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Hal 9000

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Everything posted by Hal 9000

  1. Because? Bueller....anyone, Bueller? That's right, there is nothing to redact. You know it, otherwise you'd tell us what that is.
  2. Documents that are redacted due to sensitive information are documents that were written for the intelligence community only and not intended for public viewing. When something gets released for public viewing, sometimes that document gets redacted. Now, when writing a memo specifically for the benefit of the viewing public, the author of such memo would know what details would and should be redacted - and leave those details out. What we have here is a memo written by Schiff that needs redactions. Why would someone write a memo intended for public consumption and include details that obviously need redacting? Answer, because he wanted the memo to be refused by the president. He trusted that the president wouldn't be so reckless as to release it in it's original form - a calculated gamble, but the payoff is big "what is he hiding"? Schiff was willing to gamble FBI/DOJ secrets on the president doing the right thing. For a political party so intent on helping the FBI, they sure didn't mind using them as a pawn. The reason that the Nunes memo didn't get redacted is because Nunes wanted it to be released - simple as that.
  3. I also asked why documents are redacted, doesn't matter as you were unable to answer either question.
  4. Documents are redacted so the public cant see the what is written. Pretty simple really!
  5. The question was not speculative. I know the answer, do you?
  6. I hate, hate, hate the idea that a guy is minding his own business in his own house and because some punk decides to rip him off, the guy has his life ruined. Even manslaughter is too much. I know the idea of "well, it's only fair, he did take a life", but why should that guys life be ruined? These punks created their own situation and one person paid with their life, the guy should never even had charges against him.
  7. Take away the fact that he was FN's and nobody cares one iotta for this kid and this case .
  8. So, the memo is out there, and apparently was not redacted, so...which parts should be redacted? How come you never answer questions?
  9. Well, then it should be easy to point out where the redactions in the Nunes memo should be, maybe you could help list those items. BTW - You're not going to answer my question are you? I don't blame you.
  10. BTW, you can just call me Hal. No need to add the 9000, we will know who you're referring to. Just to save you time.
  11. Because nothing in the memo exposed secretive procedure or intelligence methods or needed redacting. I don't think any of the DOJ issues with the memo were in regards to possible redactions or accuracy of events, they just didn't want the names released. Now, back to my question; why are redactions made to a document?
  12. Answer me this ?Impact, why are redactions made to a document?
  13. No, we don't know ALL the facts, the democrats are working hard to ensure that. What we do know so far, doesn't look great on behalf of the FBI.
  14. I'm referring to their terms in the political sense, but you already knew that - didn't you? Otherwise, I could just as easily say "If they are are liberals and progressives, how come they aren't progressive about drilling for more oil, how come we aren't liberally taking more resources".
  15. If it's not about the democrats, then why are they carrying water for the FBI and DOJ. This is the party that was calling the entire justice system racist not too long ago - remember. Now they think that the FBI and DOJ are about question? Really? And, as far as discrediting the FBI, I'm pretty sure that given the facts as they are today, that's already been done.
  16. Well, the Nunez memo was written to expose the theory that the FBI seaked a FISA warrant with less than solid intelligence, therefore Nunez made sure to NOT have any reason for it to held back. The democrats wrote a rebuttle in which they added info that was sure to get screened. Do you honestly think that the gov't should use the "fair is fair" and release every detail? Maybe they should, but if the democrats really wanted it released without redactions, they would've wrote it in a way that didn't need redactions - they are smarter than that, they know what they're doing. You're being manipulated.
  17. What no one seems to be asking is this; Why, all of the sudden are the democrats and MSM fighting the FBI and DOJ's battles for them?
  18. The problem is right there in the names, it's not really a secret. By virtue of their name, "conservatives" conserve, they want thing to remain the same or move at a manageable pace, move organically in what society needs. Liberalism and progressiveness are names and movements that must maintain a certain momentum...and always left. Every liberal/progressive is more radical than the liberals before them. A liberal or progressive can't stop otherwise they become conservatives.
  19. And, Schumer giving the obligatory "what are they hiding" was even more fat to chew for the MSM. It's so transparent, that it's embarrassing.
  20. Do you think choosing a cabinet by means of affirmative action is a small thing. Choosing our ministers based on their visible identity group is a sure path to divisiveness.
  22. What it means is that the Dems set this up to play the victim role and imply that Trump is hiding something. It is and was predicted - right down to Schumers exact words. They made it impossible to be released without redactions. Only a fool doesn't see the manipulation. The DOJ will work with the democrats to release something more honest.
  23. This looks like a clear case of Canadian collusion. On a side note, I could watch pre-election newscasts all day.
  24. That's quite possibly the scenario. Predictably, It worked better than showing disdain for the people.
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