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Hal 9000

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Everything posted by Hal 9000

  1. And now we know the answer as to why she took a polygraph, it was because she (as a psychologist) knew she could manipulate it.
  2. The left don't understand pride or honour, that's why they don't understand Judge Kavanaugh's outrage. He has worked 40 years and earned the A++ reputation he has, and the POS's on the left write it off as white entitlement. I'd be furious too.
  3. It's a case of privilege, she knows that in the #metoo movement, all it takes is an allegation. And if she is found out 100%, there will still be people who support her. There is no downside to a false allegation, just look at Swetnick, she'll always have believes, no matter how ridiculous and destructive her claims. If worse comes to worse, she'll just go away empty handed, no big deal. It's about privilege...absolute power....etc. And women have it.
  4. I agree completely, she made sure that she said nothing concrete - and for those exact reasons you listed. My only point is that she may have been relaying an actual incident that at some time, some place may have happened. She can tell a whole emotional story of a real event and simply swap the name for Kavanaugh.
  5. She is an operative, and I wont bend over backwards to say it. She was gonna save the country, save Roe V Wade and be a hero - and make millions in the process. I knew that when I heard that she erased her social media pages.
  6. Well, she's obviously an operative, I'm somewhat giving the benefit of doubt on an incident though.
  7. Very good summary, thanks! I think the lawyer did better than she's given credit for. I wonder what else would've come out had she unlimited time. It sounds to me like an event did happen to her, but likely happened in college...and nothing to do with Kavanaugh.
  8. This whole spectacle is a microcosm of what the Dems/media are doing to Trump - Bogus charges, media slander, FBI investigation, character assassination, changing goalposts, try to get target under oath, change course and impeach over something silly and unrelated. Right now, the dems are more concerned with proving a Kavanaugh lie than anything else - guaranteed. This should be an indicator of what the Mueller team would do if if they ever had Trump under oath. The difference here is that due to the bogus charges being filed on behalf a person rather than an idea or event, a hearing had to be held.
  9. BTW - For all you trying to keep up with the FBI, what they can find and what they'll report - doesn't matter. While the media is discussing the scope of the investigation, the dem's slight of hand has already happened. The dems knew very quickly that they would never prove him guilty of sexual assault, not with Ford's poor evidence. Kavanaugh was never fighting a sexual assault case, he was fighting a case of excessive drinking. If they could prove that he drank to excess, the dems could claim that he did it, but didn't remember. Kavanaugh's only defence is to say as a youngster he never drank to blackout status. And, that's also why they need Mark Judge (an alcoholic) to testify...to show "guilt by association'. They asked continually about passing out and he responded with "he never blacked out". Ford has done her job, she is passe', I guarantee the dems are scouring for evidence or photos of a passed out Kavanaugh for the inevitable perjury charge.
  10. ^I think by "best friend", the reference is to this Leland Keyser person that was supposedly at the alleged gathering where the assault was claimed to have happened. Ms. Keyser has stated that she didn't know Kavanaugh and has never been at any gathering with him.
  11. They were both deceptive in their testimonies. He was covering up just how much they partied back in the day, reason being, if the dems can prove that he drinks to excess, it's a short bridge to believe that he's guilty.
  12. Of course they wont like the timeline. It's always been about time. The problem with giving it to the FBI is losing control of the timeline. They asked for an investigation, they were always going to push off any time limit.
  13. The Dems did alright, they were pretty close to proving that a college kids drink too much.
  14. I guess! I've never considered him a troll, but maybe you're right.
  15. So, Ford didn't know how to contact anyone about the charges, didn't know how to find a lawyer, didn't know anything about paying for polygraph...or even her lawyers fees, doesn't know anything about gofundme, doesn't know if she showed letter to newspaper...and so much more. She looked like Bambi out there, one would have a hard time believing that she's a doctor of pshychology and university professor.
  16. All we really learned was that Kavanaugh was a light weight frat boy.
  17. Yes, Ford was credible, she may have done her job. That said, for someone who is a psychologist/professor she actually looked and acted different at different times. The naive bumbling demeanour, and confusion that seemed to come and go looked a little put on. She sat straight, wrote notes, nodded her head, looked around, yet as soon as she was asked a question from Mitchell, the chin comes in, tilts her head - looking over her glasses, eyes dart around and voice changes...she starts talking like a little girl. I think she did go through something at some point that she was referencing, whether that involves Kavanaugh is still in question. One thing I did notice is that she seemed more agitated with Mark Judge, than Kavanaugh. Makes me wonder if the story is true, but with the Kavanaugh/Judge roles reversed.
  18. Yeah, as I said earlier, Avenatti has gone rogue. The only real question is whether the dems were really on board with him or whether the had to join in. Either way, it's way too much of an overreach...even for the dems. They would've been better sticking with only Ford, now they look really stupid. I wouldn't be surprised if a couple dems actually voted in favor Kavanaugh.
  19. And what happens to the accusers 6 months down the road, when all the accusations turn out false?
  20. The rush to process is what this is about - and from both sides. There is not one person with an IQ over 70 who doesn't know that this is about the midterms. Yes, there is a time limit. The republicans have to get this through and the Dems are trying to stall. Please don't pretend that the Repubs are afraid of anything being "found out", or that the Dems are fighting for truth and justice - it's so naive. The right knows this is a just a hit job and the dems don't care about the accusers - plain and simple. Midterms! Midterms! Midterms!
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