up 2.3M results in .3 seconds. @ Petros, here's what you refer to as 'one of the most respected news channels in the western world' lol: https://www.ctvnews.ca/world/michael-brown-remembered-as-gentle-giant-at-funeral-1.1974411 Here are a couple of old AC 360 shows from around the time M Brown was shot. https://archive.org/details/CNNW_20140816_000000_Anderson_Cooper_360/start/180/end/240 Here's cnn, Aug 15 2014, showing some of the video, saying that they know that Brown died only ten minutes after the robbery, so they knew he wasn't a gentle giant at that point, later they lie and say that the shooting was a few hours later, but in general, they keep coming back to the opinion that releasing the video was just hateful 'victim blaming'. Brown should never have been shot because he was unarmed, never mind the fact that he tried to wrestle the cop's gun away and two shots were fired while Brown was at the car. "The person who executed their child in broad daylight" https://archive.org/details/CNNW_20140820_000000_Anderson_Cooper_360/start/1140/end/1200 and all the talk at the end about how black men are trampled by society, blah, blah, blah. Michael Brown's shooting had nothing to do with what anyone else did, M Brown got shot because he wrestled for a cop's gun and CNN is letting people use Brown's shooting as proof that black men are targets for genocide. Lol, this Don Lemon page came up, "White men are the bigest terrorist threat in the USA" https://www.washingtonpost.com/arts-entertainment/2018/10/31/cnn-host-don-lemon-said-white-men-are-biggest-terror-threat-this-country/
  11. If you don't know who the gentle giant is then google it. I'm not here to educate you sapper.
  12. Honestly sapper, when you say "gentle giant" everyone in North America knows that you're initially referring to M Brown, and later, G Floyd. It's clear that Fox News, Breitbart, Rebel News, etc weren't calling Brown or Floyd that, because those guys weren't gentle at all, and especially not when they were being lawfully arrested - which is the only time that really matters. Floyd actually robbed a pregnant woman at gunpoint and pointed the gun at her belly ffs. It's idiotic for me to have to chase this down and show it to you, because by this point you're either up to speed with a prominent event like this or you need to bow out. I'm not educating you from square 1.
  13. I don't have time to watch CNN video right now, you'll have to wait til this evening.
  14. Where was the proof? Are you talking about sapper's quote? They merely mentioned the violence. They didn't condemn it at all. "Hitler killed some Jews." - not condemnation. "In one of history's most heinous and evil acts of bigotry, Hitler and his Nazis forced millions of innocent Jews to cruel deaths." - condemnation. I actually told the 100%, verifiable truth, as usual. You just don't have a very good understanding of the English language. This just half-justification, half facts. There's no condemnation there. It's like: "Millions of Nazis believe that the bigotry of Jews contributed to the abject poverty of Germany during the depression, after Germany was forced to pay punitive reparation payments for their role in starting WWI. There are reports that the Nazis put some Jews into concentration camps and killed them." - Everything I said was true enough, but it is just a smattering of irrelevant or minor facts and a glossing over of the crimes against Jews with no hint of condemnation. Have you not seen the Dems' support for BLM and Antifa? Bailing them out, painting their slogans, Kamala saying the protests 'should not let up', Michelle Obama saying that kids should "stay angry, focus their anger, and not let anyone tell them not be angry", Dem politicians calling their takeover of CHAZ "the Summer of Love" etc? On CNN they said things like: "Who says protests need to be peaceful?" (Chris cuomo). That's blatantly "SUPPORT". I'm 100% correct, as usual, and you're wrong again. Trump denounced the rioting 3 times while it was happening, which was just 95 minutes. He never told them to keep doing it, or bailed them out, or pardoned them. The Dems and CNN turned lawful arrests of men who attacked police into "crimes against black men" and let the "genocide against black men" narrative go unchecked. The Dems and CNN lionized BLM while they were busy editing videos to make police look bad, taking over areas of Seattle, chanting to "fry pigs like bacon", etc. The Dems even painted BLM on city streets. The CNN/Dem supporters were attacking GOP politicians in the streets, they even shot some Republicans, the Dems kept their violent rhetoric up. Your twisted version of history is a perfectly accurate representation of the CNN/Dem idiocy of the last 6 years. You drank their kool-aid and now you projectile vomit it out to the world. Pelosi and Chris Cuomo both give you a gold star.
  15. OMG that's one article sap. CNN referred to M Brown as a gentle giant for years, then they started calling G Floyd a gentle giant as well. It wasn't a lie to show his mom's quote that Brown was a gentle giant, it was a lie to propagate the myth for 6 years. I'm sure that every mom has a cute nickname for her kid. Should CNN call Jeffrey Dahmer sweety-pie and Ted Bundy cuddles?
  16. Oh grow up. You're making another baseless and idiotic accusation that wouldn't even fly in a liberal echo chamber. Trump's daughter is Jew now beave. His grandkids are jews. He was the most supportive American President that Israel ever saw. Only a total idiot would insinuate that Trump is an anti-Semite. You might wanna walk this claim because because it just makes you look like an idiot. I showed you proof positive that Obama is chummy with America's foremost anti-Semite. That pic is like if Trump was chumming with Hitler. Case closed.
  17. I have a brain, and I know that if the Dems didn't support the rioting and murders then they would have spoken out strongly against them instead of acting like it was people's civic duty to support the riots and like the carnage was insignificant.
  18. From Encyclopedia Britannica: It's a long-established fact that sending people or bodies carrying an infectious disease that's virulent enough to cause death into a place where humans live is a biological warfare attack. Cuomo had other options, he didn't need to send covid-infected patients back to care homes, so it was just a choice. And by his own words he knew that C19 would kill a lot of elderly people. If he knew that covid was so deadly that countries all over the world were locking down their airports, why did he send infected people back into care homes? It's impossible for him to not have known that they would infect a lot of people for whom covid would be deadly.
  19. You're using an awful lot of reason and logic to deal with a person who knows that he was just talking out of his arse.
  20. To say that M Brown was a gentle giant was not spin, it was a lie, just like it would be a lie if I sad that a bunch of gentle protestors peacefully entered the capitol building. The people who entered the capitol weren't shooting guns and murdering people to get in there, but they weren't gentle either, and it would be a lie to say that they were. Only a total idiot doesn't understand this. It's pretty simple. Your standards are atrociously low when you accept actual lies as mere spin.
  21. Everything that I said in that post was an absolute fact, and if you want to contradict it then you need to speak to the accusation that the Dems supported the rioting, murders, etc. Your childish insult is meaningless without the support of your worthless opinion.
  22. CNN's lying and disinformation is legendary. Only a complete fool would downplay something like "The riots are mostly peaceful" or "M Brown was a gentle giant" to 'bias'.
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