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Hal 9000

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Everything posted by Hal 9000

  1. Well Yeah, Can't depend on the FBI or the local police.
  2. Well then, let's reinstate "stop and frisk" policies and start jailing those who have guns.
  3. That's obviously doubtful, but the fact remains, the FBI bungled this and 17 people are dead. Remember "see something, say something". In all honesty, I have said for many years now, probably since the 80's that the US's biggest problems are the disconnect between law enforcement agencies. Here, almost everything goes through the RCMP, in the states, there are so many levels of law enforcement that some people surely fall through the cracks.
  4. Well, C'mon the FBI screwed the pooch - we all know it! So did the local police - we know that too! What are you defending...and why? Anyone who can defend the FBI on this front must have ulterior motives.
  5. I know it's popular for the left to side with the FBI these days - y'know, because of Trump, but they were called repeatedly on that guy and did nothing.
  6. We have a different culture. We deal with mental issues differently. We have the same guns, but better screening. I'm not a gun-nut, I have no restricted weapons, although I'm certified to have them. I think that simply blaming guns is way too easy, it's removing responsibility from where it belongs, and as long as we do that and nothing more, we'll be faced with this problem again. Omni and the other lefties think they'll take AR-15's away and like magic, school shootings will disappear - they wont!
  7. We all agree on that. Never has anyone ever said differently. You'll have to take that up with the police, the school and the FBI.
  8. I used 8 as an example because Omni figures that revolvers (some of which take 8 rounds) are OK, while wanting to take away semi-autos. If he thinks an 8 round revolver is good, no reason why an 8 round magazine in any gun would not be OK.
  9. Of course not, and if you had even an ounce of reading comprehension you'd know that. The gaps and weaknesses in the system go way beyond what brand of gun the guy picked up. Suppose, instead of an AR, he had a handgun and a half dozen magazines or speed loaders? Could he not have done the same thing?
  10. You have admitted that you'd allow 8 shot hand guns, yet you refuse to allow an AR-15 with an 8 shot mag. In a school setting, an 8 shot hand gun will do as much or more damage than an 8 shot AR-15. It's about "common sense gun control". You have no common sense, you are afraid of certain guns based on how scary they look, not what they can do.
  11. An Ar-15 with .223 or 5.56 is a smaller bullitt and less leathel than either the .44 magnum or the .45ACP (both revolver shells). IOW, an 8 shot .45 would do more damage than an 8 shot AR-15.
  12. Well, you'd be OK with an AR-15 if regulations only accepted an 8 round magazine, right? Besides, over 90% of murders are done with a handgun and if you'll accept a revolver (as you state you would), you'd surely accept something like a Glock 21 or Sig with an 8 round magazine - right?
  13. So, all we're talking about is number of rounds. Meaning that a 8 shot revolver is really no different than an 8 shot magazine in a semi-auto. Wouldn't you agree?
  14. Agreed, limiting magazine sizes should be on the table. As for taking away guns as Australia did, the culture is different. That's what you people don't get, it's not the guns that is the problem, it's the culture.
  15. Uhmm, yeah having 28% of school employees wanting to carry a firearm is enough to make a difference. That's 1 in 4.
  16. C'mon, did you even read my post on the last page? As long as idiots think that they're just gonna say "no guns allowed" and the world will be good, nothing will get done - nothing! You have to at least do things that are within reason.
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