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Hal 9000

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Everything posted by Hal 9000

  1. I think homosexuality is more natural than transgenderism. What's funny is that when I was very young, you knew the boys that just didn't fit, you didn't know why, but you knew there was something off. In my teens, we knew who the gay guys (and some girls) were - especially if you spent a lot of time with them in sports or clubs etc. And, despite how history is being told, we never made a big deal of it.
  2. It's all about nuclear weapons - that's all. We can talk about sanctions and overthrows or anything else you want, it doesn't matter. Iran has been actively seeking nuclear weapons for 40+ years and at every turn the USA has blocked them. Diplomacy won't help, leaving them alone won't help, a change in US government wont help, nothing will help except allowing Iran to possess nukes - and nobody wants that, not even China and Russia. I'm not saying anything new or provocative, that's the reality - the want a nukes and no amount of appeasement or diplomacy is going to change that. And, if anyone thinks the "nuclear deal" was working - think again, they were at 20% enrichment when the deal was signed, now they're saying that they're inside of a year from developing nukes. Yeah, they didn't skip a beat - probably ramped it up after securing the $150B.
  3. ^^Sometimes I wish I could be this naive.
  4. Apparently there were 80 or so americans killed. https://www.dailysabah.com/mideast/2020/01/08/iran-says-80-americans-killed-in-missile-strikes
  5. It's staggering just how many people are here siding with Iran....Iran! I know you people hate Trump, but c'mon.
  6. I said "modern butterfly". And, Roy was doing it and winning Stanley cups before anyone ever heard of Hasek. You hate Patrick Roy, I get it. I don't care much for him either, but I'm not gonna let that interfere with reality.
  7. I'm not a huge Roy fan, but lets face it, the guy was a phenomenal goalie. He invented the modern "butterfly" style. Every goalie in the last 20 years is copying his style right now. The guy almost single handedly won 2 cups for Montreal and Trembley is gonna embarrass him and leave him in a game for 9 goals against...yeah, I don't think so.
  8. ^^Exactly, I don't think he's intentionally fascist. He is like most people and just following the leftist agenda put forth by others. Just doing what he's told by the UN, and EU.
  9. It's hard to dispute a testimony that is all about opinion, feelings....and presumptions What the Reps did though was ask for facts and first hand knowledge, and none were given.
  10. Trump has been a real estate developer in New York. He has seen his share of shakedowns from building inspectors, land owners, politicians, unions and the mob to name a few. I'm sure he understands the concept of quid pro quo. I'll agree that a quid pro quo is up for interpretation, if fact, in politics they're almost implied, but a presumed quid pro quo is week at best. Sure, they might impeach, but with this testimony, it's dead in the senate. The Dems know it, they just want to use the "impeached president" "saved by a corrupt GOP" as headlines for the election. That's all we're seeing.
  11. What view would you call antiquated? Support for our troops, assimilation for immigrants? Surely not bigotry, because we see bigotry from the young left leaning liberals every day (Jess Allen). The views are the same, it's the target that is different.
  12. Well, if we all tune in and watch HNIC, then we're being complicit, we're accepting anything they put in front of us. The product is worse today than it was yesterday, plain and simple.
  13. All we can do is NOT tune in on Saturday night. The only reason I ever had the early game on, was to see Coaches Corner, now I wont bother with the late telecast either.
  14. Cherry called out all Torontonians, not just immigrants. I'm more disgusted by Ron McLeans tail between the legs apology. What a spineless weasel.
  15. Well, no nepotism is not illegal, you're exactly right. But, are you saying that because it's nepotism, that Biden Sr. helped Hunter get the job?
  16. I've seen the interviews with protesters, they don't know why they are protesting, it's just part of the progressive manual.
  17. This round of climate change hysteria has been going on for at least the last 15 years (and even then, we only had 10 years to act) and what has been done about it? A couple marches...higher taxes - sure, but has even one single per come up with a solution?
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