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Everything posted by angrypenguin

  1. Or they don't pay taxes or have no understanding about money.
  2. This was never about finding new information. It was about getting the aboriginal vote and for looking good. Harper himself said it was a waste of money (as per Ibbotson) to be going on an inquiry that will not tell us anything new.
  3. Interesting. Perhaps I am reading your post wrongly, and if so, I apologize, but I would disagree with your friend. Take a look here: http://www.canadianblackbook.com/cbb-awards.html Depreciation is far less for imports.
  4. We didn't prior to the LPC coming to power. We were just getting along just fine
  5. I was hoping for a reply before replying exactly with the comments you just made
  6. Deficits are created under Harper only. Trudeau will get the "cha ching" of any surpluses. Fear mongering tho - already practiced by the LPC. Oh it looks bad kids, real bad. So bad that we had no idea!
  7. What belief is behind your decision to drive domestic vehicles?
  8. NDP is made up of people who are primarily white who believe in protectionism. The CPC got a majority on 2011 largely due to the minority vote.
  9. http://www.theglobeandmail.com/globe-debate/trudeaus-diverse-cabinet-not-a-true-canadian-portrait/article27200206/ Finally, someone who has called a spade a spade. As a person who is a minority, finally the bullshit gets called out.
  10. What a load of total bullshit. A person in Canada who's on welfare gets $650 or so a month. Yeah the wealthy should pay more taxes, because you're not classified as "the wealthy" are you? As long as it doesn't affect you you're fine with how others are treated right?
  11. If the liberals really wanted to make Harper squirm they wouldn't have sent him home in a Challenger. Cite: G and M
  12. +1. Boo boo Balsillie. Go back to irrelevance.
  13. Threads like this remind me why Trumps men's rights movement is taking hold.
  14. The majority of Canadians do not want the Liberals in power.
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